First Night 5

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Y/N POV: I began to aimlessly walk around in my attempt to try to figure out what I could do, in this killing game if you want out you must kill one of your classmates but most importantly you must be able to get away with it. If you do however get away with it, it will come to the price of the rest of your surviving classmate's lives, but with the motive set in place, if you kill someone then you can just simply have out just like that, but at least leaving this awful school isn't impossible, I heard the night time announcement go off as well as some bickering from the Monokubs which simply just went deaf to my ears, after walking around for awhile I decided that it would just be a better idea if I went to the library to furthermore carry out my plan to escape without taking part it the killing game.

As I walked to the library to carry out my plan I began to think 'was I too harsh with her? Kaede just wants the best for everyone and there's nothing wrong with that but...' for one of the first times in a while I didn't know what to do, well...that will just simply not do, to escape this killing game I need to be smart, smarter than them. Smarter than anyone. But...the idea of escaping with everyone else doesn't sound all that bad, I guess I could help them out, I can make a few plans for them too. 

My endless thoughts came to an end as I opened the doors to the library and began to organize the materials I would need to create my plans to escape and maybe even end the killing game. But I think everyone with a human brain will know that ending the killing game will be no piece of cake, especially with Monokuma and the Monokubs here. I set down my pencil and lifted my hunched body over to stare at the bookcase that not even a day ago opened up to show a Monokuma-styled door. I stood up from the floor a proceeded to walk to the bookshelf, just like the last time I felt around it, and believe it or not I was able to push a button that revealed the Monokuma-styled door yet again.

With a lump in my throat, I walked up to the door again but not forgetting to make a quick sketch of what the outlook looked like in my attempt to gather up some proof that this door did exist, whilst I was sketching it however, I saw something on the side of the door and that was a little card reader, I began to walk in front of it and do a little inspection. Whilst taking a look at the card reader I noticed dust that was formed near where you're supposed to swipe the card, with my head so close to it I must've blown a bit too hard because I saw the dust leave its original placement and stain itself on the floor.

In a state of panic I stumbled back a bit, I wasn't expecting to find a random patch of dust on the card reader, but I suppose the real question was though was why were there random dust particles near the card reader? Was it intentional? Was it just naturally there? 

By simply judging how it was placed I don't think it was natural, it had to be placed there to do something. Hang on... I calmed down my thoughts as I began to think. If this door was here to serve a purpose it must've been to hide something. Or rather someone, by the looks of the door, it had a Monokuma head on it so therefore it must serve a purpose in the killing game. Monokuma has to be controlled by someone, that part is for certain.

My eyes widened as I proceeded to sit down on the floor. Is the person controlling of us? That has to be it, there is no other possibility, but nothing is backing this up, this is just speculation. With a quick breath in and out, I gathered up all of my equipment and papers and walked out of the library, and made a quick dash to my room making sure to have light taps on my feet so as to not wake anyone up and potentially lure attention to myself. I almost ripped the fabric of my clothes digging for my dorm room key and almost ripped the door off its hinges from opening it and closing it so swiftly.

I carefully dropped every single one of my papers and looked over them trying my best to make a quick summary for each one of them despite my eyes aching and my body growing ever so slowly, I was growing so slow that I didn't bother to stop when I caught myself repeating the same summary over and over again. I felt my brain slowly shutting off, still on the floor I pressed my back up to the headboard of my bed and slowly flutter my eyes closed, not even bothering to take off my shoes and adjust my clothes into something a bit more comfortable, but even despite this, my eyes shut only to show a black, dark world. 

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