New motives ?????

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Y/N POV: After getting very little amounts of sleep I woke up feeling rather tired than usual, I suppose I must push past that for the time being, today is the day of Himiko's magic show, I need to try and stay attentive. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and after putting on a new set of clothes, I noticed how that there was also a small box filled with brand new, clean handkerchiefs...that's oddly convenient. I walked out of the dorms and to the gym where the magic show should be held, I wonder if Kokichi is going to be there, I can't waste a second if it means I'll be able to get my photo back. I opened the gym doors to find almost everyone there, except Kokichi. The gym itself didn't look all too bad, there was a giant fish tank and above that was a smaller tank filled with piranhas, an odd choice of fish, especially for a magic trick. "Those fish in the tank above... Are those truly...? Is it alright to use something so dangerous?" Kiyo questioned. I do find it rather odd, even Kiyo thinks this is dangerous, and he calls my world small. Perhaps I could teach him a few things about what it's like to truly be in a dangerous situation. 

I still felt disappointment rush through me once I realized that Kokichi probably wasn't going to show up, is it too late to just turn around and look for him myself? "Welcome to our magic show! Whaddaya think? Isn't it divine!?" Angie yelled in my direction. I suppose it would just be rude to walk away now. "I-I suppose so, did you and Himiko do all this?" I asked Angie. "No, no. This would've been impossible with just two people. I got others to help us. Kaito and Kiibo helped carry the equipment from Himiko's research lab... I designed the stage but Kirumi sewed the curtains. Everyone is so nice... Atua deserves all the credit." Angie smiled. "U-Um, shouldn't the people who worked on it get the credit...?" I sweat dropped. "Oh, well, I didn't ask for your help because I didn't know what you'd be useful for." Angie said, smiling. "I-I mean- I've been told that I'm strong." I mumbled to Angie, I suppose that's just the honest truth, despite what others may think, I'm not weak, I can at least defend myself in a fight. "Anyway, just sit tight. Once we're done preparing, we'll start right away." Angie said. "D-Done preparing? Are you not done yet?" I asked Angie. "The star needs to settle her nerves..." Angie said. I furrowed my eyebrows in slight confusion. I turned my head to look at Himiko who was shaking like a leaf, I get that. She is about to perform a magic trick in front of all her peers, and if she fails then the entirety of her reputation gets damaged from that slight mess up. But I guess even that's considered to be getting off easily. 

Before I could walk up to Himiko I saw Gonta walking toward me with a guilty expression. "Gonta so sorry for yesterday... Gonta not know why he act that way. Gonta too forceful, Y/N even get injured cuz of Gonta...Still have long way before Gonta can call himself true gentleman." Gonta apologized to me. me? "Y-You don't have to apologize to me, it wasn't a big deal. It was semi Kokichi's fault anyway." I said, trying to brush off the events that took place yesterday. I mean- I wasn't really being completely honest but sometimes you have to lie to make other people feel better. "Even so, I think you need to seriously reflect on what you did! Your gullible mind will eventually lead you down the wrong path in life!" Tenko yelled. I sweat dropped at that, what Tenko said wasn't wrong, being gullible, especially in this killing game will eventually lead to death. "...Gonta will be more careful next time." Gonta said. "So...what happened to Kokichi?" I asked Gonta. "After insect Meet and Greet, Kokichi's mouth start to bubble, then he pass out..." Gonta admitted. That would explain why he's not here then. I almost feel sorry for him. 

"I-I mean, Gonta. I could teach you the far basics of being better as a gentleman someday." I said, I need to try to make sure Gonta spends as less time with Kokichi as possible, I'm going to try to prevent any further damage. "Really...? Gonta would love that!" Gonta yelled happily. "I-I'll try to spend time with you once I have free time, okay?" I said. Gonta nodded his head in response, looking happier than he did a few seconds ago. With a deep breath, I made my way to Himiko with slight pity in my eyes. "H-Himiko are you nervous, perhaps?" I asked. "J-J-J Just a little bit! C-Cuz...the magic I'll be performing today is the Extreme Water Magic, Underwater Escape Act. I-I've never successfully cast it before... It's pretty difficult, so I'm a little nervous." Himiko admitted, sweat dropping. "Y-You've never cast it before...?" I questioned. " order to raise the stakes... There's a time limit... If I don't escape from the tank within the time limit, piranhas will be dropped in... I'll be pureed." Himiko said. I guess if she fails the trick then at least she doesn't have to live with the embarrassment, cause she will be most likely dead. "Those piranhas...were in my research lab. Angie said we should use them for the show." Himiko sweat dropped. "W-Wait, piranhas are way too dangerous..." Tenko pointed out. "A-Ah, Tenko..." I mumbled. "Himiko, please reconsider! They're piranhas! They're nothing like lasagne!" Tenko yelled. "N-No need to worry. I'll instantly kill all the piranhas...with my magic." Himiko said. "Y-You're going to kill them? I thought this was an escape trick..." I mumbled. "Himiko...are you serious?" Tenko asked Himiko, a little teary-eyed. "...There' way I can stop now. Since Atua's watching the show and all." Himiko said. "There's no such thing as Atua! Angie has brainwashed you!" Tenko yelled. "You don't believe in my magic?" Himiko sweat dropped. "W-Well..." Tenko mumbled. "I can do it... I'm a skilled young girl... Cuz...I'm a mage..." Himiko said, as she psyched herself up she began to walk to the water tank. "O-Of course...I believe in your magic... You' precious friend..." Tenko said. "D-Don't worry, Tenko. Himiko will come around. I'm sure." I said. Tenko gave me a small smile but her eyes still held great worry for Himiko. I can understand why, I wonder how I would be reacting if Kiyo or even my sister were to do this as if I would let them, though...

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