Investigation 2

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Y/N POV: I looked at Tenko's body in shock and sadness, I knew deep down that she had the chance of dying but...why? What I'm's too cruel, how am I supposed to live with myself after the trial? I guess I have to just hope that I'll die so I don't have to live with the guilt on my shoulders. I just have to trust that Kiyo's motives are worth it, I'm sure that Kiyo has a good reason for doing this, I'm...sure of it. 

After the body discovery announcement, it didn't take long for everyone to come running into the room, everyone who was investigating, and those who didn't run into the room at the speed of light. "T-Tenko!? S-Seriously!?" Kaito yelled, sweat dropping. "Wh-What is this? How did this happen?" Tsumugi questioned. "T-Tenko...! Gonta so sorry... Gonta no could protect you!" Gonta cried. I think...I'm going to faint, my head hurts so much, I don't...think I have a choice anymore, I have to keep helping, I need him to live, even...if I'm hurting people along the way. "...Shuichi, Y/N, explain the situation. I thought you guys were conducting the seance. What happened?" Maki asked us. "I...I don't...know, I-I wasn't there. I was just...outside the door." I stammered out. "I-I don't know... What's...happening...?" Shuichi questioned. How...much longer do I have to keep hurting everyone like this? I...just wanted to live with my sister in peace, how did I even get here? I've been good my entire life. Himiko going to feel once she figures out what I did? She's...going to hate me and in the end, I don't even blame her if she does.

"Rise and shine ursine-!" The Monokubs yelled in unison.

"I'm surprised, too! I never thought a murder would happen during an investigation! U-Um, I guess for should maybe start the investigation right away!?" Monotaro yelled. "Before that, I would like to confirm something... The culprit who killed Angie may be a different culprit from the one who killed Tenko, yes?" Kiyo questioned. I felt my stomach churn, the feeling of fear overcame my very being in a matter of seconds, I don't want to have to bail on the investigation so I don't look suspicious, but...I feel so sick. "Huh?" Shuichi sweat dropped. "What happens in the event there are two murders by two people? What if there are two blackened? Will we need to find them both at the class trial?" Kiyo asked the Monokubs. I almost forgot that...if things begin to turn bad...I'll have to try to convince everyone that I am the blackened. "Now that you mention it, that's a good point. What would happen in that scenario?" Kiibo asked the Monokubs. "Huh? Wh-What would happen? Monodam...what would happen?" Monotaro asked. "WH-WHAT-WOULD-HAPPEN...?" Monodam questioned. "Why do you look lost, too, Monodam!? I thought you were gonna run things instead of Daddy!" Monophanie yelled. "I...I-NEVER-EXPECTED-SOMETHING-LIKE-THIS-TO-HAPPEN... I-DON'T-KNOW-WHAT-TO-DO! REALLY! I-DON'T-KNOW!" Monodam yelled. "...Y-You should probably take deep breaths if you're stressed, water can help too... If you can even drink it." I instructed to Monodam. After a few seconds, he looked a little calmer but it still looked as if his mind was still not yet fully eased. 

"Aw maaan, they're all disorganized. If you can't decide the class trial's objective, then we won't know what to investigate." Kokichi pointed out. "F-Father always knows what to do! We should ask him for help!" Monotaro yelled. "Have you already forgotten!? Daddy's in no condition to help us!" Monophanie yelled. It was at that moment, almost as if on cue, the bald Monokuma showed up. "Ughhh... It's our fault that Daddy ended up like that..." Monophanie cried. "Huh? It's all your fault, Monophanie?" Monotaro questioned. "Daddyyyyy! Heeeelp! We don't know what to do on our own!" Monophanie yelled. 

"Of course, you don't, such a pathetic child you are. Simply not worthy of anything, you're worse than vermin." He said.

I clenched my hands, as I looked down at the ground, not this again. "We gotta use the power of love! That oughta snap him back to normal!" Monotaro yelled.

"What are you doing? Get off, I do not have time for this, you are simply just a waste of time and nothing more, now go make yourself useful and go away." He spat at me as he shoved me off his torso, was it wrong for family members to show affection with a simple hug? Or was I just that pathetic to him that all I was useful for was my academic purposes? Why wasn't I able to have that? Why didn't my father love me? Why did my mother leave? Was it because of me? Was I too much of a coward? Was I too girly? Why couldn't I have just been a normal child? 

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