Denial isn't an option

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Y/N POV: Everyone looked shocked to hear the words come out of Kokichi's rotten mouth, no one looked upset they all just had the same look of shock. "Is...Kokichi really mastermind!?" Gonta yelled, sweat dropping. "I didn't want to just crush the Gofer Project, I wanted to ruin it in the worst way possible... So, I came up with a plan! What could possibly be worse than the 17 survivors of humanity killing each other!?" Kokichi questioned, grinning widely, indescribable anger bubbled up inside, not from the thought that Kokichi might actually be the mastermind, it was mostly the anger of knowing he was basically praising how ugly the killing game was, that he may or may not be pretending to be the very thing I want to behead with my two hands. "What...? Y-You...!" Maki mumbled, not knowing what to say to that. "It's a lie! It's all gotta be a lie!" Himiko yelled. "Oh, you want me to lie now? But you guys always told me not to do that. Nee-heehee...I'll show you...the irrefutable evidence that I am the mastermind!" Kokichi yelled as he took out what looked like a remote control out of his pocket and fiddled with it. Not more than a minute later... The once unmoving Exisals came at the speed of light, surrounding the so-called mastermind, I felt my legs begin to shake at the shear sight of them, the memory that I was very nearly close to dying to one of these things pulsed through me, making me hesitant to do something that would lead me right back to death's door. "E-Exisals!?" Kaito yelled in shock. "What's going on!? I thought only the Monokubs could control the Exisals!" Kiibo pointed out. "Well, I'm different. Since I'm the mastermind, I control everything in this school. Nee-heehee... As long as I have the master remote control, all Exisals move on my command." Kokichi chuckled as he waved the remote in his hand. 

" really are the mastermind?" Maki questioned him. "Y-You were always suspicious from the start... But for you to be the Mastermind..." Himiko trailed off. "Gonta...not wanna believe it...too much to handle all at once." Gonta muttered. Shuichi still didn't look completely convinced, however, scared nevertheless. "You look like you don't believe me, Shuichi. I'm so disappointed in you. I even gave you such a huge hint, but you still didn't get it. I was waiting with so much anticipation to see when you guys would figure it out." Kokichi admitted. "Hint...? You left that message for us...?" Maki questioned. "But I guess that precious hint went to waste. All cuz you bastards trusted each other." Kokichi said, smiling happily. "Huh?" Shuichi mumbled. "I told youuuu. You guys should've doubted each other more. You guys could've realized I was the mastermind earlier, and there could've been fewer victims. Actually, Kaede had the right idea to try and kill the mastermind at the start... Too bad though. If only she had killed me then, the killing game would've ended." Kokichi said, grinning almost madly. I stopped for a minute, maybe two, I stopped everything, moving, blinking and maybe ever breathing...less victims... "What do you mean?" Shuichi asked him. "This is the truth to the killing game. Well? This turned out not-so-boring, right? Not anyone could've organized a killing game with the last 17 survivors of humanity, y'know?" Kokichi pointed out. "A-Are you's the truth? Were we just being led around by you this whole time!?" Kaito yelled as he clenched his teeth. "Oh? You mad? So, what are you going to do about it?" Kokichi asked him, tilting his head to the side. "Shut up! Of course I'm mad! Don't think you've won just because you've got the Exisals on your side! Cuz we've got the Electrohammers!" Kaito tried to lead up his statement by slamming his Electrohammer down, however much to his and everyone's dismay...nothing happened. "Wh-What? What's happening?" Kaito muttered. 

"Oh, typical Kaito. I guess things aren't going your way. Lucky for me, you ran out of juice!" Kokichi pointed out to him gleefully. "Th-The...Electrohammer...?" Kaito sweat dropped. At that moment, his Electrohammer powered down. And not just his... Every Electrohammer powered down at once. "I told you, didn't I? The problem is that it runs out of battery pretty quickly. But that lasted longer than I calculated, so I was actually starting to get a bit nervous!" Kokichi admitted. "D-Did you calculate that, too?" Kaito asked him with a now-familiar angry expression. "Sorry, Kaito. Your tiny brain is just too different from mine." Kokichi mocked him, Kaito's expression didn't falter however, it still remained the same. "Don't glare at me like thaaat. Punching me won't solve anything either, y'know? You can't resurrect the dead...and you can't turn Earth back to normal... Riiiight?" Kokichi asked him. "E-Even if that is the case... I can't get over it if I don't punch you!" Kaito yelled. "Kaito, wait!" Shuichi yelled after him. "K-Kaito!" I yelled. I watched as Shuichi tried to stop him before it was too late, however, he wasn't able to grab him in time. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!" Kaito yelled as he only got closer and closer to Kokichi. "Geez...your stupidity can't be cured till you feel a bit of pain first." Kokichi muttered. "Stop!!!" Maki yelled however it was all in vain, we watched as Kaito charged at the Exisals...and was immediately smacked down. He hung limply from the Exisals hand like some ragdoll. "Kaito!" Shuichi yelled in shock. "Wh-Wha..." I muttered, growing nervous. "...Don't worry. He's not dead. But now you know, right? There's no use in defying me, the mastermind. Nee-heehee... These machines were originally machines to protect us. They were built to shield us from any danger that might pop up on other planets. But now, I think it's hee-larious how much they've become a threat to you guys." Kokichi laughed in our faces. "...Give...Kaito..." Maki muttered, already looking well over pissed. "Maki?" Shuichi sweat dropped. "...Give Kaito back!" Maki yelled at Kokichi, her eyes practically glowing angrily at Kokichi as she moved toward him. 

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