Surprise 3

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A/N: I apologize for the slowness in updates, I have a bunch of assignments coming up and I would wish to get good marks for them. So maybe, the next few week's updates will be pumped out at a bit of a slower pace than the two and sometimes three times a week updates, this will only be for a few weeks, however, so do not think that I have lost motivation, my dear readers. One more thing that I would like to tackle is to thank you for 1.6K reads, we're almost at 2K reads and I couldn't be happier, so thank you for that :)

Y/N POV: I was unsure about how long I've been writing my plan for but all I know is that it was a while as it took me a while before the time started to catch up on me so it was obviously a long while I wrote all the way up to my peers all the way to how this killing game is going to run and my plans to escape. I ended up writing down my plans till I heard the morning announcement go off. I lifted my head in exhaustion to look at the monitor in a state of exhaustion.

I didn't pay any mind to what the Monokubs said at this point, it all didn't matter in the end so why bother? I lifted myself from my poor sleeping spot and washed my face before going right outside all the dorms, just as I opened the door to my dorm room however I saw Ryoma standing near the entry so it was practically impossible to ignore or avoid him.

I didn't have anything against Ryoma it's just that my confidence in talking to others is still in the process of strengthening. When I was walking near the doors I mumbled out a little "G-Good morning Mr. Ryoma..." I let out a crooked smile to show my innocent intent "Ah... We're way past morning by this point." Ryoma said back to me with a casual thumb up. My eye twitched in confusion "D-Didn't the morning announcement just go off? It should be morning." I said back as I played with my fingers "In prison, mornings were a lot earlier. We started at dawn. During the day we'd do our work and eat at the same time. At night, all we could do was sleep. Inside those prison walls... I lived a frighteningly disciplined life." Ryoma said with an unusually calm look on his face, if I didn't know any better I would think that he was at peace with himself, but of course...with the way he first talked when I met him, that wasn't the case.

"That sort of life does sound healthy, however." I spoke back "Hmph... Healthy body, healthy mind? That's a bitter irony." Ryoma said in response to my unresponsive answer, Ryoma obviously had no motivation to continue with this rather back and forth conversation because he left straight after that. It was too early to have this much social interaction anyway so I can't blame him for not wanting to talk to the human version of a wall. I walked for a while to the dining hall expecting the worst but as I opened the doors I realized that everyone in the dining hall was in a pretty good mood despite the motive in our hands.

"Maaan, for a moment I had no idea what was gonna happen! I'm glad it turned out like this!" Kokichi said with a relaxed smile. "Yeah, seriously..." Kaito smiled back without a care in the world.

Was everyone currently talking about Monokuma's death? Who is going to tell them that this probably isn't going to end like they want it to "Nyeh... I slept well last night. Also, I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth by myself." Himiko said in one of her rare smiles, this was getting out of hand. Why wasn't everyone more on edge, this isn't fair...why can't they just worry a bit more? "You did all of that with magic!? You're so amazing, Himiko!" Tenko yelled in enthusiasm and praise at the short girl "Praise be to Atua. Surely he helped you in his own mysterious, miraculous way." Angie replied.

"This Atua seems to act in secret a lot..." Tsumugi said, "Because Atua smells of danger." Angie replied to Tsumugi. I furrowed my eyebrows as I kept looking over my shoulder for something to happen. "But... when someone coming to get us?" Gonta asked only to which I shook my head, I can't tell everyone that the chances of us all dying is still there, everyone would probably hate me otherwise. "Whoever does...I assume they will come today. There's no need to worry." Kiibo said back. Rantaro kept his eyebrows furrowed the whole time. He was probably self-aware of the situation at hand unlike the mindless hope inducing people around us that just think without the facts.

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