Together...let's stay together

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Y/N POV: It didn't take much for me to walk out of the trial room. Whilst my heart pained and ached at the loss of Kaito I know that he would be disappointed in me if I just sulked in the corner forever like I've done so many times before. But then again...this is Kaito, I know that this is going to hit everyone hard, Kaito was amazing in every way possible, someone who was confident but also had flaws. I looked around the courtyard for anyone. Anyone I may have to give some extra support to. I'm sure that would be a nice thing to do. Kaito is the kind of person I would want to be like. Someone so contagiously positive that you can't help but smile happily whenever you hang out with them. I was happy at the thought as I continued to look ahead of me. Looking out for anyone. 

There in the place where Kaito, Maki, Shuichi and I would train I saw Maki and Shuichi standing by themselves. I was quick to walk up to them to see how they were holding up. "Hey, what's going on? You two okay?" I asked the both of them. "Ah, Y/N...I expected you would show up." Maki admitted. "When I saw you two I guess I couldn't really help myself." I chuckled tiredly. Today was a long and rather...upsetting to say the very least. None of us really talked for a few seconds till I clenched my hands and directed my attention to Maki. "I would like to apologize to you, Maki." I began. "...What?" Maki hummed. "Since...I was the one who drove Kaito into that corner. I was deciding on what I could've done but that's all I could think of. I...I really didn't want to do it. Some of the things I said during that time...weren't all lies... I just hate the fact that I betrayed the people I care about most yet again." I admitted to her. "...Are you feeling lonely?" Maki asked me. "E-Eh?" I muttered. "Are you that Kaito is gone?" Maki asked me. "...I haven't felt this sad in a while... And...lonely. It felt like things were just starting to get better, it kinda feels like there was no point." I mumbled. "What about you, Shuichi?" Maki asked the detective. Shuichi took a few seconds to think things over before settling on a response. "Yeah... I... I feel so lonely, and so sad I...don't know what to do... The only reason I'm still alive right now is because of Kaito. If he hadn't been my friend, I would be..." Shuichi sighed, however, he didn't even need to finish his sentence either way...I knew all to well. "...Me too. I can't remember the last time I ever cried that hard. I wonder how long it's been... But, I won't cry anymore. I'm sad, but...I'm grateful to Kaito." Maki admitted. "Grateful?" I said. "Yeah. I want to tell him that rather than being sad or lonely...I'm grateful to him. That's why...I won't cry anymore. I'm not going to wallow in pity. I want to show him how much I appreciate all the things he did." Maki concluded. "Yeah... Yeah, I guess it's the same for me. I want to show my appreciation, too. I'm sure that our friends who've passed on...don't want to see us miserable." Shuichi pointed out. "...I guess it's nice to hear it." I admitted. "Yeah..." Maki agreed. 

"Ah, so you guys were here after all. Just like I thought." I heard Tsumugi say from behind Maki. I looked behind her to also see Himiko and Gonta. "I knew you guys would be here cuz I cast a spell to find you." Himiko said. "Erm... Gonta was one that said to look here." Gonta sweat dropped. "Oh? What are you guys doing here?" Shuichi asked the trio, Shuichi looked to be rather pleasantly surprised to see them. "Umm... If you don't mind, can we join you in your training?" Tsumugi asked us. "Huh?" I hummed, training...with everyone? "I'll train you all from the ground up so we can end this killing game together." Himiko said. "We're...gonna end this together?" Maki muttered as she played with a bit of her brown hair in her fingers. "Himiko, Gonta and I promised Kaito." Tsumugi reminded us. "Mhm, everyone gonna do what we promised and work together to end killing game." Gonta agreed. "We can't afford to lose to despair!" Tsumugi said. "Yeah... Absolutely." Shuichi hummed. 

Monokuma told us that there was only despair here...that hope doesn't exist in a place like this, but he was wrong, unlike him, we are not alone, we have each other to rely on and support, my whole life I struggled to find a reason to look forward to hope...but something that I've come to realize is that I don't see much hope in by looking for my future ahead of time but more towards my friends...I feel happy that I'm alive, for once I don't feel suffocated by the pressure that others pushed on me from birth. The people that I swore I wouldn't feel anything for became my very reason to seek hope. Even as we all trained together on the rather uncomfortable grass I could feel like I was seen in the same positive light as I saw all of them. I have no reason to feel sad anymore about my harsh past, as a promise to myself right now, I'll make sure to cherish my friends and get them all out of this hellhole, with me following right beside them. I will always be 10 feet ahead of despair. So I will hold on and survive no matter what. I have friends, not just the ones here right now but the ones that have died. They gave us all of their hope too. If surviving my execution taught me one thing it's definitely that I shouldn't just live for myself, but that I should live for the people I love. So...thank you, Kaito. Thank you...Kiyo. 

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