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Y/N POV: I didn't wait to hear a response before I walked to the Shrine of Judgement, not bothering to check behind me. I need to keep my cool, I can't attack the mastermind even with how much I want to, I...want to kill them, but...I gotta keep it together, once everything has been cleared up and there's no reason for them to be alive...I'll get it done and over with. 

Once I made it I finally turned around, surprised to see everyone besides Kiibo. "The next time we come out of the trial grounds, it'll all be over, right!?" Tsumugi said. "W-We can win, right...?" Himiko questioned. "Of course we will." I responded quickly. "Should be okay...trial should be easier than others." Gonta pointed out. "Till now, everyone had to find culprits among people in group during class trials. That why we never could work together. But, this time...it different." Gonta explained. "Ah, since there isn't a culprit among us we can work together without any doubts." Tsumugi concluded. "..." "We're all going to be working together this time... I already feel more at ease!" Himiko yelled. I wanted to say something about 'we shouldn't get our hopes up, there still could be something we're all not prepared for' but I couldn't bring myself to ruin the mood. "But...I wish it had happed sooner. At the beginning, there were 17 of us... But now there's only 6 of us standing here, plus Kiibo who's coming later." Tsumugi sighed sadly. "...We only have the mastermind to blame for that." I huffed. "...We're about to head to the last battle. Why are you so depressed?" Maki asked Tsumugi. "Oh, sorry... You're right." Tsumugi said. 

I was surprised to then see Kiibo walk up to us, with his signature antenna and all. "...Thank you for waiting." Kiibo told us. "That was fast, Kiibo." Shuichi responded. Kiibo doesn't have his weapons on him right now...but I guess that's for the best. Kiibo looked down at the ground, as if he was in thought. "Wh-What? Are you disappointed? Did you prefer you sci-fi gear after all?" Himiko asked the robot. "Don't worry, Kiibo! Gonta think Kiibo look fine without cool sci-fi gear!" Gonta told him. "No, it's not that... I'm just...very sorry!" Kiibo yelled, bowing at the waist to us. "I acted recklessly and put you all in serious danger... I'm sorry! I'm very, very sorry!" Kiibo apologized. "...What's with you? You really didn't seem to care all that much back when...you were destroying the academy. What's with the sudden change of heart?" I asked the robot, taking a step toward him, curious to see how he would react. "You...told me that there will always be light in a dark situation" Kiibo sweat dropped. "Hmm?" I hummed. "I finally realized you were right... My inner voice told me..." Kiibo sweat dropped. "You told us that you couldn't hear your inner voice anymore...that is what you said, is it not?" I asked him. "Well, I had the Monokubs repair me in addition to removing my battle gear... And now, for some reason, I can hear my inner voice again." Kiibo said happily. So...he just gets repaired by the Monokubs and for some reason he can just...hear these voices in his head again? The antenna on his head....was it not just for decoration? Now that I think about it...what exactly is his inner voice? What does he hear exactly? "I was wrong to try to destroy everything just to avoid losing to despair... Even if I had followed through, there would've been no hope or future left afterward. In which case, my actions would have merely resulted in a different despair altogether... I do not expect you to forgive me. What I did was foolish. But...will you allow me to fight alongside you!? I want to help everyone find the truth! Please!" Kiibo pleaded. For some reason...I felt my vision return all the way back to when I was apologizing to Himiko for the awful things that I had done. And I smiled. 

"Haha, of course Kiibo, I'm sure that's what everyone wanted. Let's defeat the mastermind together." I felt happy that even for a mere moment...we can all just be friends, not having to worry about the killing game or for how much longer it's going to go for...because I know for sure that this is it. "If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have been able to do this." Maki pointed out. "Yeah, Kiibo. You've helped us plenty by giving us this opportunity to end the killing game." Shuichi told the robot. "So...you'll allow me?" Kiibo asked, looking as if was about to cry. Tsumugi crossed he arms, looking displeased. "Oh... You seem angry, Tsumugi. Would you prefer I not help...?" Kiibo asked her. "I'm not mad...I'm just holding myself back. When someone says 'please' that strongly, I always want to respond with, 'But I refuse.' But I can read the mood here... So I'm holding back." Tsumugi admitted. "Well of course." Himiko mumbled. "Yeah, I'm okay now! Of course you can fight with us, Kiibo!" Tsumugi told the robot happily. "There's a big wall between living things and objects, but you're our friend, Kiibo." Himiko said. "Isn't that rude? After all this time Gonta can't see Kiibo as object, Kiibo is our friend! Always will be!" Gonta said. "Th-Thank you... Um... By the way, Maki, I've been meaning to ask you, but... What is that...vacuum cleaner you're carrying?" Kiibo asked the girl. "...It's the Bugvac. I think Kokichi designed it and had Miu make it." Maki responded. "Ah yes, Gonta had mentioned something about tiny bugs before..." Kiibo said. "Yes, I thought it could be a clue to something. But we can't seem to catch any bugs with it. Even Gonta said that he wasn't even sure that their were any in there." Shuichi pointed out. "Don't worry...probably just Gonta's imagination." Gonta said. "Wait, it might be too soon to determine that. Can we...wait until I've examined it with my eyes, at least?" Kiibo asked us. "What do you mean, Kiibo?" Shuichi asked him. "What good can your eyes do? It's not like you've got good eyesight, right?" I said. "That was true...until I installed my zoon function." Kiibo explained. "...Zoom function?" Gonta mumbled. "It was in my lab, next to the jet pack and rocket launcher... Thanks to that zoom function, my vision has increased a hundredfold." Kiibo said. "A hundredfold!?" Shuichi sweat dropped. "That's a power-up that goes way past your default settings!" Himiko yelled. "Not even Gonta could break the cycle of machines being better than humans." I sighed. "This is the true talent of the Ultimate Robot... Because I'm a robot, I can evolve in ways that are simply not possible for a human. I've...finally accepted that. There are notable differences between us, but they're nothing for me to be ashamed of. Because...with my talent, it's possible that I can save you all." Kiibo then took the Bugvac from Maki, and... 

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