Working harder

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Y/N POV: I watched as Shuichi waved goodbye to me and left the dining hall to hang out with someone else. I guess I should dedicate my time left to plan out how I want everything to go, I simply cannot waste any more time. I walked to my Ultimate lab to write down my plan, perhaps a note should be left for everyone, just in case they decide to go to my Ultimate lab to look for clues, I don't want to risk Monokuma taking it and calling off the trial as being 'too easy', I wonder how they'll react seeing my dead body on the floor...I shouldn't focus my mind on that. I walked inside my Ultimate lab, picked up a pen, and began to write, I wrote how I was sorry that they had to see such a pitiful sight, I wrote about my guilt and sadness, I wrote about my feelings about why I did it, I wrote about the mastermind and the Flashback Lights and how easily it could be for the mastermind to lie about them and that no matter how desperate we are for answers we cannot lean into what Monokuma shows us completely. I wrote about their hopes and dreams and exactly why it was so important to keep going with a bright future but in the end, I felt as if something was missing, was this all I could bring to the table? I have to do something important, I...don't want to die like that...being useless, the exact thought sends shivers down my spine. 

Maybe...I should try...that, even if it hurts I need to see the other side so the others don't have to, no matter the sight I see in the end. I picked up my notebook and pen and put it into my pocket and walked in the direction of the underground passage, making sure not to run into anyone on the way, I don't want them to think I'm trying to escape by myself. 

Just like I had expected the rocks Gonta had placed on top of the manhole had been removed. I kneeled down next to the passage and placed my hands on the manhole cover and took a deep breath in and out and lifted it up, the manhole cover itself is quite heavy but I guess I could handle it. I put it down next to the passageway and began to descend down the ladder. Once I had made my way down the memories that at one point everyone was alive caught me off guard a little. I wish I didn't take it for granted, if I knew that things would've turned out like this I'm sure that I would've shown a little more kindness to people like Kaede...the ones that got cut off first. I placed my notebook and pen down and made my way toward the entry point of the traps. This time around being as I am alone I shouldn't have to worry about anyone else, just myself. I ran down the staircase and to the gate, pushing it open. The rest of the traps were predictable enough, however, the bombs were a little hard to avoid, all I have to do is keep my balance, I've always been good at that so it shouldn't be any trouble. As I ran I began to see something in the distance. I had gotten grazed by a bomb at that point, I hope my clothes are durable enough, I don't want them tearing and potentially making me stand out once I get out. 

As I had gotten a little confident I felt the ground beneath me lower as I was knocked out by a strong light. I woke up seemingly minutes after however, I couldn't be sure, it could've been hours for all I knew. I woke up a little annoyed and unfortunately I was reminded of what I had to continue doing, I should remember that It's not going to be easy, I have to do it though...I have to...I-I need to be useful! I repeated what I had done before and what I had forgotten, ran down, ran ahead, jumped, stayed alert, I could see the thing in the distance a little more clearly now, it looked like light, is that...the exit? Really? I felt myself grow excited as I did all I could to get closer to it, I...need to observe it more, maybe I can...get everyone out without dying. I don't need to die! I had gotten so excited that I failed to see a bomb that had dropped from the ceiling, hitting me on the head, I felt pain rush through my body as I felt the want to pass out on the spot ran through me like a fever. "I-I...need to...c-continue." I mumbled to myself with gritted teeth as I pressed onward, I was so close I...don't want to fail now. I jumped from platform to platform as carefully as I could, I slipped a little on the last one however as I began to feel dizzier I had gotten most of my body weight over to the other side however as I tried to lift myself up with my hand I felt a strong sharp pain rush through my wrist, I had forgotten about that, I thought that it should've been gone by now. I pressed down firmly on my wrist with my fingers to apply gentle pressure as I looked ahead of me...had I done it? Had I...really completed what we spent so long doing? I walked ahead of me to get a better look at the light, however now that I had a closer look at it, it was a door. 

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