Investigation 7

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Y/N POV: I walked for a little while as my brain was still comprehending what Kokichi said, how could he say something so....idiotic. I lost days of sleep so I could have my Ultimate talent, am I really that much of a loser? I sighed as I dragged my feet to my next destination, I saw one of the classroom doors open so I quickly walked up to the door to see who was in there. There stood Korekiyo and Kiibo. They're both respectful enough so this shouldn't be all that difficult. "Y/N! I would like to ask you a question! Where were you during the murder?" Kiibo asked. I stood there a little dumbfounded before shaking it off. 

"I-I was in the dining hall, there were a few people in there too. Kirumi, K-Korekiyo, Miu and Tsumugi was there too. Tsumugi left for a little while though..." I trailed off whilst looking the other way. "I see... Then the probability the you committed the crime is extremely low. By the way, were you there the whole time?" Kiibo asked. "Mhm." I mumbled. "...I understand. Thank you very much." Kiibo smiled. "Y-You don't have to thank be for something so simple, It's really not worth it." I stammered out, my face felt a little flushed as I heard Kiibo thank me. Kiibo looked a little taken aback by my rather odd request but nodded after a little while. "Is...that all you wanted to ask?" I said.

"Oh, may I ask you one more question? Specifically, about that vent. It appears to be connected to this classroom. The air duct in the basement hallway leads to it." Kiibo pointed out. "Th-That is a little concerning, B-But if Kaede and Shuichi were on lookout here then it should be okay." I said, yes. It would be safe in here if someone was in here, keeping lookout. Unless... "Under those circumstances, it would be difficult to sneak into the library from here." Kiibo agreed. "F-From the placement of the books on top the shelf, I think Kaede placed the books purposely in front the library vent. A-And with those in the way, it would be even harder for someone to go in and out." I pointed out. "Really? I will be sure to save that important piece of information to my memory bank. I hope my line of questioning didn't offend you. It is necessary, so that we may find out the truth." Kiibo smiled at me. 

"P-Please don't worry about my feelings, those don't matter. kind of sounded like a detective or a lawyer just then, I think you're really cool, Kiibo." I stammered out as my line of concentration was now gone. "Ah, Thank you! I truly think that communication at times like these are truly important!" Kiibo said. With one last smile from him I turned around to face Kiyo, and with not a single word out of me he walked up to me. 

"Kehehe... Let me guess. Under normal circumstances you would've wished to hear my alibi?" Kiyo said. "Wh-What do you mean by normal circumstances?" I asked. "My appearance and actions thus far suggest I am someone who would commit a murder." Kiyo said making me slightly shocked, did he not see what I saw? He was kind enough to look at me in such a kind way, he even said such kind things to me, things I could've only dreamed that would've been said to me.

"N-Not at all Kiyo, I think I'm one of the most creepy people here, I can't even look people in the eye usually. A-And even if you were one of the most suspicious people here, I would defend you, no doubt. I-I'll defend you until I cough out blood." I said. "Do you perhaps have a weak voice? Is that why you don't yell?" Korekiyo asked. "I-I suppose so, I don't yell mostly because it's rather rude. But I guess if I do yell too much then I guess it could damage my vocal cords." I answered "A-Anyway, what do you think Tsumugi was doing? When he left the dining hall." I said. "I presume she was using the restroom?" Korekiyo answered making my face flush. 

"N-No, not like that. I mean she is the Ultimate Cosplayer, It wouldn't have been difficult to disguise herself as someone else. I-I'm unsure exactly who, though." I said, it was unlike me to be so open with someone else, saying my thoughts like they actually mattered. "Um...thank you very much for your time." I Thanked Korekiyo, was it too much? I heard Korekiyo chuckle at my dramatic words but waved me goodbye also making my heart speed up a little. Was that his way of saying that he appreciates me? No, he just waved Y/N. Don't get your hopes up. I turned to Kiibo one more time. "H-Hey, Kiibo, where were you during the body discovery announcement?" I asked. "Ah... My alibi..." Kiibo muttered and then instantly had electricity surging around him. I wanted to question what was happening but decided against it. "Sorry, I was just searching for the right words. In all honesty, I was alone in my room, so I admit my alibi is not altogether reliable..." Kiibo said, I think he was a little too honest. " don't have an alibi?" I asked even though I already knew the answer. "But Ryoma said he was alone in his room too." Kiibo admitted. 

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