Escape 7

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Y/N POV: We all stood there in shock for a little while, if what Rantaro said was true and he really was going to end the killing game, it only really could go two different ways, one is either it does end up working and we all get to escape without any further consequences or two is that Rantaro ends up failing in his attempt to end the killing game and all of us die for that mistake. The last one is only the worst-case scenario and also just so happens to be the most likely to happen. I usually don't like thinking about the worst case scenarios but when you yourself is trying to craft a plan to escape the killing game with everyone you also cannot neglect the scenarios that you hope doesn't happen just for your own comfort. "Ending this that even possible?" Kirumi asked, breathing life into my thoughts. "I suspect he only said that to defuse the situation and stop Ryoma. I mean, ending this game...?" Korekiyo said all too suddenly. I almost jumped when I heard Korekiyo speak. 

I was still flustered from my earlier speech so I made a note to keep my head down and just to wait for the conversations from everyone to end. And I know that I had met everyone and everyone at least seemed as if they didn't detest me all too much but I guess I felt more closer to Korekiyo than anyone else, of course it wasn't by a lot considering the fact that I had only met him a few days ago but for some odd reason I felt almost like I had to keep close to Korekiyo. 

Korekiyo was an interesting person maybe that's why I felt so eager to talk to him and keep close to him. Maybe I'm just being annoying, maybe that's it. I sighed as I proceeded to bite my tongue and walk next to Korekiyo, Korekiyo looked my way for a second before looking back to everyone else. I heard Angie talk for a little while, something about Rantaro's talent, Rantaro's talent is maybe always going to remain a mystery, perhaps when his ultimate lab gets revealed is maybe when his talent will get shown, but that may take a little while just judging by how slowly the labs are getting revealed. Heck, even my ultimate lab is taking a while to get shown to me, all you really have to do to make a librarian's dream is just to show an organized library, there's really not much else to it. 

I soon saw everyone leave the dining hall with the exception of Angie, Kirumi, and Kaede. I saw Korekiyo begin to walk as well, it seems like he had intention to leave without anyone trailing  behind him, but let that dream go to waste as he turned around only to see me in tow behind him. I heard him chuckle out his signature laugh as I saw him stop walking. "You seem to have already grown quite attached to me if you are already walking behind me like this, Y/N." Korekiyo said as I saw his mask rise indicating to me that he was smiling. His covered smile proved contagious as I felt the corners of my mouth rise slightly. I felt myself become lost as I felt my mouth almost begin to form itself into a smile itself. "Or, perhaps. You are planning to kill me?" Korekiyo questioned making my half-smile return to it's usual scared look. "D-Don't get the wrong idea Mr Korekiyo. I can't see myself killing anyone any time soon." I said as I walked next to Korekiyo as we both began to walk to somewhere, may it not matter to me.

Korekiyo didn't have a fazed look by that statement. "There are no need to formalities, Y/N. We are all friends here please just call me Kiyo." Korekiyo said. I felt my face heat up, what was I supposed to say to that? No one has ever considered me as a person let alone a friend with the exception of my sister. "U-Uhm, a-are you sure?" I asked, I need to make sure he wasn't messing with me. Although I don't think I would mind getting made fun of by someone like Korekiyo, if I had to be a punching bag for someone I care about even a little then let it happen. "Yes, I am quite sure." Korekiyo- I mean Kiyo said. Why did he have to be like this? I'm not used to this level of respect from another human before, it almost seemed other worldly in some kind of way, kind of too good to be true type of thing. Was I dreaming right now? Did I really just make a friend in a killing game? "W-Well um, Kiyo. Can I spend my free time with you again?" I asked Kiyo as I squeezed my hand so I could try to contain my excitement from knowing that I had made a kind, potential friend. She's going to be so proud of me.

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