Escape 2

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Y/N POV: "Still, Y/N..." Kaede began to talk. "You don't have to throw your life away! We're all going to escape this place together!" Kaede yelled making my ears ring slightly. "Wow, Y/N I'm glad that unlike you I'm less willing to throw my life away, cause I got people that will be sad if I die, y'know?" Kokichi said in a mocking tone, I looked at him with an unsure look as I put my hand in my pocket as I held the photo in it. "For your information have someone that would care-" I tried to make a point till I got interrupted by the liar himself.

"Ne-heehee...I'm lying. No one will be sad if I die. But... I dunno if the same can be said about everyone else. Anyway...I'm gonna take off now." Kokichi said as he kept that innocent smile of his, even though he was smiling I couldn't tell if he was actually happy or not.

"Take off? Where are you going, Kokichi?" Rantaro asked suspiciously "Oh, I don't knooow. Maybe I'll go back to my room and just think things over. Alone." Kokichi answered back. After that, he left without seemingly a care in the world to where I assume he went back to his room "A-Alone in your room? What do you mean by that? Are you invitin' me to come kill you?" Miu said. "Miu?" Kirumi said just like a mother that was warning her child not to do something. "N-Not that I'd...try to claim that perk for myself... I'm too classy to kill someone! Talkin' to you idiots is exhausting... I'm gonna go to my room and rest!" After that Miu turned her back and left the dining hall "Miu! You better not do anything shady, okay!?" Kaede yelled after her.

"There is no need to worry, is there? No one is going to...kill anyone, right?" Kiibo asked as his voice quivered a little due to maybe the pressure of the situation. "If someone is going to kill, they should just go for the robot." Himiko bluntly replied without a care for Kiibo's feelings "That's even worse!" Kiibo yelled as his face sweat dropped from fear at the thought that someone might actually kill him.

" everyone feels that killing is wrong... But why is that?" Korekiyo asked as he tilted his hat down slightly "What?" Kaede asked with her face growing almost deathly pale "Of course, I know it to be against the law. But laws are simply rules people decided upon. This is a space removed from those rules. Therefor, we've no need to follow them." Korekiyo said with some rather good points, I couldn't help myself as I answered despite knowing better "I-I think it might be because of morals? It takes a certain person to be able to kill even though our brains know better. But I guess in here, yes. We have no reason to follow those morals." I explained.

"Don't say stupid shit like that! Even kids know killing is bad! It's common sense?" Kaito yelled at both Korekiyo and I. "Even if it is to survive...? We are as a guinea pig upon a lab table...we cannot be picky about our means of survival." Korekiyo said. "S-So I supposed as guinea pigs...we must follow to rules decided upon us if it means we get to see another day." I added to Korekiyo's point despite the twistedness of it all.

"Wh-What?" Kaito angrily mumbled at me, balled his hand into a fist as if he was about to hit something and that something is going to be me if I kept talking in Korekiyo's favor. "Kehehe... I only wish to observe the beauty of humanity and witness the depths of its sins. So you've no need to fear me. With that all cleared up I will be taking my leave now..." Korekiyo said but as he was turning his heel to leave, and in a hurry I quickly stood beside him. "C-Can I come too?" I asked as I looked up slightly to look Korekiyo in the eye as I asked him that. I was unsure what he was going to say, was he going to hit me? Was he going to tell me to go away? Is he going to- "Be my guest." He said as he continued to walk to the exit leaving me in slight shock Did he mean to say that? But my thoughts were interrupted as he walked to the exit waiting for me.

I sped walked to the exit with him as we both left the dining hall together. "So um, where were you planning to go Mr. Korekiyo?" I asked as I sweat dropped slightly, I didn't want to become a bother for him, the only reason I wanted to go was that we had similar interests with his anthropology and my almost infinite knowledge about almost every subject, it was only ideal that I knew a thing or two about anthropology after all. And I guess to add to that Korekiyo seemed like such an interesting person to talk to and didn't seem like the type of person to threaten to hit me if I were to do something wrong, but this is just my guess, I don't know much about Korekiyo and I was far away from trusting him but I feel like if I were to become allies with anyone Korekiyo would be a good start from the already strong interests that we share it didn't seem like a bad gamble that I would be taking.

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