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"" I muttered as I opened my eyes slowly, I quickly snapped out of my daze and turned to check on Shuichi. "Are you okay? I really wasn't expecting that." I told him. " head..." Shuichi groaned however never answering my question his eyes widened. "We were at Hope's Peak... And we participated in the Gofer Project-" Before Shuichi could finish talking I heard something crumbling above us. "Watch out!" I yelled at Shuichi as I gripped his arm tight and pulled him away from the falling debris. Once the debris stopped falling we both waited for the dust to clear, the short distance...I could see Kiibo. "Ugh... Ah..." Shuichi panted, sounding tired. "Shuichi, what's wrong? Are you alright?" Kiibo asked him. "K-Kiibo... Yeah...I'm...okay..." Shuichi sweat dropped. "You! Be more careful with what you're destroying, okay!? You're gonna injure someone!" I scolded Kiibo firmly, not letting go of Shuichi's arm. "I'm sorry... I experienced a sudden flashback and my hands slipped..." Kiibo apologized. 

"Ah, did you remember, too, Kiibo?" Shuichi asked him. "Yes. We were at Hope's Peak Academy, about to sign on for the Gofer Project." Kiibo said. Did...everyone else see the same thing? Was...I the only one that wasn't selected originally? sister didn't bother trying to sneak me in the Gofer Project, to begin with...I would've been dead already. The very thought shook me to my core, making my hands shake, I let go of Shuichi's shoulder and held my hands together, trying to stop the shaking...was this really true? "...What is Monokuma thinking, having us remember that now...?" Shuichi questioned. "He's probably trying to make us feel despair again." Kiibo quickly concluded. "Anyway, how is your investigation going? Will you be able to end the killing game your way?" Kiibo asked us. "Ah, it's going...fine... We really just started... There are a lot of areas in this academy we haven't investigated." Shuichi admitted. "Areas that you can't investigate... Hmm...Rantaro's lab is also inaccessible, thanks to Monokuma's ridiculous rule." Kiibo said. "That's right, I'm concerned about that, too...if only there were some way to get in-" "I will help you both." Kiibo said, interrupting Shuichi. "...H-Help us?" I muttered. "By destroying the door to his research lab so you can enter it." Kiibo explained. "I-If you could...that would really help..." Shuichi told him. "Then please head to his lab and I will meet you there. But be careful. Monokuma will be after you two for conducting an investigation without his permission. The Exisals may not kill you outright, but they will definitely try to stop you." Kiibo told us. "Right..." Shuichi said. "Wait...what?" I yelped, no no no no no no...! I don't wanna deal with Monokuma or the Exisals now! Just the thought of them...I can't stand the thought of having to stand up to them again...not after last time. 

"If things get dangerous, call me and I will deal with the Exisals." Kiibo said. "You're help us, Kiibo?" Shuichi questioned. "I'm not your enemy. That is why I am helping you with your investigation. But only until the time limit expires at dawn." Kiibo reminded us before he flew outside through the hole in the roof. Was...he really still hellbent on destroying the academy? But...either way...he's changed a lot, but I can't tell whether that's because of his own effort or the fact that he can't hear his inner voice anymore. But...more about Rantaro, he died before we got to learn his Ultimate talent, but I always couldn't help but feel like he knew more about this killing game than us at the time. He even knew about the Ultimate Hunt, at the time...I didn't think about it too much, after he died I refused to think ill of him in an attempt to not be disrespectful...but now my doubts are heavily needed. Maybe the information he didn't tell us will lead us to the mastermind...but I have to make sure I'm the first one to figure out who it is... 

"We should go, Y/N. As we walk I need to talk to you." Shuichi told me. "Mhm...okay." I agreed. Shuichi and I quickly made our way into the academy and worked our way up the floors, most of the walk bathing in silence...until. "Y/N...what were you talking about back then?" Shuichi asked me, implying what I said when we were in Kokichi's Ultimate lab. I shiver ran up my spine as I began to claw at my palms with my nails...nervous. " not so sure myself, but...I need to admit something to you." I began slowly telling Shuichi what I saw in the Flashback I was certain that I knew the last killing game participants...however the ones who died never gave me a sense of familiarity, how it was the survivors that gave me a sense of connection. I told him how I was most likely never supposed to be a part of the Gofer it was my sister who smuggled me in thus causing the Ultimate Hunt to go after me and drive me to throw away my Ultimate talent. Whilst I was confiding in Shuichi about all of this...I couldn't help but think that all of this would make me seem suspicious...the fact that I wasn't originally supposed to be a part of the Gofer Project could lead one to believe that I was this so-called 'mastermind' that snuck in the Project. As I spoke to Shuichi my voice began to shake and my throat go dry as I tried to keep my composure. 

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