Secret Room

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That sure was...something to say the very least. Were they people that I tutored? I mean- what other explanation is there? However...I can't help but feel like this memory is kinda out of nowhere...especially since that I tried my very best not to get too close to the people that I tutored...It's hard to believe that I would ever let them think of our relationship as anything more than just teacher and student. Perhaps they were my sister's friends or something like that, even if it doesn't completely make sense the small details don't really matter. 

"Ah... Th-That memory..." Shuichi panted out. "Why...did I have to remember my friends now of all times!? This is...Monokuma's doing... He made us remember this." Himiko sweat dropped. "...You mustn't stress out over this, the both of you, anything Monokuma makes is dumb anyway, especially sketchy technology like this. Giving up is just what he make us feel despair." I pointed out. "Th-That's right! There's no way we can give up! I promised I'd do my best for them! So there's no way I can give up! So we're looking for the other part of Rantaro's Survivor Perk, right? Leave it to me! Nyeh, I'll check every nook and cranny of this room! With my magic of course!" Breathing hard, Himiko quickly ran off. 

"What does all of this mean...? What are lies...what is the truth...?" Shuichi questioned. Without speaking another word to each other we both left Rantaro's Ultimate lab. Once the time is right I'm sure everything will work out. Dawn will be here soon, so...right now it's up to Shuichi and I to inspect every inch of the academy. "If Kiibo destroys the door like last time, we should be able to get in there..." Shuichi muttered, I wanted to ask Shuichi what he meant by that however Tsumugi's figure suddenly appeared at the end of the small hallway that we were in, making me go silent. "Ah, Shuichi, Y/N! I finally found you two! What were you guys doing by yourselves!?" Tsumugi asked us. What was she thinking that we were doing...? Though I guess it's odd to find us practically glued together, even more since we all kinda collectively agreed to not investigate together in groups. "Tsumugi? What's wrong...?" Shuichi asked her. 

"Umm, I was checking Kaito's research lab up on the 6th floor, but... Kiibo's attack demolished a wall of the school and caused a new room to appear!" Tsumugi yelled. "A new room?" I mumbled. "'s a really weird room, too. Anyway, come with me." Tsumugi spoke almost encouragingly before walking on ahead. "A weird room...? I guess we can't ignore that." Shuichi said. I nodded and we both quickly made our way to Kaito's lab. Almost stumbling on the almost comedically long staircase, however, once we did make it to Kaito's lab we saw that there was indeed, another room on our right. The room looked rather odd with its white complexion. Tsumugi seemed to quickly pick up on our puzzled expression. "Right? This room's really weird, isn't it? I can't figure it out." Tsumugi admitted. "We'll try looking around..." Shuichi told her. Without much time to talk some more Shuichi and I walked to the hole in the wall, stepping into the new room. Getting a better look at everything I could see that there were what looked like pods lined up against the wall...specifically 17. "Th-This is..." Shuichi stammered. "Yeah...I get what you mean." Tsumugi said. "I...suppose it's possible that-" Before Shuichi could finish talking I saw my vision flash again, already used to the sharp pain in my head...I just let it happen, after going through this more than once I can't help but feel a little...curious about what I'll see. 

All of them...standing in front of me...I watched them stand alive and I made sure to keep my distance. "Let's begin, then." Kiibo said. "H-Hold on! I'm not mentally ready yet!" Tenko yelled. "Well, robots probably don't need to mentally prep themselves the way humans do... Actually, do robots even need to be put in cold sleep?" Kokichi asked the poor robot. "I'm still a teenager, just like you all. I would feel lonely if I were the only one still awake." Kiibo admitted. " it really okay? This will be my first time in cold sleep, so I'm just plain nervous." Tsumugi sighed. "Hmph, it's the same for all of us." Ryoma huffed. "But y'know, it's a man's dream to leave Earth behind and travel across the stars!" Kaito yelled enthusiastically. "...What a careless guy." Maki muttered. "Hah! A fuckin' idiot is more like it!" Miu yelled. "Hey!? Who you callin' an idiot!?" Kaito yelled at her. 

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