Survival 4

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Y/N POV: I began to slowly stir awake in my bed, confusion quickly overwhelmed me, and I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard Gonta's voice. "Is Y/N okay? Gonta hope he doesn't mind that he opened door without permission" He told me rather quietly, I looked down shamefully, guilt overtaking me, the realization that Monokuma was being serious about me not having locks being the last thing on my mine. "...A little dizzy, my head's still spinning." I admitted to him. "...Gonta found Y/N asleep in bathroom, blood everywhere...Gonta thought Y/N might've..." Gonta began to mumble however would cut himself off, unsure about what to say. "I know...I'm sorry I worried you, my head wound begun to bleed and I needed to clean it up, I-I'm fine now though-!" "Don't lie, losing so much one ever be fine after that." Gonta pointed out to me. "...So Gonta get Y/N apple and water, not hard to bring so Y/N not have to worry about bothering Gonta, maybe this enough for Y/N to quickly recover." Gonta told me as he stood up from the similar stool he was sitting on during the morning of my survival and quickly brought out an apple and a small glass of water that sat on the table in my dorm. "G-Geez, I could've done it myself y'know? It's not that I don't appreciate the gesture, I can do without eating for a little while longer." I sighed, however, was physically proven wrong as my hand grew a mind of its own and quickly snatched the apple from the plate Gonta held and shoved it in my mouth, however not so hard that I would gag, just enough to put the apple in front of me for me to take a small bite, the apple was both sweet and sour in my mouth, making such a flavor that made my mouth instantly water, it was a nice feeling, a familiar feeling being with my sister talking about things that didn't matter, however, the importance of our conversations didn't seem to matter at all, I smiled at the thought I was getting this happy from a single apple, how childish of me. 

"You must forgive my childish antics, I didn't mean to act unprofessionally around you...I haven't felt this weak in a long time." I apologized as I put the apple core on the plate that rested on my lap. "No need to apologize! Gonta not notice." Gonta admitted. "Perhaps still must forgive me though, I'm supposed to be the responsible one after all...I need to get up soon." I told him, slowly sitting myself up only to be gently pushed back down onto my bed by Gonta's hand, the force feeling stronger than it should've. "Gonta no can allow that, not yet." Gonta told me, his voice being completely sure of himself. "Wh-What? No...Gonta you cannot be serious...right?" I asked him, sweat dropping. "Gonta doing this for Y/N, others think so too." Gonta said. "The others...?" I began to get nervous now, did they not see me as reliable to take care of myself? The only person to ever take care of me like this was my sister, I'm not ready for that spot to get taken up yet. "Others know Y/N only acting fine that he not hurt to make us not worry, Maki say it unpossible for human body to take force to head and be fine...Y/N not fine, even Gonta know that, at least not fully since...that day." Gonta muttered the last part, however, I already knew what he was talking about without the last few words being muttered. "...I'm getting better, his death won't affect me any longer, however, I can't promise anything. If me being weak has affected you this much I promise I'll become stronger for you-" "No, no! Y/N not get it! Gonta no want Y/N to feel like that! Why won't Y/N let Gonta help him too!?" Gonta yelled at me, he sounded rather angry...did I make him upset at me? "...S-Sorry! Gonta no mean to yell...just frustrated, not Y/N's fault, he just need extra help." Gonta said. "Help...?" I mumbled, as if that word was something otherworldly. "Yes, we have this conversation before, however Y/N never had intention of letting Gonta help him...did he?" Gonta asked me, I guess he could read his surroundings well, I just simply nodded my head, trying not to look too guilty. 

"I'm sorry Gonta, I didn't think you'd notice, I've only ever needed to depend fully on myself...even when I was slowly dying on the floor of the trial room I didn't want the help, I hate that I couldn't change properly when the time came, even Himiko and Maki were able to change for the better more than me, a-and I find how soft I am around people I like to be quite pathetic, not like the strong men in my books at all." I said. "Y/N told Gonta not to worry when he leave earlier...but how is Gonta not suppose to worry when he always does things like this!? Gonta worry because he not want to let other friends die!" Gonta was getting a little more emotional now, this must be painful for him too, having to yell like this so without much thought I took his hand into my own and rested it on top, the weight of it being rather much for just a hand however I was fine with that, it felt warm under my own, I almost never wanted to let go. "Truth is...I'm never going to be completely safe, at least not till I'm out of this academy. Monokuma has most likely calculated where I'll be going, the traps he set weren't really made to kill me, however, if the right time was given...I may actually  die." I wheezed a little at the end, as I coughed into my hand, a small speck of blood appearing in the center once I took it off. "Gonta no let that happen, even if Y/N never get fully better...Y/N has to believe Gonta is strong enough to protect him, Gonta won't ever fall to killing game, not again." Gonta told me. "I really don't know Gonta...this is quite sudden." I mumbled. "Does Y/N...not trust Gonta? Gonta promise to keep him safe." Gonta swore to me as I felt his hand tremble on top of mine.

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