Survival 1

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Y/N POV: I looked at Shuichi reassuringly, he must know too...that Kaito is probably upset with him, I don't blame him at all for what happened, back then nor now, Kiyo's trial was hard for me to deal with, however, I'm getting better...he was able to give me hope like no other, strong enough to take down the very one putting us through so much pain. I've never felt like a man more than right now, so I will indulge in such, and maybe some day...I'll be able to let the very people who put me in such a miserable state go, to rot in the very back of my brain like they should've been a long while ago. "Talking about escaping is good and all, however, I must ask...where'd he go...? Kokichi..." I pointed out to everyone, once I spoke his name I felt a sense of anger I can't seem to describe run through me, I clenched my none injured hand as I looked towards the ground slightly. "Ah!" Shuichi yelled in surprise, it seems as if he felt it too. "I...haven't seen him. Even if I did, I'd be the one running away..." Tsumugi admitted. "I haven't seen him either. It's like he has completely vanished." Kiibo said. "Ah...Gonta no see him either." He admitted. "He's apparently really good at hide and seek, so he's probably just hiding somewhere..." Himiko pointed out. I felt an odd amount of eyes on me, I felt a weird feeling that replaced the anger, as if someone else was watching me. 

"We can't just...let that He's...a little too dangerous. No...not just a little... Because he... He enjoys watching us suffer. His face just screams that he's having fun whenever he sees us suffer. He's not normal... There's obviously something wrong with him." Tsumugi said. "If we weren't in this killing game, I would've assassinated him already... However, because Y/N survived his execution, perhaps it won't be so hard." Maki said, playing with her hair. "Believe me when I say that you don't want to test your chances, surviving that...was much harder than just swinging a pole around...If the Monokubs and that little bit of motivation weren't there I most likely wouldn't have made it out. I would be lying if I said...that the thought of Monokuma popping up out of nowhere isn't scaring me at least a little." I sweat dropped. "I forgot...Monokuma is still alive, isn't he?" Tsumugi questioned. "How do you plan to confront him? There's still a chance to avoid him till we escape,'s probably not the best course of action." Kiibo told me. "I plan to take my chances yet again, I want to do my part in helping everyone escape, not avoiding it, I'm always going to be better than him, no matter what... I still need to repent." I pointed out, smiling. "Are you sure? You can't just fight him if things get bad." Shuichi said. "Of course, that still, won't stop me though, I-I am the best, after all." I sweat dropped, and my eyebrows furrowed as my face slowly contorted into one of nervousness. "Y/N...still look scared." Gonta told me. "I-I'm not used to complementing myself is all, heh...I'm fine." I replied. "No need to be scared! Y/N has Gonta!" Gonta told me. "I-I...don't need your help, I'll be fine." I told Gonta quickly, I'll take help when I need it...and I don't think I need help at the moment. 

"Hey, if we don't do anything, we'll be killed by Kokichi next! I bet even know, he's hiding somewhere and plotting against us." Tsumugi sweat dropped. "No, actually...we're safe right now. Kokichi told us that his objective was to win the killing game. He wouldn't risk a murder that would so obviously implicate him." Shuichi pointed out. "But he would be planning to make us suffer some other way. Like how he used Gonta... Anyway, we need to find him as soon as-" "Here I am!" Monokuma yelled, just like I said, I almost jumped out of my skin, hiding my general figure beside Gonta's, perhaps help is something I need at the moment. "Nyeeeh! Monokuma!?" Himiko yelled. "What are you doing here? Weren't you destroyed by Y/N?" Shuichi asked him. "Puhuhu. Of course, I was, however, I have been created yet again to give you guys a pleasant killing game... And I cannot rest in peace knowing my rival is still alive." Monokuma said as his red eye glowed showing that he was irritated, I slowly stepped out from beside Gonta, looking at Monokuma from below me. "S-So...we meet again." I told him, thinking about the most cliché book line by accident, I felt my heartbeat increase as I clenched onto my uniform with the hand I was previously clenching. "I suppose we do." Monokuma said, glaring back at me. "I want to make a deal with you." I told Monokuma. "Wait, Y/N what are you-" "Shush." I told Kaito. "Is that so? Normally I would just kill you quickly right here however just by that, you've piqued my interest. This must be a reeeal good one, I don't wanna have to kill you and make a mess, I'll give you 30 seconds, and remember...anything lower than AMAZING will get you killed quicker than you killed my poor cubs." Monokuma told me. 

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