Work hard

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Y/N POV: I looked down at my creation for a little longer than I'm willing to admit, though I really doubt it's all that bad that I'm just admiring my hard work, it's good to take a break from everything to check on things you've done. After everything my wrist doesn't feel all that bad anymore, did it heal already? I wouldn't have expected it to be that quick, maybe it didn't fracture after all? I'm hardly ever wrong though, how rare that is indeed. I carefully picked up my work and brought it all the way back to the dorms, fortunately, I didn't run into anyone, not like I wanted to run into anyone, especially Maki whilst I hold a new pair of clothes that I might've been prioritizing a little more rather than forming a plan to saving's not that bad though, right? Would she prefer to be forced to interact with someone dressed in clothes that just barely cover up my body better than rags and stained red with my own blood? I didn't think so. And if I want to dress nicely then that's perfectly fine, you know why that's fine? Because I'm me and what I say goes. 

In the end, I just decided to drop the clothes off on my bed and wear them in the morning, just to avoid potentially ruining them as I work on my plans to beat Kokichi, the so-called mastermind of this killing game, I quickly made my way towards my Ultimate lab with a ton of thoughts that I would soon lay out on paper, once I made it to my desk I took out a spare notebook that over the past few many weeks I've been here I've been taking notes on the students with, I always did it during my rather rare free time, it was seemingly the only thing that was actually left untouched during my rather explosive rage when...uhm, he died. As I put pen to paper it was then when I realized how expensive everything looked, there were all kinds of pens all the way down to feather pens with good quality ink to accompany it, not something I would've expected. I must wonder was Monokuma able to acquire such good quality items? A simple dojo and piano room I get, however, Kiyo really meant it when he said how rare the items in his Ultimate lab were, not to mention the original versions of such priceless artifacts would've most certainly been somewhere far away, I find it a little hard to believe. Wouldn't it just be simply too difficult to obtain such high rarity items? Though I guess I was caught up in the moment too, seeing him so excited made me happy, you cannot blame me for something so human, seems like the only time I felt human is when I was around him strangely enough. I quickly got back to a more working mindset as I wrote on a piece of paper, brainstorming our strengths as a group and the strengths Kokichi has by himself in a secluded area. Now that I'm looking at all the potential we have as a group, we would have to do something drastic to fail. Though we're not idiots, we can all be patient in our own ways and methods, I guess as a starting idea we could try a, y'know...surprise attack? We don't have to kill him and at the same time, we can safely get Kaito back as we beat Kokichi up. That way we can remain as peaceful as one could be in this situation, not too violent yet not too easygoing, I won't back down when it comes to Kokichi anymore, he doesn't get that sense of mercy from me nor anyone else. 

Hmm, it would be a little more helpful if I got a closer look at the Exisal hangar, of course yet again I could also go off by the memory of the basic landscape of the hangar, isn't that just plain laziness though? Yet at the same time...this is a rather complicated situation I've gotten myself into. What could Kokichi even want from someone like Kaito? He's not the one who contributes to trials a whole bunch admittedly, nor does he act like a brute most of the time, not including the times he and Kokichi have interacted, in his defense I suppose I get it. Kokichi did mention something like 'the killing game may start up again if he's left roaming around.' However I really doubt that's the case, Kaito wouldn't go killing someone for the sole purpose of escaping since escaping won't do him any good either, he should know more than anyone that he would instantly get figured out by Shuichi if anything were to happen, he really wouldn't stoop down to such a level just to get rid of Kokichi...right? At least I hope so, if I just continue to tell myself that he 'isn't the type to kill someone' it will only bring me loose closure from my fears, every one of us is capable of killing someone and it has been proven time and time again, Kaede, Kirumi,, shit...even someone like Himiko could kill someone if given the chance, point is that when Gonta was being accused with the murder of Miu and everyone began to profusely defend him, even going as far as to continue defending him even when the truth was revealed was enough to prove that we have put so much trust in each other that we will defend our friends even when it is clearer that it was them that committed something like a murder...and that is something I understand so well, something I wish none of us had to go through, so many lives were lost during something so violent, that's why I'm making this plan in the first place, the entire reason I want to get everyone to a safer place, even if it's still for everyone that pushed me to where I am, their efforts will not be in vain...I'm sure of it. 

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