Trial three 1

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Y/N POV: Everyone began yelling over the top of each other, it was beginning to become difficult to keep track of everyone's voices but in the wave of arguments Kokichi's voice could be heard. "Only student council members had access!" Kokichi yelled. "I heard it! No, it wasn't just student council member that could open that lab door..." Shuichi argued. "Hmmm? What was it you said earlier about Kiyo opening the door, Shuichi? Unless you're a student council member, you can't enter Angie's lab, riiiight?" Kokichi said. "I was referring to Kiyo. He couldn't have done it...but you could have. Because I saw you open the classroom lock by picking it." Shuichi explained. "Ohhh, that happened? I totally forgot." Kokichi said. "...So you're pretending you don't remember, huh?" Maki said as she gave Kokichi an angry look. "Ah-haha, quit glaring at me like that. Of course, I remember. Yeah, I did it. I killed Angie." Kokichi lied. "W-Wait, what!? What did you just say!?" Kaito yelled. "I picked the lock to her lab, snuck into the room, and then-WAM!-killed Angie. The culprit was me all along." Kokichi lied. "Wh-What!?" Himiko yelled, sweat dropping. "What are you saying? Is this some kind of joke?" Kiyo asked Kokichi, his face darkening. "Nahhh, no joke! I thought that if I confessed, I could atone for my sins. And it helped! I feel soooo much better! Pheeeww!" Kokichi yelled. " Kokichi really culprit?" Gonta questioned. "No, he's lying... I think? Maybe?" Miu sweat dropped. These people are all smart in their own ways...but definitely not in trials, or when someone's lying. 

"...He's lying. I'm certain of it." Shuichi said. "Non non! Definitely not a lie. I killed Angie. Shouldn't you guys believe the culprit when they confess?" Kokichi asked. I felt irritated upon hearing Kokichi's voice, even when losing an alarming amount of blood he still somehow manages in succeeding to be the exact same immature, short, and foul-mouthed being that I met on day one. "Then let me ask you, 'culprit'... How did you lock the room?" Shuichi asked the Supreme Leader. "Huh? I-It's the same as opening it. You pick the door closed from the outsi-" "No, that doesn't make sense." Shuichi argued, interrupting Kokichi. "Huh? What doesn't make sense? Can't you lock a door by picking it?" Kaito questioned. "Maybe, but that's not how the culprit locked the room. They used a different method." Shuichi said. "What different method?" Himiko asked. "Yeah, Mumbles! Use your big boy voice and explain yourself." Miu yelled at Shuichi. "U-Uh, there were two doors to the classroom, and the one locked last was...the back door. That's how they made this a locked-room mystery." Shuichi explained. "The back door had a sliding lock, yes? How was it locked from the outside?" Kiyo questioned. "The culprit used a certain tool... The gold leaf katana that was stabbed into Kaede's effigy. The culprit used that to hit the knob of the sliding lock to lock the door." Shuichi explained. "So the gold leaf was on the sliding lock because..." Maki trailed off. "Because when the katana hit the lock, some of the gold leaf rubbed off on it." Shuichi finished. "Th-The gold leaf on that katana did peal rather easily." I admitted. 

"Hmmm... That evidence rings a bell. Specifically, a school bell..." Monokuma said. "Huh? Are you talking about a different school? What school was it!?" Monophanie asked. "Now now, that doesn't matter anymore. Let's not dwell on the past." Monokuma said. "Oooh, the gold leaf landed on the sliding lock when the katana touched it... So that means, the culprit used the katana to move the sliding lock, right? But wait, how did they move it with a katana? And from outside Angie's lab?" Kokichi questioned. "The clue that might give us the answer is the layout of the area itself. It was an odd setup, after all. The katana stabbed into the effigy, the effigies hung upside down..." Shuichi wandered off. "Angie didn't do that as part of the ritual?" Miu asked. "No... Nowhere in the Necronomicon did it say you had to hang the effigies." Shuichi pointed out. "If it was not part of the ritual...then it must have been for a different purpose, right?" Kiibo said. "That's it! The reason the culprit stuck the katana into the effigy...was so that it would hit the sliding lock as the effigy spun!" Shuichi concluded. This going too smoothly, I want to steer it off its tracks, but I know that if I do so, everyone will become suspicious of me as it's usually Shuichi and I that are carrying the trials. Try not to let people suspect you too soon, once the time is right, you must catch everyone off guard, and break their arguments so they have no energy to continue arguing. In my head, I am the culprit, so I must act like it, everyone here is just merely a sore on one's ankle, a wall in the way of me and my goal to get him out of here. 

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