Investigation 3

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Y/N POV: Shuichi saw Kaede's worried expression and sweat dropped. "Kaede... I know you're worried, but you can trust me. We have to just be patient." Shuichi said. "That's not all I'm worried about. I thought this whole thing would be over once we exposed the mastermind. But now...we're just in a bigger mess. A mess...we have to to see through to the end." Kaede spoke out about her worries to everyone. I guess she wasn't wrong, she has every right to be a little worried about the killing game and the mastermind. "Ah...Kaede? I...have a proposal for you. If it's alright with you...could we keep working together during the trial? Like what we're doing now?" Shuichi asked as his face went to the faintest shade of pink. "Shuichi?" Kaede said, her mouth agape slightly. "I know I'm just an apprentice, but...I think I can help you, as a detective. No, I...I want to help you." Shuichi stated confidently. It was odd watching two humans getting along so well in such a short amount of time. They were both different genders also, how can people so different get along so well?

Kaede smiled at the request from Shuichi. "Of course! With you by my side, it'll be like having 100 people helping me!" Kaede complemented. "...Thank you, Kaede." Shuichi mumbled out. "Hey, sooo...I don't care about all this mushy stuff, so let's just get started already. And try to take this seriously, okay? Our lives are on the line." Kokichi pointed out the merely obvious. "It takes a lot of mental power to say something like that so cheerfully..." Tsumugi said, tilting her head to the side slightly. 

"Before we start, I'd like to suggest that we not investigate by ourselves." Kirumi said. Oh no, I really don't want to investigate with someone else. "Huh? Why?" Gonta asked.

"If we let the culprit work by themselves, they might try and destroy evidence, right?" Ryoma answered. "Oh, you're right... Since the culprit is one of us..." Tsumugi said. "Kehehe... If each of us watches the over, no one will be able to hide evidence." Korekiyo explained. "I do not intend to offer a suggestion that would further arouse suspicion, but..." Kirumi said with a stern expression. "No, that's logical! Please speak your mind, Kirumi!" Kiibo urged the maid. "It's not something you should be proud to say...but I guess we don't have a choice. After all, if we don't find out who the culprit is, we'll all be killed." Kaito said. Pointing out the obvious again.

I avoided everyone for a quick moment so I could neglect the rule that I had to investigate with someone. I refuse to do that. No matter who my partner may be, I'm not going to work with anyone that I don't trust. I walked up to Ryoma who stood alone in the corner of the library. "Well? If you're the Ultimate Librarian, then you must be thinking about who the culprit is, right?" Ryoma asked making my eyes widen slightly in surprise. 

"...Huh?" I questioned Ryoma's words. "Tell me who you think the culprit is. I don't mind if it's just an educated guess." Ryoma said back. I guess I do have a little hunch on who I think the culprit could be. But it's just a little list of people rather than a single person. Maybe once I collect alibies from people is when I could take a better guess.

I took a deep breath in and out before I got on my knees to get more to Ryoma's height. And whispered in his ear the most suspicious person here in my eyes. I got back up to my feet and after a few seconds of processing what I had just said he nodded at me before continuing the conversation. "I thought that you would be like everyone else. Someone who is too scared to suspect anyone. But I guess with the way things are, wouldn't it be better for you to suspect others more?" Ryoma asked. I wasn't entirely sure about my answer at this point in time. 

"I-I guess so. Always keeping your g-guard up is very helpful in this type of situation." I answered with shaky hands. I wasn't ready for this type of interaction. Ryoma isn't like everyone else. He knows when not to trust someone, and that in my eyes is very rare. 

With the awkward silence in the air, I waved awkwardly to Ryoma before walking off to someone else in the library, I needed something to occupy my time before I have Rantaro's body for evidence. I saw Kirumi next and quickly walked up to her in need of some sort of different information. "Why did the culprit not step forward and take advantage of the First Blood Perk? The culprit must've killed to survive, so it is odd that they would not step forward." Kirumi said with a concentrated look on her face. 

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