Surprise 1

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Y/N POV: Kaede must've noticed my slightly uncomfortable expression because she began to sweat drop. "No, it's okay! It doesn't bother me! It's just...I should've been more considerate of everyone's feelings. I was too focused on the tunnel... So, I'm sorry." I sighed quietly as everyone heard Kaede's apology "Alright, well... If you're okay with it, then so am I." Kaito said in response to Kaede's heart-filled apology only to which I frowned, I was slightly moved by Kaede's apology but I was still guilty for lashing out at her for only trying to help "I'm sorry too, were only trying to help and I just walked away." I looked down and I spoke with just enough force so it would reach Kaede, Kaede turned her head to look at me and smiled.

That smile made my face flush with expressions of what I could only describe being happiness and relief and maybe a bit of embarrassment. Kokichi probably noticed my sudden change of expression and smiled as well "Phew, cool beans! Now everything's settled!" Kokichi still looked as happy as ever despite the situation we are all in.

"...But you did blame her first, didn't you?" Kiibo decided to press the matter with Kaede further "Well, that was a lie. Y'know, one of those lies to make us more united or whatever. Did you know half of my lies are actually told with good intentions?" Kokichi said as he put his hands behind his head whilst grinning from ear to ear "Now that sounds like a lie." Himiko sighed.

"Let's just forget about it and discuss something else. Okay? Let's all think about ways to get out of here." Kaede said sweat dropping, it was at this moment that I sprung out of my chair intertwining my hands together and breathing heavily, I was so excited, but my eyes betrayed my face as no smile formed, but I was still excited to tell everyone my plans of escaping, my plans for what we could do when we got out and also plans for- "Before you do that, I have an announcement!" Monokuma said as he proceeded to jump out of nowhere, his appearance didn't come as any surprise to me however as I remained almost stone face if you don't count my still flushed face.

"Aaaaaaahhhhh!!!" Kaede screamed with the sudden appearance of Monokuma "Hey! Don't just suddenly show up! It's too much stress for my heart!" Tsumugi screamed "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to not surprise you." Monokuma said with his face unchanging and his smile that crept up to ear from ear with ill intent "So you did mean to surprise us." Himiko said with a face maybe just as stone-cold as Monokuma's if you don't count the child-like appearance that Himiko held "Well? Your announcement?" Rantaro questioned "It's not terribly important, but... It's easier to stay alive by being an obvious goody-two-shoes, right? Being thrust into a killing game doesn't mean you'll be able to kill someone I figured I'd ease you guys into the killing game by giving you a motivation to kill."

I shivered at that, almost every book that I read on true crime had the killer have a good, solid motivation to kill the person they did, I guess the reason Monokuma has held the motive is just to increase the chance of you killing someone better. And honestly, it wasn't a bad choice by any means if you were to be making a book on fictional crime, but this was real life, if we die, we die as we cannot come back to life unlike some people wish, I simply needed to stay alive for everyone, not because I want to, but because if I die the chance of them leaving this killing game will be highly unlikely. A shiver went up to my spine yet again at the thought of dying and in complete honesty, I was just scared by what it meant for us, those in the killing game are vulnerable to each other, as humans it is only natural for us to grow a connection to each other. But what if we die and we end up leaving our friends alone to slowly but surely forget about us and the connection that we once shared.

I frowned at my depressing thoughts, as I could only silence them and listen to everyone else bicker among ourselves like children "...Motivation to kill?" Maki questioned as she narrowed her eyes towards the small bear "In short, a motive! That oughta add some mystery to the proceedings! Even if a killer is exposed, they could whip up a sob story to deceive everyone!" Monokuma exclaimed I guess in his way to make everyone pumped up to the killing game...which didn't exactly work, I guess it only made everyone else mad "What are you saying? Your logic is impossible to understand...!" Kiibo yelled.

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