Escape 5

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A/N: hello everyone! Now as your author I have taken it upon myself to answer any questions about this book that still may be confusing you, I know that as my book grows more popular some of you guys are going to want to ask a few questions about the book. I know that my method of writing can prove to be sometimes difficult to stay on board with, so to counter this I'm giving the suggestion that you ask me questions about Y/N or the story at hand or even the future that I'm heading at with this book. I want you guys to know exactly what's happening with this book and I want you guys to enjoy it. But as of now please relax and enjoy this book to its fullest.

Y/N POV: As I walked into Korekiyo's dorm room I began to overthink everything. This time it was mostly about me, Korekiyo was capable to talk to mostly anyone within the academy, and yet he chooses to talk to me of all people. My mind started running to all sorts of places about me or Korekiyo or even a possible friendship that we could have. My mind wondered to more and more places and more possibilities that this situation could go in the span of one free time event "So Y/N, you are the ultimate librarian, correct?" Korekiyo said making me jump back as I held my hands in one another "Y-Yeah, that's right." I said as I tripped over my words "Well, being a librarian must mean that you must be well versed in anthropology, right?" Korekiyo said as he looked down a little, I felt my body tremble with nervousness "W-Well I guess I could give about 10 full essays about what I know about Anthropology, maybe 20. It's not very high, I only know the far basics." I said as I squeezed my hands to relieve some pressure of having conversation squeezed out of me.

"The Anthropology that you are likely imagining is different from my field of study, though." Korekiyo said as I urged him to continue "For example, when you think of Japanese folklore music, what comes to your mind?" Korekiyo asked me suddenly making my mind run full of thoughts, I didn't want to say anything stupid or basic. It has to be somewhat unique. "M-Maybe, Japanese court music. L-Like the koto or the flute music, they play during New Year's. I suppose." I tried to talk in clear view, I guess it's when my mind is forced to speak its mind, my words tend to get all jumbled up and difficult to understand.  " that those are examples of traditional cultural music of Japan. However, what I research is music created through people's daily lives." Korekiyo said, I only knew the far basics of Anthropology, all of this was new to me. "What do you mean by that?" I asked as I felt my nerves slightly calm down, at least compared to the stiff nature that they were the second I walked through the door. 

" to put it...It's a complicated distinction, I admit. It' that was not crafted by the hands of specialists, such as musicians. Nursery rhymes, lullabies, songs passed down through generations of mothers... Traditions and events expressed in song, Such as a song to remember a disaster... Yes, things like that." Korekiyo said as he gave one of his now-signature hat tilt.

"I see... I can understand what you mean." I said as I looked up slightly instead of the floor "There are many nursery rhymes and children's games that have been forgotten. That meaning is what Anthropologists chase. I can tell you about one if you'd like." Korekiyo suggested kindly "Um, I suppose 'Kagome Kagome' is sort of scary. Depending on the way you look at it of course." I said with the fear of talking practically completely forgotten "Ah, yes. It has a great many different interpretations. It can be scary, or tragic... And according to one interpretation, it points to the hidden treasure of the Tokugawa family." Korekiyo said knowledgeably, my eyes widened however at the newfound knowledge "I-I didn't know that...that's incredible." I said as I intertwined my hands together towards my chest.

"I cannot say for certain if it is the truth. Nor can anyone else. But...the idea that a certain truth is sealed away is the lyrics of a song is intriguing." Korekiyo said it was always odd to me how people could always just speak their mind without feeling the after-effects of being made fun of for it "I guess...I never would've guessed you would of studied children's nursery rhymes of all things." I trailed off as I fiddled with my fingers a little "It shows just how intertwined music has become with our daily lives." Korekiyo said, I gave a small smile "I guess it just comes to show that music was a part of our lives even way back then." I said with my nerves completely calming down as I felt the conversation go back and forth without a break. "Kehehe... Such words may seem simple, yet they have profound meaning behind them." Korekiyo complemented me making me almost lose all of my composure that had been building up "I-I'm not worth that type of praise..." I mumbled under my breath. "Hey, Y/N." Korekiyo spoke up making me turn to face his way "Maybe we should talk some more, I did say that you hold infinite beauty after all." Korekiyo complemented me again to which I swore I could feel my face flare-up.

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