Our Enemy

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Y/N POV: I grew still as I stared at the three different selections of words featured on the screen. "Maybe...we should choose 'The Survivors on a different planet.' If that's true....there's more hope for us." Shuichi said, despite how I didn't want to continue interacting with this...thing any longer...I did. On the screen, a new series of words showed up.

Are you sure you want to remember this memory? The Symbol of Hope, Hope's Peak Academy The worst incident in human history occurred. With the work of the Future Foundation, the world was rebuilt, but falling meteorites caused an outbreak of an unknown virus. The Gofer Project was then executed. 17 high schoolers survived. However, there were survivors on other planets. There were survivors in other ships similar to the Ark

                                                                                  Yes                 No

Quickly reading through the text, it was making it obvious that I was supposed to select 'yes'. "I guess there's no harm in trying." I sighed as I did so. Not even a full second afterward I heard a semi-loud clunk kind of noise, I turned my head to look at Shuichi who seemingly heard the same thing, I stood up to look around the room. "That sound... It came from that locker..." Shuichi mumbled. "...Are you sure it did? I doubt there's anything in there." I pointed out as we both walked over to the locker. "The sound we heard definitely came from inside this locker." Shuichi pressed on. "Fine, then." I sighed tiredly as I quickly took the initiative to open the locker, I didn't want to risk Shuichi getting hurt by anything. I swung open the locker door and from a first glance, there was nothing alarming...till my eyes trailed down. 

"Ah, a Flashback Light!" Shuichi yelped in surprise. With a puzzled look, I kneeled down quickly and scooped up the Flashback Light in my hands. "This...is new, did it really just get here?" I mumbled. "Just as I suspected... You can make Flashback Lights with that desk. Though...I don't know why it was hidden in such an ordinary-looking classroom..." Shuichi said. So I...suppose there's gotta be a switch somewhere in here, perhaps flipping the switch would cause the desk to activate. I'm sure Kiibo saw all this when the room was destroyed... But that isn't really what is interesting to me, it's more about exactly how the Flashback Lights are made. There can only be one truth, there should only be one true memory... It's obvious that there's some sort of deceit laced in the Flashback Lights...but I still don't have enough information to make a semi-accurate guess as to what exactly is real and what is fake, but...it does concern me more than anything right now. At that moment, fortunately...I heard the door burst wide open. 

"There you guys are!" Himiko yelled. "H-Himiko!?" Shuichi yelled in surprise, almost quicker than light...the classroom returned back to normal. So...when the door is opened it reverts the classroom back to normal? Perhaps that was done to hide the room's true purpose. Whoever made this room obviously didn't want us to find it. But if they're that cautious of us...then. "I don't know what you're thinking, you two, but... Be happier that Gonta and I survived! I was even able to make a spectacular escape from that sealed room!" Himiko yelled. "Ah, right!" Shuichi said. "Where's Gonta? Is he okay?" I asked Himiko. "Relax, he's fine...he's just a little...y'know." Himiko mumbled. "Himiko? How were you able to get out of the hidden room? The hidden door in the library was destroyed... We were so worried about you! You were trapped in there..." Shuichi admitted. "Nyeh? You don't understand how I escaped from there?" Himiko mumbled. "...No?" I responded. "Hmhmhm, I see...you don't get it... You don't know how I escaped... Then I shall tell you! How I miraculously saved Gonta and I from such a catastrophe! Gonta and I escaped from that sealed room with the help of my magic!" Himiko proudly exclaimed. "...Himiko. Now is really not the time for such thin-" I was cut off by the room suddenly shaking, almost as if it was reminding us of how little time we had left. 

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