Trial Two 1

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Y/N POV: I walked to the courtyard, this was the second time we will be gathering here, I wonder when everything will end, it's odd that not even a full month from now I was living at my house with my sister and everything was okay. It's actually rather depressing when I think about it. I walked ahead of Shuichi and Kaito to head to the courtyard quicker, even though we were about to undergo another class trial I felt as if something else was bothering me, like when you don't know whether or not you have forgotten something at your house, I'm sure that I'll figure out what it is at some point. Before I knew it I had arrived at the shrine of judgment with Kaito and Shuichi trailing behind. "...Is everyone ready?" Kiibo questioned. "Not like we have choice, right?" Gonta said. "Kehehe... You are quick to understand. It's as though Monokuma has you trained." Kiyo chuckled, I bet I could train Gonta better than Monokuma could, any day. That's one of the only things I'm good at. "We got nothin' to worry about. Right, assholes? We'll figure out the culprit, won't we?" Miu sweat dropped. "Of course, we don't need to worry. The top suspect is super obvious this time... Riiiight, Himiko?" Kokichi sneered, Himiko looked notably nervous, I suppose she's quick to pick up on things despite when it comes to people like Tenko who try to get her to open up. 

"How dare you bully Himiko, you degenerate! And it's not only Himiko you've been bullying,  poor Y/N always having to deal with you! You want me to Aikido-chop your head off, huh!?" Tenko yelled in a defensive position. "P-Please clam down, Tenko. He's not that much of a bother." I said, I don't even know why I defend Kokichi at this point. "This matter should be discussed in due time. You should save your arguments until then." Kirumi said. "Yeah, let's put an end to this at the class trial." Kaito sweat dropped. "'re right." Shuichi agreed. As if and on que the statue began to rumble and shake as a walkway was placed down the elevator opening. After a short pause, we all walked towards the doors. It was practically dead silent. As we were all inside the elevator I felt the elevator begin to lower, and my heart began to feel like it was being dropped, I don't think I was scared at least, my hands felt cold, they felt similar to my hands on the first day of school, all shaky and cold, I remember that my sister used to hold it every time I got scared like this, she told me that as the older sibling she would take on the responsibility of making sure that I felt safe, as our parents couldn't. Do friends do the same thing? I think so, they hold each other's hands when one of them feels scared, is it worth a try? I looked left, and there standing Kiyo with his arms crossed, I felt my heart beat a little faster with what I was about to ask, would he say no? What if my hands are too cold? No, I...shouldn't think about that. I might as well try. As I felt my mind draw to a decision I opened my mouth to speak but kept quiet when I felt the elevator come to a stop I felt a slight wave of disappointment rush over me. There goes that sudden rush of confidence, I suppose. 

Once the elevator doors open everyone began to make their way out. Once everyone walked out of the elevator, I followed. "Welcome! You've hopelessly arrived once again! Hm? Did you wanna come here again cuz of how wonderful it is? Isn't it wonderful? I put so much effort into building this place, it should be a monument. "Y-You make one building that holds the purpose of hurting people, d-don't flatter yourself." I argued, sweat dropping. I really don't want to say anything that will decrease my likeliness of survival. "Actually, we're the ones who used the Exisals to build this courtroom... But father just took all the credit!" Monotaro yelled. "BUT-I-AM-HAPPY...TO-BE-USED-AS-A-SLAVE...BY-FATHER." Monodam admitted. "...You idiots are really committin' to this henchman bit." Monosuke said. "You guys are just so cute that I can't help working you to the bone." Monokuma said, his tongue hanging out from the side of his mouth. "You put a lot of elaborate details into this courtroom. Almost like it's for show." Kokichi pointed out. "For show, Huh? That's an interesting way to put it." Monokuma said. "Is this just for show? Are you showing this to the people outside and-" "Puhuhu. Those people aren't with us, so you don't need to worry about them. Get it? They're not with us. As in, they're no longer with us, y'know what I mean? In other 14 are the only ones left in the world. Now, show me just how you intend to bargain for your lives! Ah-hahahahahaha!" Monokuma laughed, I felt my heart drop to my stomach, I didn't know about this. Does that dead? He just said that she had gotten into an accident in my motive video, how could she just die- no. M-Monokuma is the enemy, don't trust such idiocy. This trial is for Ryoma Hoshi, the Ultimate Tennis Pro, try not to focus on anything else.

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