Rescue plan...

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Y/N POV: "Y/N! Are you okay?" Shuichi asked me. "N-Never better." I muttered, the stinging sensation on my back was firm and not slowly going away like I had hoped. "Sorry if Gonta hit Y/N too hard." Gonta apologized to me. "I'm fine, trust me." I told him before I took a deep breath, I have to move on. "Getting past the electric barrier shouldn't be too difficult since we currently have two solutions, I was able to memorize the remaining digits Monokuma put in as well as the rest of the code already, though for a more easy solution we could just use the Electrohammers, if we hit the control panel with it, it should most definitely disable the alarm system as well as the electric barrier. I'm guessing that's what you did to the electric lock with the exit to the outside world." I pointed out. " won't work the same way on the alarm system, will it? The alarm will go off before we can even get close enough to use the Electrohammer..." Kiibo said. "Then, we'll use this." Maki responded as she took out one of the Electrobombs that she took from Kokichi. "Ah, is that...?" Shuichi muttered.


"Nee-heehee... It's not exactly a bomb, though. Even if it is called an Electrobomb.. It jams electronic signals by scattering particles that interfere with electromagnetic waves. For two hours, any and all electronic devices within 50 yards will be completely disabled. It's perfect for any secret activities, too, since it doesn't leave any debris behind. This invention is extraordinary! But I only have three of them... So I need to use them carefully. You guys will have to settle for the Electrohammers." Kokichi explained. 


"Wh-Why do you have that, Maki? There were only three and I thought Kokichi had them-" "I stole it from his pocket... During that time." Maki answered Tsumugi. "Nyeh, as expected! You kleptomania and terrifying glare are both first-class!" Himiko yelled which was unfortunately only met with Maki's so-called terrifying glare. "Th-The terrifying glare part was a joke... So...can you stop glaring at me so terrifyingly...?" Himiko said as she sweat dropped. "Nice work, Maki! We can use that Electrobomb to get inside the hangar!" Kiibo said. "Not only that, it will disable all communication. That should include the remote control Kokichi uses for the Exisals." Shuichi pointed out. "If we use the Electrobomb in front of the shutter, it should affect the entire hangar." Kiibo pointed out. "Then Kokichi'll be as good as butt naked! All he'll be able to do is hold his crotch and run!" Himiko yelled happily as I grimaced at the thought, however, even that would be an understatement as to how I felt about it. "But he still might be able to control an Exisal from the inside." Shuichi said. "Butt naked!?" Himiko yelled in shock. "I'm pretty sure he'll be clothed for when we actually execute the plan, just a hunch though." I said sarcastically, of course, he would be clothed why wouldn't he be? "Then we should bring the Electrohammers as a precaution against the Exisals." Kiibo said. "Nyeeeh, dang... I just left mine sitting around without charging it." Himiko admitted. "Ah...sorry, but I did too..." Shuichi sweat dropped. "It takes 24 hours to charge an Electrohammer, so we'll have to wait till tomorrow morning." Kiibo instructed everyone. "...We're going to wait till tomorrow morning? What about the hangar?" Maki asked. "Gonta no want to wait either...though not even Gonta could take down Exisal without friends worrying, better wait." Gonta told Maki. "The Exisals aren't that hard to beat, y'know? With just a little bit of motivation I'm sure it could be done." I told everyone. "Some of us aren't as physically capable as you are, Y/N." Himiko glared at me. "Wh-What's with the sudden hostility?" I asked her however I never got a response as Himiko pulled down her hat and looked away, not meeting my eyes. "...Never mind then." I murmured. 

"But even if we tried to fight the Exisals without the Electrohammers I really doubt we would win." Tsumugi admitted. "Maki...I know that you don't want to wait a single minute more than necessary...but we shouldn't try this until tomorrow. When everyone is ready." Shuichi told her. "Fine, that's what we'll do then... This time, we'll definitely kill him." Maki said. "Gonta no want any involvement in murder!" Gonta sweat dropped. "No, Maki you can't! Even if he's a Remnant of Despair, that doesn't-" "But if we kill him, then everything will end. We have no other choice. For that reason...I will kill him." Maki said as her eyes screamed murder which I was rather used to. "Then...all I have to do is stop you, right?" I asked her. "...What?" Maki said. "I assume that if I interfered it would be rather difficult for you to kill Kokichi, unless you enable me from moving for a little while, the only issue is that if you try to knock me out you might actually kill me, I don't think I can handle another strong blow to the head." I admitted, to be completely honest I was just trying to hide the fact that I had my doubts about Kokichi being a Remnant of Despair, I'm worried that if Maki took it upon herself to kill Kokichi she would get executed due to the fact Kokichi wasn't actually linked to the making of the killing game in any way, I'm sure that Monokuma was already pushing the rules by letting me live after my trial so there's no possible way he'd let Maki live as well. "What's with you? You hate Kokichi the same way everyone else does so why bother saying that you'd defend him?" Maki asked me. "It just wouldn't be worth it, I'll be honest and say that I have wanted one person dead in my entire life though, in the walls of the killing game, killing is only seen as participation, do you really want to participate in a killing game that you hate? It doesn't seem all that bad at first till you actually do it, you don't just shake off the shame instantly. Killing so much that you don't feel anything is something a Remnant would do, something...Kokichi would do." I told Maki as I stared at her. 

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