The reason I thought I had

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Y/N POV: Once I had settled everything down onto my desk I began to walk to the dining hall, however, I made sure to take my time, there was no one waiting for me to be there anymore or anyone that I'm particularly excited to see so what's the rush? Once I had finally made my way into the dining hall I realized that I was the last one there, the only one that wasn't there was Kokichi, though that wasn't really unexpected. "Alright, looks like everyone's here. Let's get started." Kaito said. "Oh, what about Kokichi?" Gonta questioned. "Forget about him! It's his fault for messing around like that!" Kaito yelled. "I guess...he must be a real pro at hide-and-seek. I magically looked all over the school but he was nowhere to be found!" Himiko yelled. "M-Magically?" Tsumugi sweat dropped. "No one can find him, huh?" Shuichi said. "He might've used the motive's card key to enter a place we're unaware of." Maki pointed out. "Do you think that's where the real motive is being kept? Either way, it's worrisome." Kiibo admitted. "Heh, next time I see him, I just gotta catch him and ask. Anyway, let's try out this Flashback Light!" Kaito yelled. So...that's why we're here, for some reason this Flashback Light is making me feel nervous, but maybe that isn't so uncommon. 

"But...I'm still uneasy about these Flashback Lights... Are they really okay to use?" Tsumugi questioned. "Well, if we don't use them, our memories will never come back, y'know? So we've got no choice but to use it! The memory we'll get from this is our only clue!" Himiko yelled. "I agree with fish dicks over there!" Miu yelled. "Who are you calling a chunk of breaded fish!?" Himiko yelled and Miu angrily. The more we talk about these Flashback Lights the more skeptical I become of them. The only reason I believed them wholeheartedly at first was because of how real the images in my head looked but now I'm not so sure. "Ah-haha, for someone who looks like canned tuna, you make some pretty good comebacks." Kokichi laughed as he entered the dining hall. "Who are you calling a wad of shredded fish!? Wait...Kokichi!?" Himiko yelled in shock. "I knew you'd find us here...but only because it's you." Maki said. "Thanks for the compliment! So, why are all my merry friends gathered here?" Kokichi asked. I feel like calling us friends is a bit of a stretch, but maybe that was a remark made to everyone else here. "First things first... What did you do with that card key?" Shuichi asked Kokichi. "Ooh, so you're worried about that. Well, relax. Unfortunately, I couldn't use the card key." Kokichi admitted. "You couldn't use it?" Shuichi sweat dropped. "Yeah, I had no idea where to use it, so I just gave up instead." Kokichi said happily. "You don't seem too disappointed about not being able to use it." Kiibo pointed out. "I am disappointed, dammit! I wanted to use the card key!" Kokichi yelled. "I smell another fuckin' lie!" Miu said. "Whatever... Talking to him's a waste of time. We've got more important things to do." Kaito said as he brought out the Flashback Light. "Oh hey, the Flashback Light. Lemme see that. Kaito doesn't have the balls to turn on the switch-" "Of course I do!!!" Kaito yelled, interrupting Kokichi. 

I heard Kaito turn on the switch hard. The scene of the things in front of me vanished as I felt everything being pushed into my head at once, memories, scenes, people, I had remembered it all. But the scene that greeted me was anything but pleasant, however. A scene of meteorites quickly falling onto the place I lived, the scene of those people handing out those flyers saying that humanity deserved damnation. I remembered it all. "Ah! The meteorites! What happened with the meteorites!?" Shuichi yelled. "I remember...TV news and the internet talkin' non-stop about those meteorites!" Kiibo yelled. "There was so much damage where I lived... People said it was only a matter of time..." Tsumugi sweat dropped. "A researcher said that too. Similar meteorite impacts happened millions of years ago... All living organisms on Earth were annihilated..." Maki said. "There were also a bunch of weird groups that started to show up in the streets. As the meteorites got worse, more people started saying it was the end of the world..." Kaito backtracked. "Gonta hear that, too! Unless someone does something, world will end!" Gonta yelled. "Th-Those people were...always handing out flyers on street corners..." Himiko sweat dropped. "I saw flyers over the city, too. They said, 'Mankind deserves damnation.'" Kiibo said. "And...the meteorites! What ended up happening with the meteorites!?" Kaito yelled. "We haven't seen any since we got here. Maybe they died down..." Kiibo pointed out. "Then what happened to that plan? the one to save the world from the meteorites?" Kaito questioned. "Oh right...I just remembered that... It was called the Gofer Project, right? It was the plan that all the countries of the world came up with to save humanity..." Tsumugi sweat dropped. "I remember that, too... But the Gofer Project... Didn't it fail?" Kokichi questioned. 

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