First Night 3

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Y/N POV: Korekiyo nodded in response to that, not pressing me about the issue further. "U-Um... I hope we can still talk after this..." I mumbled, maybe Korekiyo and I could be the start of a good friendship... I quickly shook off the thought that someone would actually want to talk to me. 

I walked away from Korekiyo and onto the lead of the group which was Gonta. I'm unsure why but walking next to him made me feel safe in some way. I turned my head behind me to look at everyone else noting the fact that they were having some trouble keeping up with Gonta, I guess my legs could just naturally keep up. I felt a little safer that I had the physical strength to protect myself if anything were to happen to me whilst I was in this killing game.

Realizing that we were going to probably arrive at the manhole soon I turned my head to look at Gonta, to be honest, I can't look people in the eye, it's only when I'm distracted by something or just when I'm feeling tired is when I have the capabilities to look someone in the eye, but when I had begun to zone out from thinking is when I actually realized the infinite beauties that Gonta had, especially on his face, he had such a cute face... 

"Looks like we're all here. So, where's this manhole?" Rantaro asked directing his question towards Gonta. "Umm... Over here, in grass." Gonta answered. We all turned our heads towards the grass, not surprisingly there was a manhole there. Just simply sitting in the grass. "An important hole near some bush!? Sounds familiar, am I right ladies!?" Miu yelled.

"Awwww, this manhole cover looks heavy. Can we even lift it?" Angie said looking rather disappointed.  "I can try." Keebo confidently replied without any form of delay, after that Keebo walked up to the manhole and did an effort to try to lift it. 

"Grgh...! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh...!" Keebo grunted. "How embarrassing. It won't even budge" Keebo said looking rather annoyed. "Huhhh? A robot's not even strong enough to lift it?" Angie said with her hands on her cheeks. "Oh, don't worry. My physical strength is approximate to that of a strong senior citizen." Keebo replied, well now it didn't come to me as such a shock as to why Keebo couldn't even lift the manhole. 

"Th-That's fuckin' pathetic!" Miu yelled at the poor robot. "Th-The professor did not want a repeat of the tragedy that occurred during trial production." Keebo sweat dropped, perhaps Miu's vulgar personality was too much for him?

"Umm... Now I'm just plain curious about what happened during that trial..." Tsumugi chimed in. "Oh, then allow Gonta. Gonta lift cover before to peek inside. Should be able to pick up cover too." And with a confident look, Gonta placed his hands on the manhole and picked it up without breaking a sweat. 

"Upsy-daisy." I blushed when I saw Gonta lift up the cover with ease, I began to fumble with my fingers. It wasn't a big deal, Y/N. He just lifted up a manhole. "So easily!?" Tsumugi yelled. "His strength...must be due to my magic. Yup...there's no mistaking it." Himiko said with an all-so-sleepy expression. "Ooohh! You're so amazing, Himiko!" Tenko fangirled. "...What should Gonta do with cover now?" Gonta asked.

"Please leave it somewhere else. Be careful not to hit anyone with it." Kirumi instructed Gonta. "Um, actually...Gonta no can do that... Very rude to litter..." I looked down at my hand's sweat dropping some more, I must look like a complete creep at that moment, I shot my head up when I heard a crash coming from maybe a few yards away. "Kehehe...what wonderful strength. You could likely crush a child's skull with ease." Korekiyo said.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't jealous of Gonta's physical and mental strength, but I would also be lying if I said that I didn't admire his strength. "Y-You're so cool Gonta." I mumbled. My face was completely flushed and my breathing was uneven, it was something that happened every time I got excited, it was something that I was working on getting rid of. Everyone looked at me with an odd look in response to my comment, and maybe also my face. Gonta had the exact same small blush on his face just like the one when I met him. "Y/N... think so?" Gonta asked. I nodded my head vigorously with my hands intertwined together. "Exactly! Gonta is sooo much more reliable than some bean-counting robot." Kokichi agreed with me in his...own way. "Are you... talking about me? Because I can count many things, not just beans." Keebo refuted. With a small smile, I kept on talking to both Korekiyo and Gonta admiring them in more ways than one. "Th-This place is kinda creepy... We're really going in here?" Tsumugi questioned, looking down.

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