Escape 1

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Y/N POV: After Monokuma put down his cubs a long tongue fell out of the corner of his mouth making me shiver. "When I see you guys, I just get so excited until I can't take it anymore. You guys are so cute! Gosh, I just wanna see what your parents look like! Wait I'm your parents!" Monokuma yelled, it seemed like he was trying to hide something, Monokuma really didn't want Monosuke to finish his sentence, I wonder why.

"I...sorry, I can't react to this... I'm in too much shock. Does this mean the killing game is going to continue?" Tsumugi said as her voice quivered a little, I guess showing how scared she was, it was odd, Tsumugi sure didn't look all too scared, usually when you're scared you usually add your body to it, depending on the way you use your body when you're feeling a certain emotion can usually depict how you're least that's how I think it works.

"C-Continue? The killing gonna continue...?" Kaede stuttered out in fear "What a pain..." Himiko sighed out, Himiko was never one for emotions but I guess Tenko may be a good influence on her "That's not the problem, donkey face!" Miu yelled with a very annoyed look on her face "Wh-What do you mean...the killing gonna continue...? I mean, that sounds a lot less I guess It's okay!" Kokichi yelled out as his face took a whole one-eighty from the scared look he had on before. It kinda makes you think if he lies about his emotions as well and not just through his words "No, It's definitely not okay!" Tenko yelled whilst pointing at Kokichi with a scared expression.

"So that's how It's going to be...if we want to end this... We have to take down Monokuma and the person behind him." Rantaro spoke with such certain vocab but his eyes and his face betrayed his calm composed voice "I predicted there would be a spare, but I did not expect it to be built within the academy. Either way, I assume this would happen... This development was not surprising." Kirumi said as her face was able to complement her calm words unlike Rantaro with his all-talk speech "Is that so? Then did you also assume this next exciting development?" Monokuma said as he tilted his head to the side in his not-so-successful attempt on being cute.

"Ahem! Now then, I'm pleased to announce an additional motive!" Monokuma yelled "An additional motive!?" Kaede questioned "A time limit is now in effect! If a murder does not occur by nighttime, two days from now...then every student participating in this killing game will die! Mauled to shreds by countless Monokuma's from the rumored Monokuma-making machine! So unless you wanna end upas pink smears, you might wanna take this game seriously! Ahhhhhh-hahahahahaha!"

I felt my heart sink and my face pale a little as Monokuma proceeded to laugh in our faces again like we were all some sort of plaything to him, a toy that he could play with until it broke. I can't become that again, especially to a thing like him I refuse to be used like I was back then. At least I think so, I still need to work on my brain before I even think about leaving this killing game.

"T-Time limit?" Gonta stuttered out, everyone and I mean everyone was scared, or at least most of them were, people like Korekiyo and Maki kept a poker face all the while this was happening, It's not like I can blame them though, in a killing game showing emotions can resemble weakness. But who am I to share my opinion about a subject that I've only read about in books and tv shows "What? Everyone will die?" Ryoma said as even he himself was sweat-dropping as like everyone else. "What that's not fair!" Tenko screamed, "Geez, why'd you guys even come to this school if you're not gonna do this killing game?" Monokuma said as his face molded into one that was less welcoming and more like one that you would give to a child if they were being irritated in a supposed quiet area kind like the normal headmaster is said to portray.

"You're the one that forced us to come here!" Kaito yelled at Monokuma in rage "Quick question, father! What do you mean by countless Monokuma's? I thought we were up once time ran out." Monotaro said "Damn right! Lest the Exisals do their thing this time!" Monokid yelled "But...I'd rather not go through that again... I'd feel bad if you guys tired yourselves out..." Monokuma trailed off "But if we let the Exisals get popular, we could have a real cash cow on our hands, y'know? The merchandising rights alone would make us richer than sultans." Monosuke pointed out "Hmmmm, sultans huh? Very tempting, but... I won't let you kids ruin your futures! You need to have your own kids and ruin their futures!" Monokuma yelled.

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