Trial 1

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A/N: Okay my dear readers so this is where my updates are going to start getting better in length about 5000 words long maybe a little bit shorter or a little bit longer, either way, they're going to be longer. This will only be happening for trials as they are one of the longer parts of the game and I feel like only ending it at 2000 words will just be too much for you guys to take, and because all of my tests are finished, there is no reason for me to hold back on writing anymore and I understand that it can get annoying at times that I only write 2000 words, just bare with me. Also, spicy chips are really bad, you can't change my mind.

Y/N POV: As I was about to walk inside the room with Korekiyo and Gonta I could feel question after question entering my mind. I kept on questioning who exactly the culprit was just in case my little theory was incorrect despite my certainty. As I was about to close the red doors I heard Kaede and Shuichi outside. I kept the doors opened a creak so I could listen in, they might have some information that could potentially be useful, but any information that I couldn't figure out on the first inspection should be potentially useful. "Ah, Kaede. I have one more question. Do you really think it's one of us...? Not just the culprit. But the mastermind as well." Shuichi asked Kaede, maybe I wasn't supposed to be listening like this. I feel a little creepy, but I guess I should be used to that at this point. "Huh? Isn't that what you told me, Shuichi?" Kaede sweat dropped. "Y-Yes, but. It's just... That was only my deduction, I don't know if I should trust that." Shuichi said. I guess he wasn't completely wrong it is just a theory, but theories have a chance of being true as well, that's why it's called a theory. 

"Well, I don't know if it's true, either. But that's why I need to confirm it. If you just dismiss a possibility and look the other way without confirming anything...then you're just turning your back away from the truth." Kaede explained. Shuichi stayed silent at that, perhaps he was just trying to take all of that information in. "What's the matter, Shuichi? You seemed so sure to yourself during the investigation." Kaede pointed out. "Ah, sorry. Let's go I'm sure they're waiting for us inside." Shuichi said. After that, they both began walking closer to the red doors. I left the spot that I was in an made my way to stand next to Kiyo.

"So this is the shrine of judgment..." Kaito mumbled. "Careful, everyone! If bad things happen, get behind Gonta!" Gonta yelled, he was persistent on becoming useful to everyone, even if it came at the expense of himself, I can admire that. "Then gimmie a piggy-back ride! C'mon, carry me" Angie yelled. "Ohmigod, you are so fucking annoying! So are we doing the class trial here or what!?" Miu yelled. "But Monokuma is nowhere to be seen. What's going on...?" Kirumi asked. I looked up at the...odd Monokuma statue. It almost looked important in some way even with its rather weird vibe it gave off. Just as I thought that thought a massive vibration came from the ground.


"Wah! Wh-What!?" Kaede screamed in surprise. The water fountain in the middle of the room shifted into shape of a bridge, there was now an entry in the wall to go into. "Is elevator?" Kaede asked. "Does he want us to board it?" Kiibo asked. "I don't wanna... I don't do scary rides." Himiko mumbled, pulling down her hat. "I...don't want to get on it either," Tsumugi mumbled sadly. "Stay behind, then. Though I'm sure that'll just be worse for you in the end." Maki pointed out. "Yeah, that's true... I know..." Tsumugi said. "However, if everyone wished to run away, I will cooperate as well," Kirumi said. "That's probably not a good idea. There's nowhere to run. As long as that End Wall exists, escape's not an option." Ryoma pointed out. 

"It'll be fine... Let's all work together. Remember our promise? We're going to escape this place and remain good friends afterward. So let's do it! I'm sure it'll be alright! Because...we make such an incredible team." Kaede said, smiling. She always knew what to say to calm mostly everyone's nerves. "Heh, I wouldn't be able to call myself a man if I was still scared after hearing a girl say that. Bring it! I'll show then how I, Kaito Momota, Luminary Of The Stars, live!" Kaito yelled with what only one could call determination. He seemed almost always so very full of it, I hope he can teach me how someday. If we survive this class trial. "Don't you mean 'die?'" Kokichi grinned. I covered my mouth to muffle out my sudden chuckling, I probably sound like nails on a chalkboard if I were to laugh now. "Don't say something all ominous like that!" Kaito yelled in panic. 

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