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Y/N POV: "C'mon Y/NNN! Hit me! Kill me! That's what you wanted to do riiiight? Why hesitate now?" She taunted me over and over again, even poking me as I stood as still as a statue behind my podium. "J-Just...quit it." I muttered. "H-Hey, Y/N? Who is that?" Himiko asked me. "Yeah Y/N! Who am I? Please enlighten them!" She yelled. "G-Grk...!'re not her, s-so...stop acting like you're not real." I said, my face growing into a pale white, was I even breathing anymore? "Aww, does my little baby brother not want to look at me anymore? How cruel! You're so mean!" She cried. I swore I could feel my blood running in my ears, I hated it. This was just...too cruel. "Leave Y/N alone!" Gonta yelled at her. "How...cruel." She mumbled under her breath, her voice not sounding like the kind and forgiving one that it did only mere seconds ago. "B-But...why? Why would you do this? Why make us think it's real-" "Well duh! It's so you'd all play the killing game! This is the world of Danganronpa, y'know? No shit we're playin' the killing game. But it's not just any killing game. It's a killing game that takes place in the real world, propped up by fiction. In other words, it's Ultimate Real Fiction!!!" The mastermind yelled, as they spoke they continued to change into different people from the two previous killing games. 

"Ultimate...Real Fiction?" Kiibo muttered. "But...if it's fiction... If everything...isn't real... Then...the world being in ruins is also fiction, right? The world fine, right?" Maki questioned. "Oh, that's right! Of course!" Himiko yelled. "How did you like that scene!? Our staff worked very hard on it!" Tsumugi yelled. Is it just me, or...did her eyes look a lot "...Staff?" Kiibo muttered. "There's no need to worry about the people backstage! Anyway, back to our conversation... You guys can just relax. The world hasn't been destroyed." They said. "Really!? It's not destroyed!? Then we can all go home and-" "Nah, that ain't happenin'." The mastermind broke to us, cutting Himiko off. "Nyeh!?" Himiko yelped in surprise. "Wh-Why? Is the world is still intact, then we have homes to return to-" "I told you that ain't happenin' you dumb sea urchin-headed...wait, that's me!" One of the survivors with poor-looking clothes exclaimed. "Monokuma, what's...happening?" I asked the bear. "Do you really wanna know? Puhuhu... Forget about the world. It wants nothing to do with you. The walls of this academy are your world now. The outside world is of no concern to you. The audience certainly agrees with me. Isn't that right, you guys?" Monokuma asked. It was then where we all watched Monokuma stick a key in a machine...and, many screens flashed up, exposing so many people, people that were yelling out different words of praise towards us, some negative ones, some of them shouted things that only celebrities could get used to. "Who...are these people!?" Gonta yelled. "They've been watching this killing game transpire. Of course, those you see are only a fraction of our total viewers. It's just like Shuichi and Y/N said. This was all arranged because people wanted to see it." The mastermind said all too happily. "S-So...this was a show? This whole killing game!?" I yelled, my eyes feeling like they were about to pop out of my head. "Yeah, everyone in this whole peaceful world watches this show." They responded. "" Shuichi muttered. 

"Th-The outside world is p-peace itself. There's n-no despair or wars, a-and...Achoo! All the people in this peaceful world are straight-up crazy for this killing game! Kyeeehahahaha!" A girl with purple hair and a blood-red tongue lolling out to the side cackled. "W-Wait, why would a peaceful world need a game like th-" "It's because the world is so peaceful that this killing game is necessary! It is so very peaceful... And so, it is so very boring. With so much peace, people have become bored. They need stimulation... We created this Ultimate Real Fiction so Danganronpa could fulfill that need. Every person in the outside world watching is this huge Danganronpa fan. Everyone loves the killing games... This killing game is for everyone... So it's everyone's killing school semester. This killing game is the latest entry in Danganronpa. The long-awaited sequel that everyone has been waiting for! This is the truth of his killing game! Isn't it the Ultimate Real Fiction!?" Tsumugi yelled. "We...were forced to play...some fictional killing game?" Shuichi muttered, looking astonished beyond anyone's imagination. "Danganronpa! You noticed way too late! There's no Danganronpa without Monokuma! Since I'm here, that means this is Danganronpa!" Monokuma cheered. Suddenly...behind everyone. The screens flashed to a title.

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