First Night 1

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Y/N POV: I stumbled back when I heard that, I could hear shocked gasps throughout the gym, I could hear my ears ringing, my breaths were speeding up and I could feel my chest rise and fall with every passing second. 'K-K-Killing game?' No, it can't be, if that's true then...' My thoughts were getting all jumbled now as my eardrums were getting attacked by the voices of the Exisals.

"...What?" Kaede breathed out. "M-M-Monodam! How DARE you upstage me!" The Exisal yelled. "W-Wait a second. What did you say?" Tenko stuttered out. "I-If I heard him correctly-" The Exisal interrupted Keebo.

"KILLING-GAME." The Exisal repeated. "Oh! He said it again!" The Exisal screeched, and I felt my heart drop. "Grrrrrrrr! God damn it, Monodam! I'm gonna crush you with this here Exisal!" Monokid yelled.

"C'mon, we don't have time to fight amongst ourselves." Monophanie said. "Yeah! If you don't stop fighting, I'm gonna crush you with this here Exisal!" Monotaro yelled. "You too, Monotaro? If this is what it's come to, then I will crush you with this here Exisal!" Monophanie yelled. "Hey! Why are you including me!? Oh well! It's more appropriate for us to be hostile to each other!" Monosuke yelled.

"You wanna go, jabroni!?" Monotaro yelled. "Who you callin' jabroni, jabroni!?" Monokid screeched. "What'd you say jabroni!?" Monosuke yelled. "I'll throw down any time, jabroni! Check yourself before you wreck yourself!' Monophanie yelled back.

"S-Seriously!? Are they gonna get it on right in front of us!?" Miu yelled. I shrunk back hearing that, the way Miu talked wasn't something that proved charming in any way. "Don't worry Atua is watching over us." Angie said back. "In a situation like this, is he just gonna watch!?" Tsumugi shrieked. "Either way, It's too dangerous! We need to get out of here or else-" Keebo was soon interrupted by a loud voice that upstaged all of our cries.

"Now, now, now..." I felt my heart drop. "What?" Kaede could only breathe out. "My cute little gotta knock off this awful fighting..." "Oh! That voice" After Monophanie spoke all five of the Monokubs leaped out of the Exisals.

"Father!? Father, is that you!?" Monotaro yelled "Papa kuma! Papa kumaaaaa!" Monokid screeched. "Daddy!? Where are you, Daddy!?" Monophanie frantically cried. "D-Daddy?" Kaede breathed out yet again.

It was at this moment that the lights in the gymnasium suddenly shut off and turned on just as quickly, a black and white bear appeared, flying onto the stage with a pair of angel wings that fell off once it landed on the gymnasium stage. "I am the god of this new world and the headmaster of the ultimate academy! I am the one, the only Monokuma! Nice to meetcha!" The bear yelled.

I furrowed my eyebrows, and the bad feeling in my gut only grew more. "Yayyyyy! Father's here!" Monotaro cheered. "Hell yeah! Another epic entrance from Papa Kuma!" Monokid yelled.

"Daddy is soooo cool." Monophanie awed. "My cute little cubs! You're all so freakin' cute! The only reason I can tolerate your tiresome antics is cuz you're all so cute. Even when the prologue is going way too long, I'll allow it because you guys are so cute. In fact, the very first prologue ever was only short cuz you cutie-patooties weren't there." Monokuma was shaking in pure and utter rage whilst he talked to his cubs, I know what pure rage looked like because of past experiences so this look was nothing new to me.

"Pops...are you mad at us?" Monokuma's face only hardened at that innocent question. "Don't be an idiot! I would never get mad at my cute little cubs!" Monokuma yelled. "Gahhhh! He is mad!" Monokid screeched. "But...daddy is still cool even when he's angry." Monophanie admired. "Pops is from a planet of handsome bears that get cooler as they get angrier, super Monokuma, super Monokuma 1, super Monokuma 2, super Monokuma 3, and finally super Monokuma 4-" When I saw Monokuma's fist raise I gasped and cupped my ears in an attempt to muffle up the noise.

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