Trial 5 five

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Y/N POV: All too suddenly I broke out into a cold sweat, isn't that too much of a leap? No possible way that- "...What's wrong? Who did Kaito switch places with?" Maki asked Shuichi. "Maki...I think I missed something very important here..." Shuichi admitted. "...Something important?" Maki muttered. I...should maybe let Shuichi handle this, I don't feel right saying it...more accurately I don't think I could word it properly. "I can't believe I overlooked this!" Shuichi yelled. "What Shuichi mean?" Gonta asked the detective. "There were only two people in the hangar at the time the bodies were swapped. Which means...they were working together." Shuichi concluded. "Huh? Working together...?" Tsumugi sweat dropped. "The only two people involved in the swap were the victim...and the culprit. The culprit was operating the camera and the hydraulic press, while the victim lay inside. If they switched places while the press and the camera were stopped...then the person who turned the camera and the press back on was the original victim. To put it simply, both people operated the press and camera at different times. An impossible trick...unless the victim and culprit agreed to cooperate beforehand!" Shuichi said. "The victim and culprit cooperated? Is that...even possible?" Himiko questioned. "It sounds bizarre, but perhaps that was the whole point. Commit a crime that was so confusing, even Monokuma would be tricked." Shuichi said. "Geez, this culprit's a real jerk. So, have you realized whodunnit yet?" Monokuma asked us. 

We all fell silent, the thought had crossed my mind every once in a while, leaning to different conclusions but...there can only be one person and I think it was obvious from the start who I think it is, however, if I'm right...I don't think I could ever bring myself to look at them as they die...not like last time. "The apparent victim we saw in the video was Kaito. Which means... Kokichi was operating the hydraulic press and first. If the two of them switched while the press was stopped...then the culprit who started the hydraulic press again and crushed Kokichi...must be Kaito! So...the person inside that Exisal isn't Kokichi... It has to be Kaito!" Shuichi yelled. "Wh-What did you say!?" Himiko yelled in shock. The Exisal stayed quiet this time. "So the culprit for this case is... Kaito Momota... That is what the Ultimate Detective has deduced, right?" Monokuma questioned. "Kaito is the culprit? What...? You're joking, right? You can't be serious..." Tsumugi argued. "I don't want to believe it either...but it's the only way any of this makes sense. My detective work has led me to the conclusion that Kaito is the culprit." Shuichi said. "...Is that really true? Is Kaito...there?" Gonta sweat dropped. "..." The Exisal continued to stay silent. "Hey, answer us! If you really are Kaito, then-" "I'm the culprit." Maki said, interrupting Tsumugi. "There's just no way that Kaito can still be alive... Because I'm the culprit." Maki concluded. "M-Maki...didn't you say-" "I saw it with my own eyes. Kokichi drank the antidote that he stole from Kaito... There's no doubt Kaito died. And he died because of my poison arrow." Maki concluded. "But you told us you didn't want to kill Kaito and-" "Yes, I never wanted to. I wanted to believe that I didn't kill him. But...the truth speaks differently. In the end, I was just running away from the facts." Maki said, interrupting Himiko. "H-Huh? I don't understand..." Himiko sweat dropped. 

I don't get she really trying to protect him? This situation is...way too similar to that time and I don't like it, I know exactly what she's trying to pull. "There was only one antidote, so it's more likely he died from my poison arrow. This is the truth..." Maki said. "It's not decided yet. I could've still killed him with the hydraulic press. Either way, those are the two options. Monokuma knows the answer, riiight?" Kokichi questioned. "...Huh? Are those the only options?" Monokuma asked. "I guess that's how things turned out..." Tsumugi sighed. "No, it can't be! The person in that Exisal is-" "It's not Kaito! I saw Kokichi drink the antidote! There's no mistake... Kaito is dead... I...killed Kaito... There is doubt. That's...the truth." Maki muttered. There's no doubt about it then, Maki is trying to protect Kaito, I of all people should know exactly what she's going through...because I tried to do the same thing. I'll take care of Maki while Shuichi focuses on why Kaito agreed to Kokichi's plan. I can't comprehend the thought that Kaito would do something so selfish so there must've been a reason for it. " don't know for certain that Kokichi actually drank the antidote, do you?" I asked her. "...What?" Maki muttered. "You saw him drink it right in front of you, but you couldn't confirm if he actually did it. So maybe...there could be a different possibility." I implied. "What...are you talking about? Impossible... That's...impossible... There is no other possibility! I killed Kaito!" Maki yelled at me angrily. Maki and I argued back and forth for a while, my throat was still recovering from before so it was hard to keep the argument from getting off the rails however I managed. Arguing with Maki was difficult but not as difficult as trying to keep a straight face as you began to slowly claw at your leg, looking for an opening. "I saw Kokichi drink the antidote!" Maki yelled. "Kokichi just simply pretended to drink the antidote! He never actually drunk it!" I yelled back. "He drink it?" Maki mumbled, looking astonished. "Drinking the antidote was part of his lie. I'm sure you could only see so much through the window. You can't confirm that Kokichi drank it. I'm sure that Kokichi knew this and just pretended to drink the antidote. So after Maki left, he gave the antidote to Kaito. There's a strong possibility that all of this was make Kaito cooperate." I said. "Make him cooperate?" Gonta sweat dropped. "The swapping trick heavily relied on the victim and the culprit working together. Hence Kaito's cooperation was essential to Kokichi's plan. However, I really doubt that Kokichi would be able to sway Kaito easily... He needed leverage. He gave Kaito the exchange for his cooperation." I explained. "In exchange for his own life, you mean." Kiibo corrected. "Kaito had no other choice, he had to cooperate after Kokichi saved his life. That's just Kaito's character, and Kokichi knew that. He swallowed his pride with the antidote, and agreed to participate in Kokichi's plan." I concluded. 

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