A confusing investigation

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Y/N POV: I felt physically ill looking at the sight before me, I think I was able to figure out what had happened quicker than the others because I quickly found myself turning away, gagging at the sheer sight of the blood dripping, what an awful sight, what made it even worse is that I couldn't even feel bad due to the most likely now unidentifiable corpse being covered up completely. "...What?" Shuichi muttered, sounding confused at the sight before him, everyone else reacting in similar ways till we heard it.

Ding Dong, dong ding! 

Soon after the sound played in our ears we heard a soul-crushing laugh. "Puhuhu... Puhuhuhuhuhuhu... A body has been discovered! Everyone, please gather at the Exisal hangar! Ah-hahahahahahahaha! The killing game just keeps going and going! The despair's not over yet!" Monokuma laughed. "What is this? What's going on!?" Shuichi yelled in shock. "Wh-What!? Is that blood!?" Himiko questioned. "Too cruel...this is so cruel." Gonta said. "The body discovery announcement... Does that mean...someone's in that press?" Tsumugi sweat dropped. "Wh-Who...?" Shuichi asked. "The only ones in the hangar were Kokichi and Kaito. It must be one of them." Kiibo pointed out. "...What?" Shuichi mumbled. My heart dropped in such a way that I didn't think I could ever recover...It can't be Kaito, I...refuse to believe it's Kaito...It just cannot be Kaito. 

My head began to ache from all the thoughts and scenarios that were being pushed into my head, however, the thing that I found that made me the most anxious was the fact that I didn't know who was killed, as if it was trying to taunt us in some way, taunting us that we were too late to prevent yet another murder from happening. "Oh! Look!" Kiibo yelled as he pointed at something, I hesitantly turned around and a look of horror spread across my face, sticking out of the press...was Kaito's sleeve. "Th-Those clothes! Those...are Kaito's." I pointed out, my voice softening towards the end. "Then...the one in that hydraulic press is..." Himiko muttered. Though she didn't really have to say what she was thinking...we were all thinking the same thing to. "N-No...it's not possible-" But before Shuichi could finish speaking a familiar voice spoke "Puhuhu. Looks like you have a lot of twists and turns to sort out during the class trial. That's what the killing game's all about, after all! And so, I will now pass out the Monokuma File! Don't say you're getting bored of this! Cuz things are about to get interesting! I hope you pour your heart and soul into this investigation, too!" Monokuma yelled as he left quickly, making sure to hand out the Monokuma Files, not even giving us time to protest as he'd usually do, we don't even have the Monokubs to give us little tips or even a small helping hand, even worse is that during the trial we won't be able to rely on the Monokubs to say something they weren't supposed to, I guess that's the only regret I have, destroying all of them, however, I do think I'm more important than some stupid little pawns. 

"Wait! We have to investigate!? Killing game going to continue!?" Gonta yelled. "If the killing game is continuing, and Monokuma is still moving, then..." Kiibo began. "It means the mastermind, Kokichi, is still alive." Maki said. "Ah!" Shuichi yelped in surprise. "If Kokichi is still alive, then that means the only one dead over there is... K-Kaito!?" Himiko yelled. "No...that's not possible! There has to be some mistake! There's no way Kaito could die! It has to be a lie!" Shuichi yelled, I couldn't even argue with him saying that we should all wait till the trial for the key arguments however my mouth simply refused to speak because deep down I felt the same thing, I refuse for it to be Kaito. I watched as Shuichi made a run for the body when... "Calm down." Maki's hand stopped him. "Calm...down...? How can you say that, Maki!? Kaito is-" "I've seen so much death already. Death of good and bad people... It doesn't bother me anymore." Maki admitted. "It doesn't bother you!? What are you talking about-" "More importantly...where's Kokichi?" Maki asked, interrupting Shuichi. "That's right...I don't see him anywhere. He should be somewhere inside in this hangar- " "He ran away! We need to catch him immediately! He's obviously the culprit!" Tsumugi yelled. "Let's split up and look for him! Leave no stone unturned!" Kiibo said. "Okay! Gonta look now!" Gonta yelled. "No matter how good at hide and seek he is, we can't let him get away with this-" "No... That's not a good idea, the victim and murderer has still yet to be decided." I said abruptly, interrupting Himiko. "...Y/N's right, we don't know for certain if that dead body is Kaito. We haven't explored all of the possibilities yet." Shuichi agreed with me. "If it's not Kaito, then who's dead in there? Are you saying it's Kokichi? Then why is the killing game still continuing?" Maki asked us both to which no words left my lips to speak my mind about the whole situation. "And if Kaito is alive, why hasn't he shown himself yet?" Kiibo questioned. "Are you saying...he's hiding because he's the culprit." Himiko sweat dropped. "Don't say such a stupid thing! Kaito being the culprit is even more impossible than him being dead!" Maki yelled. "I don't think Kaito could've killed Kokichi in the first place. He was wounded, remember? And his opponent-the mastermind of the killing game-could control the Exisals at will. How could Kaito have killed someone like that when he was wounded?" Tsumugi questioned. "Because-!" My voice cut off before I could continue, almost forcefully.  "What was that, Y/N? I didn't hear you" Tsumugi told me. "K-K-K-Keh-Ko-Kok-!" My voice was seemingly gone from continuing onward from just simple stuttering, no words would come out even if I tried to drag them out by force, my cheeks flushed as I kept on making the same sound over and over, sounding rather repetitive and even a little annoying to me, I had to put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from continuing to stutter, it felt like I couldn't stop it even if I tried, I clenched my hands and turned my head away from everyone in childish frustration. "Y/N...are you okay?" Shuichi asked me, his face looking like he didn't know whether to be concerned or just to laugh it off. "I-I... I'm fine, sorry about that...it's probably just nerves." I brushed off quite literally as I put my hands on my cheeks, trying to make myself cool down, I haven't stuttered like that before in a while, sure maybe a bit here and there however why now of all times? I thought I was able to move past it. Though...I guess it makes sense, the thought that I don't even know who's the most recent victim does scare me a bit and the thought that Kokichi actually being the mastermind has never really sat well with me from the beginning, Kokichi would most likely never give up lying, even if he says he would, I don't really know how long it's been since Kokichi and I have had a conversation like normal people, maybe we never had so I don't think I would be able to predict his next moves accurately, however, who's to say when Kokichi isn't actually lying? I don't think any of us can tell when Kokichi is lying and when he's not in a casual manner and that's what frustrates me, I'm frustrated that everything has to be so confusing. 

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