First night 4

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Y/N POV:  As my vision slowly started to regain focus I could see Kirumi in front of me waving a hand near my face to help my vision return. "You're awake... Are you alright?" Kirumi asked me in a gentle voice it almost sounded angelic. I slowly nodded my head, feeling a hand underneath it, Despite the violent thumping in my head returning, my eyes traveled around the room to look at everyone else, they were all in stunned silence as they let the sadness travel through the air throughout all they're despair filled looks. Everything was dead silent until a familiar black and white bear jumped out from seemingly nowhere.

"Geez, this is quite the pity party you sadsacks are throwing for yourselves!" Monokuma yelled much to the shock of Kaede, I grumbled in annoyance as I sat up, however still leaning my back on the stone-cold wall. "Wow, you all look exhausted. Poor things. I feel sorry for you." Monophanie said in her annoying half-assed sympathy. "Sheesh, this place is filthy. It's murder on my cashmere skin." Monotaro annoyingly grumbled. "I bet Monodam's feelin' lucky right now! His body's already a cheap piece of junk!" Monokid's bullying didn't get so much of a glance out of Monodam as he kept his usual dead silent as a mouse persona up.

"Why don'tcha respond to him, Monodam? It'll liven things up a little, y'know?" Monosuke urged only for Kaito to take over the conversation. "Tch... So you guys crawled outta your holes. I guess you finally noticed what we were up to." Kaito said with a scary expression of nothing I'd ever seen before. 

"...Noticed? I've known for a while that you guys would botch whatever escape plan you had." Monokuma said with his head tilted to his side in an almost innocent way if it weren't for the circumstances. "What?" Kaede questioned looking rather scared. "Y-Yeah, I also...kinda...pretty much knew, too..." Monotaro said with an uncertain expression tone of voice. 

"...That's a lie" Monosuke said. "If you knew all along, then this was just a trap." Maki said sweat dropping. "Then there was no exit! You tricked us!" Tenko yelled in the same defensive position that she was able to keep for a while now.

"...No, there's an exit." Monophanie led on. "I think you guys'll manage to reach it if you all work together!" "Yeah! There's nothing you 17 Ultimates can't accomplish if you work together!" Monotaro and Monophanie yelled in an attempt to encourage us in some way, I guess if it wasn't them saying it, I guess it would've been accepted any day. But of course, their words are worth nothing in the ears of us who are in the killing game.

"Puhuhu. And if at first you don't succeed...try, try again. Try as many times as you want until you accept reality! Ah-hahahaha!" "Kyahahahaha!" Monokuma and Monotaro yet again laughed in our faces as if they were above us...never will he ever be above me, under any circumstances, even someone like me will never lower my head to someone so scummy. 

Monokuma left after mocking us same goes with the Monokubs. "Nyeeeh, so we can escape if we work hard enough...?" Himiko questioned still looking rather drowsy. "No way, you little moron! they'd be freakin' out if we could actually reach it!" Miu yelled.

"That's probably why they left us to try. They wanted us to try the underground passage so we'd learn that escape was impossible." Ryoma said as he pulled down his beanie lower towards his eyes. "Instead of blocking off every exit completely, they leave that little bit of hope. They want us to be desperate to go home. Corner us mentally." Rantaro said looking disappointed. 

"That's just rotten..." Tsumugi said as she sweat dropped. I looked down slightly glaring at the floor, from anyone's point of view they would probably think that I've given up... And they would be right I have given up, there is no point in damaging my body if I'm not going to get so much of a single hopeful result, everyone has their limits. And I have now reached my own. 

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