Investigation 1

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A/N: F in the chat for Rantaro, also F in the chat for my anxiety cause I finished all my tests and have a good 90% chance of failing.

Y/N POV: I stood in the same spot as I felt my entire body turn to stone, this wasn't supposed to happen. Just a few hours ago I saw Rantaro alive and healthy, he even told everyone himself that he was going to end the killing game. So, how was he dead right in front of me? We didn't even get to talk all that much. Soon upon my entry, I heard Tsumugi scream throughout the library, I normally wouldn't let such disrespectful actions in here but I'll accept it this one time.

"Rantaro!? But...why!?" Kiibo yelled as his face sweat dropped. "Hrk...! Th-That's Rantaro? Oh, thank god! I thought it was a pile of dirty rags!" Miu yelled. Everyone at this point was yelling. I felt my breathing speed up as I felt my guts being churned at the sight of Rantaro's dead body. It was so...disgusting.

I hated looking at his blood on the floor. I hate this killing game. Is this how quickly people can die here? "I see... So this ended up happening after all., my. What a world this is, so full of jokes like this." Kiyo trailed off slightly. He was so calm, I guess in some way he was almost prepared for this to happen. "Wh-What...?  This is a lie, right? My dearest Rantaro is dea- Oh, I mean...was kiiiiiiiiiiiiiilled!!!" Kokichi screamed out making my ears ring. Why won't everyone just shut up? This is a library, this is supposed to be my safe place. Why does everything have to be ruined by them? By everyone. 

"That's the same thing!" Kaede yelled."Hmph... How ironic. The guy who wanted to live ended up dead...and the guy who wanted to die survived." Ryoma said in his usual monotone voice. He sounded overly calm also. "So...can somebody explain the meaning of all this?" Kirumi asked as her face darkening a little.

My brain began to hurt a little as the aftereffects of having my ears ringing started to take place. I heard Monokuma pop out of nowhere yet again. Or maybe he was here the entire time and I just didn't notice. Either way, he stepped up to take control of the conversation. "Nah, an explanation isn't necessary. Thanks to the first blood perk, there won't be a class trial, so that'd just be a waste of time. With that said...if you're the blackened who killed Rantaro, raise your hand!" Monokuma yelled out to which was his attempt to pump us all up which proved rather unsuccessful. "The one who...killed Rantaro?" Tsumugi questioned as her face sweat dropped, she proved to be rather nervous for no reason, she shouldn't be worried if she didn't do it, right?

"I knew it! A degenerate male killed Rantaro, didn't he!?" Tenko yelled as she pointed toward all the males in the room apart from me. "How you know boy do it!?" Gonta yelled. 'Because Tenko is judgmental, that's why.' 

"I just know, okay!? Violent crimes are almost always committed by violent, disgusting men!" Tenko yelled in a defensive stance. "Tenko, just q-quit it, you're one of the most violent people here." I argued back. I may not know my place but I should at least know when to speak up properly. Tenko looked back at me with a shocked face, she probably didn't expect me to defend the very thing she hates the most. "Tch... That dumbass! How dare he go and get himself killed! Who the hell did it!? I'll friggin' punch you into orbit!" Kaito yelled with an extremely scary look on his face. 

"Puhuhu... Don't get so angry. Send off your graduating classmate with warm farewells!" Monokuma cheered in excitement and sadistic glee. 

I heard the Monokubs show up with their signature catchphrase. "Or send 'em off with hostility like a bunch of catty popular girls! That's fine, too!" Monosuke yelled "But if it's gonna disrupt the process, then we're gonna bust out the Exisals!" Monotaro warned "Ughhh... I'm not gonna look...I don't wanna look at a nasty, dead body..." Monophanie trailed off. "Slurrrp! Nothing beats crashing a funeral! It's way better than a wedding crashing! I'll throw in a wedding every now and then, but funerals are insane! Like fishin' with dynamite." Monokid yelled much to my dismay. "So whoever did this really gets to graduate, huh?" Monosuke said, driving the conversation in the right direction compared to the one it was heading to beforehand. "Heck yeah! I'm a real stickler for the rules! I'm also tough on convenience store clerks!" Monokuma said happily despite the dark situation. "Then congratulations! Would the blackened who's about to graduate please raise their hand!" Monotaro yelled out.

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