Escape 8

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A/N: So with every killing game a class trial must start, and because of that I've been thinking that once the first-class trial starts I will start posting longer chapters so I can save you all the suspense, I will start to post near 4000 to 5000 words instead of the usual 2000. If you all didn't know I write 1000 words a day, so it should take about one week for a new chapter to be posted so please don't think that I lost motivation because I'm far from losing that yet. Also, one more thing I would like to apologize for the obvious favoritism with Korekiyo, the thing is in my tiny brain I think that a librarian and an anthropologist would get along quite well. Also because I Love Korekiyo very, very much but that's beside the point- 

Y/N POV: I began to sweat a little after realizing just how little of time I had left to live because of the time limit, was I really going to live? I don't wanna die, I still have someone to go back to, she will be heartbroken if she found out her only real family left is dead, I-I can't die, I can't die. "Y/N." I heard someone speak, I looked up slightly to see Korekiyo looking at me "Are you okay? You look distraught." Korekiyo said. Of course, I was not fine, we're all going to die here if someone doesn't kill soon, my plan isn't even close to being finished yet so, how am I supposed to help everyone escape if I don't even have a good enough plan to set in action? "Y/N, if it helps in any way, do you want to walk to the dining hall with me? Just the two of us." Korekiyo said all too charmingly for my heart to handle "A-Ah, um. O-Okay." I was smiling internally, Maybe, just maybe I have made a friend that doesn't actually want to just use me for good grades.

Korekiyo and I began to walk to the dining hall, with me trailing behind slightly of course. "You know, Y/N. This entire time we've been talking to each other I have only been talking to you about myself. I know very little about you as a person. So, if you do not mind. I would love it if you told me about yourself." Korekiyo said. "I'm not sure if you want to hear about my boring story, there's really nothing that interesting about me-" I felt Korekiyo put his finger on my lips making me instantly shut up from my mindless rambling. "Nonsense, I am certain that I want to hear all about how you grew up And exactly why you think the way you do." I paused for a little while as I tried to collect my thoughts first before I did anything, where do I start? Does he want to hear about everything?

"S-So um, m-my parents were pretty wealthy I-I guess." I flinched at the thought of my parents, my sister and I would rather not talk about our family. "I went to a private school with my sister. The thing is, is that this private school was an only girl's school. S-So in order to never be apart from my sister I-I had to fake my gender to get in." I felt the corners of my mouth rise slightly at the thought of my middle school years "Ah, is that why you dress the way you do now?" Korekiyo asked. I began to notice that I was starting to get into the rhythm of talking without the bad habit of stuttering and tripping over my words like I always do. 

"I suppose so. I kind of enjoyed the feeling of getting away with something and not getting caught. I...was called flat a lot though. By the people back at that school..." My voice lowered in tone as I began to think some more about how I was really treated back at that school. The beginning of middle school was nothing in comparison to near the end. Never will I ever forget that moment. "But I must ask, how did you get away with it?" Kiyo asked me. "The school had me registered as a girl however a few years later due to the lack of students, they decided to change it to a school for both genders, slowly but surely, people didn't really see me as a girl anymore." I explained, a little embarrased by some of the bad decisions I made in my younger youth.

I shivered slightly at the thought but I only heard a soft chuckle in response making me bring my head back up. "I didn't know you also had a sister, Y/N. I guess having a sister can really make you do anything just to see that smile on their face." Korekiyo said. I guess that was true, I would do anything for my sister. 

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