Trial 5 two

471 21 14

Y/N POV: Everyone looked on edge with the idea of one of us could very well be the culprit, it seemed like no one really wanted to talk about it. "If it's not Kokichi, then the culprit must be one of us..." Kiibo pointed out. "One of us?" Himiko mumbled. "That's not possible!" Tsumugi cried. "I-I never said that! All I'm saying is that it's dangerous to trust the words of Kokichi-" "Nee-heehee... Y/N is still so distrusting. But it's exaaactly like Y/N said! I'm actually nooot the culprit!" Kokichi yelled. "...Are you kidding me?" I asked Kokichi, getting tired of his nonsense. "Wh-What? But that contradicts what you said previously." Kiibo told him. "Yuppers, that was a lie. Sorry! I lied again. The real culprit of this case is super bad at hiding themselves, so I thought I could help... I pretended to be the culprit by using the footage! It made the game more interesting, too!" Kokichi yelled. "Gonta...not sure what to think anymore." Gonta mumbled. "Nyeeeh! What's the truth and what's a lie!? I don't know anymore!" Himiko yelled. "It's fine... Because Kokichi is the culprit. He killed Kaito... No matter how much he deceives us, it won't change our minds. The footage shows he did it! Kokichi has to be the only option!" Maki said, looking way too sure for it to be actually comforting. To say that Kokichi is the only option wouldn't be right, I just can't fathom it. We have not yet discussed the motive, the events leading up to it, the events afterward, or even the actual evidence being provided at the scene. I can't let this slide, that would be taking the easy way out. The...easy way out... I cannot allow that! 

"There's no doubt that Kokichi is the culprit. We all saw that footage from earlier, right?" Maki questioned. " crushed to death..." Gonta said. "No, that's wrong! The safety  function would make it impossible to kill Kaito with the press!" Shuichi pointed out. "...Safety function?" Gonta muttered. "Yes, it was written on the safety precautions. The hydraulic press will automatically stop if its infrared sensor detects a living organism." I told him. "So the hydraulic press won't move at all if there's a living person under it?" Tsumugi sweat dropped. "Which is why it couldn't have been used to kill Kaito!" Shuichi pointed out. "Which means, it's more likely that Kaito was crushed after being killed by some other means." Kiibo said. "So what we saw in that video... He was already dead by then?" Himiko questioned. "But you could disable the infrared sensor of the safety function with an Electobomb." Maki argued. "No, I doubt that Kokichi would use an Electrobomb just for that purpose, since if he used it, it would've also have taken down the hangar's alarm system and the Exisals' remote control." I explained. "It would've put Kokichi at a significant disadvantage." Kiibo pointed out. "But you can't be too sure I wouldn't do that... I'm the type who would do anything for fun." Kokichi said. "Also, we don't have any evidence of a different murder method other than the hydraulic pr-" "I actually think I have a plausible theory for the murder, I have for a while now." I admitted. "...What?" "I'm sure that everyone saw that large swipe pattern bloodstain in the hangar, it's pretty obvious that a body was dragged. The bloodstain goes all the way from the bathroom to the press." I pointed out. "Oh! That was the restroom where Kaito was being held, wasn't it!?" Tsumugi said. "Yes, and since that bloodstain was also found in the bathroom. I don't think this can just be a coincidence." I explained. "So Kaito was killed in the restroom, then dragged to the press and crushed?" Himiko questioned. Whilst the person wasn't exactly who I was hinting at I will just have to nod my head and agree. "...If the bloodstain even was Kaito's." Maki mumbled. "What?" Shuichi sweat dropped. "We only guess that Kaito was killed in the bathroom... Since his body was crushed, we'll never know if Kaito died some other way." Maki said. Whilst Maki may be right about the fact that we are not able to examine the body, however... We have evidence that may suggest a cause of death. 

"The small hole on the sleeve of Kaito's coat is the key to his cause of death." Shuichi pointed out. "S-Small hole...? No, no, no! There is no way that hole's got anything to do with a weapon! I'll hit you with my 'Everything You Buy Will Go On Sale the Next Day' curse!" Himiko yelled, the threat was a little scary however the sudden nervousness that hid behind Himiko's words is pretty telling in itself. "Himiko, what's wrong? Why are you freaking out all of a sudden?" Tsumugi asked her. "Is Himiko okay?" Gonta chimed in. "Um... I'm fine... I'm just's impossible for the weapon to be that small." Himiko huffed. "...I'm certain that the weapon is the crossbow that was found in the bathroom." I admitted as I looked directly at Himiko, waiting for something to happen. "Nyeh!?" Himiko yelped. Gotcha. "A crossbow arrow would certainly leave a hole that small. Can we conclude that Kaito was shot with that crossbow? If so, that crossbow just might be the actual murder weapon used to kill Kaito-" "I-I see! It's so surprising that a crossbow was the murder weapon!" Himiko yelled, interrupting Kiibo. "Seriously, Himiko...what's wrong?" Tsumugi asked her again. "She probably needs to pee. Anywaaay, about Kaito getting shot... If that was his cause of death, then I wonder who shot him with the crossbow. Well, I already know! But I won't tell youuuu!" Kokichi yelled. "He's just...playing with us..." Tsumugi sweat dropped. "Then let's show him that playtime is over. Let's show him that the students of Hope's Peak Academy will never submit to despair!" Kiibo yelled. "Hope...? Despair...?" Kokichi mumbled. What is it with him? Kokichi has always been weird but he's being a lot more annoying than usual, it's almost as if someone was imitating him and consciously trying to make him overly annoying, though...I doubt that could be it, it seems like a big stretch. 

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