Trial 4 Aftermath

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Third Person POV: Everyone was in shock at the sight of the execution, no one could've actually thought that Y/N out of everyone would've been the one to fight against Monokuma, however at the moment, no one could comprehend that thought, and some didn't want to actually recognize the thought that Y/N was dead, fallen to the killing game just like everyone previously. "That was...unexpected." Kiibo sweat dropped. "Monokuma will probably just come back in the morning, Y/N was smart to kill him to try to escape his execution instead of running away." Maki said which was followed up by Tsumugi sobbing. "...Y/N." Himiko mumbled, she seemed rather unsure how to feel about his execution. "Dammit! Why did it turn out like this!?" Kaito yelled angrily. Shuichi felt a hurtful sorrow rush through him as he looked at the key Y/N threw to him in his hand. "Hey, Kokichi...why don't you tell us now? What is the secret of the outside world? If we don't know it, then we won't be able to understand or accept it." Maki told him. "I...can't accept it either, Kokichi! What is the secret of the outside world!? What kind of secret would make Gonta try such a thing!?" Tsumugi yelled at him. "Kokichi, if you really cared for anything Y/N did for you back then, explain yourself to everyone and-" "I don't...want to..." Kokichi mumbled, interrupting Kaito. "You what?" Shuichi asked him. "I don't want to, stupidhead!" Kokichi yelled. "Kokichi!?" Shuichi yelled in surprise. "Ah-hahahaha! Oh man, did you fall for all that fake crying!? You're so dumb! I would never cry for Y/N!" Kokichi yelled. "F-Fake...crying?" Tsumugi mumbled. "If I said the actual truth back there, Gonta would've been reeeeal mad! That would've interfered with the game, so I simply lied to calm him down." Kokichi admitted. "Kokichi...lied?" Gonta questioned as tears rolled down his face, only minutes ago someone died to protect him, everything was truly so confusing. "...See? As long as you lie for a good purpose, right?" Kokichi said with a grin. "What!?" Kaito yelled. "What do you mean, what really happened? Why did you make Gonta try to kill Miu!?" Shuichi asked him. "Obviously, so it wouldn't be boring!" Kokichi answered. 

I felt my eye twitch in anger when I heard that.

"What are you...?" Shuichi sweat dropped. "I gave Gonta an incentive, cuz I thought it'd liven up the killing game. C'mon, think about it. If I actually wanted to save everyone, like what Gonta did. I wouldn't have betrayed Gonta. You should've realized that." Kokichi said with a malicious grin. "Th-Then...why did Gonta-" "Nee-heehee...nee-heeheeheehee... Who cares!? I wanna enjoy this killing game filled with suspicion and betrayal from the bottom of my heart! I am the supreme leader of evil, so it's obvious my personality would be twisted. The more you suffer, the more I enjoy it. And by the looks of it back there, it seemed like Y/N suffered a whole lot. There are people in this world who spread grief and misery for no reason than the thrill of it! And I'm one of those people. Nothing pleases me more than inflicting pain on others!" Kokichi yelled with a face of malice like no other, nothing behind his eyes as he starred right into everyone who remained standing. "S-Seriously... Who the hell do you think you are!?" Kaito yelled. "So...for your own entertainment, you sacrificed Miu and Y/N?" Maki asked him. "What's so bad about it? You kill people for money...right, Maki Roll?" Kokichi told her. "Someone like you has no right to call me Maki Roll. Do you want to die?" Maki asked him, glaring at him. " look so much better with a scowl on your face Maki Roll. But hey, you guys are waaay too trusting. If only you had suspected me more, then...Ah-hahahaha! Miu and Y/N wouldn't have died such meaningless deaths!" Kokichi yelled, laughing hysterically. "M-Meaningless deaths!?" Gonta yelled, shocked that someone could even mouth those words. 

"You have the nerve...!" Kaito yelled as he shot at Kokichi like a bullet, however before he could touch him he saw a flash of something in the distance, approaching rapidly, as if it was...being thrown. Kaito halted himself as the pole shot in between the two boys, hitting the wall beside them hard. The entire room was silent you would probably hear blood dripping on the floor, because that's exactly what they heard as weak footsteps accompanied it, they all turned around in the direction Y/N was dragged to his execution. 

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