Trial 2

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Y/N POV: "Why not torture the truth out of them? It would be the quickest method..." Kiyo suggested. Was that...the best idea he could've come up with? We don't even have the correct tools to carry out that plan. But I guess fists could work just as well. I would know from experience. "W-Wait, please! No torture! My tolerance for pain is actually really, really low! I'll tell you everything! Anything! Just please don't hurt me!" Tenko pleaded. "Please just tell us what happened." Kirumi said. "If the culprit is among that group, then wouldn't Maki be the most suspicious? Just look at her-she could definitely kill someone." Kokichi said. I guess he really does have a thing for making some of the least suspicious people out to be the suspicious person. "Stop being so stupid. The culprit could easily be Kaito." Maki pointed out. "Wh-What are you talking about!? There's no way I'm the culprit!" Kaito yelled in protest. "Who's the culprit!? Who!?!?" Miu yelled. "Gonta is gentleman! gentleman not hurt people!" Gonta yelled. "I-It's not me either... Murder sounds like way too much work." Himiko mumbled. 

"I have an alibi!" Angie pointed out. "Who's the culprit, for fucks sake?!" Miu yelled in irritation. Everyone was beginning to talk over the top of each other, it was starting to get a little difficult to keep up with everyone. "We need to calm down! If everyone talks all at once, then we can't discuss anything!" Kaede yelled at everyone. "...It's alright, Kaede. We just need to listen to everyone's statements. You can do this, right?" Shuichi asked. Kaede had a look of realization before that calm smile came back to her. Maybe...It's better if I let Kaede handle this. I'm just a librarian, I was trained to organize libraries, why am I here again? "I only went cuz I was invited. Why don't you ask the shady guy who invited me?" Maki asked. "What!? You mean me!? But I just said it wasn't me!" Kaito yelled. "Don't thrust the blame onto me! You degenerate males and your...thrusting! Ugh!" Tenko yelled in disgust. "I'm not a bad girl, really... If you don't believe me, ask my mommy." Himiko mumbled. "Really, I have an alibi!" Angie let on. 

"I'm not the culprit, too." Himiko mumbled. "I'm not the culprit!!!" Tenko yelled. "I'm also not the culprit." Angie said. I felt my brain begin to ache as I couldn't even begin the comprehend all the yelling. I don't even think I have it in me to yell over the top of them, it's rather rude to yell in general. All three, Himiko, Tenko, and Angie were yelling, trying to prove their innocence. Some of the others, like Gonta and Kaito, were yelling as well. That's when I heard it. "Rantaro's the only one who left in the middle of it..." Kaito said. I felt slightly happy that I was able to hear the incorrect statement but I felt a bad feeling begin to form in my stomach. 

"No, that's wrong! Wait a minute, Kaito! Wasn't there someone else who disappeared other than Rantaro?" Kaede asked. "That idiot already forgot. Gonta also left the strategy meeting." Maki said. "Yeah, he locked himself up in the A/V room and- Hey, wait a sec! 'Idiot'!?" Kaito yelled. "Is that right, Gonta?" Ryoma asked. "Y-Yes, Gonta watch bug movie. To fill Gonta with fight, so Gonta can fight Monokuma." Gonta said. "Were you trying to imagine yourself as a huge mantis with swords for hands?" Tsumugi asked. "Oh! Come on! How is looking at bugs supposed to put you in a fightin' mood!?" Monotaro yelled. "A terrible idea! Like puttin' ketchup on a hotdog!" Monosuke agreed. "But why did you lock the door?" Kirumi asked. "Cuz...Gonta need focus, hm? Everyone suspect Gonta? Why!?" Gonta yelled. "Because you don't have an alibi!" Tenko yelled. Oh, Gonta just need alibi? Okay! Gonta will get alibi! Just tell Gonta where to find it!" Gonta yelled. 

I covered my mouth to muffle out my smirking face. Even though Gonta...isn't very smart common speech-wise. I guess that's the part that makes me laugh so much. Being naive isn't bad, it does however become an issue when you become a little too trusting with those around you. That in itself is dangerous. "The way this debate is going...this will be hard to refute." Maki sighed. "Kehehe... What will you do? Without an alibi, we'll all choose you." Kiyo chuckled. "Gonta, please understand that in order to reveal the truth, you must also participate." Kirumi pointed out. "But...Gonta not sure where to start." Gonta mumbled. "Y-You just have to do your best to convince everyone why you couldn't have done it." I answered. "If you're not the culprit and we all vote for you, then we're dead too. Our lives are riding on your word. You got this." Ryoma pointed out. "Okay...Gonta will try! for everyone's sake!" Gonta yelled. Despite Gonta's rather reassuring and confident words, he was sweat-dropping and his eyes almost looked fearful. I guess that's the difference between Gonta and I. And that is that despite being scared he'll continue to fight. Even for people that he doesn't know that well. 

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