Trial 5 one

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Y/N POV: Despite my voice sounding firm and sure, my figure said otherwise, my heart was racing and this time it wasn't from fear, in fact...I don't even know exactly why my hands were shaking this time and whilst it is slightly frustrating, I will do my best to stay composed. "We're out of time... Let's head to the trial grounds. We need to settle our business with Kokichi." Kiibo said. "Then...Gonta will go with you, Gonta wants to be there soon." Gonta said as he and Kiibo quickly left together. "It's...already starting. All of us... That means Kokichi will come too." Tsumugi sweat dropped, leaving right after. "I-It's time... I'll go on ahead, then." Himiko stammered out, leaving. Maki didn't even look at Shuichi and I before she walked out with Himiko, she only kept her head down. "We...should get going to then, we don't want to keep everyone waiting and risk Monokuma getting angry." I told Shuichi. "You're right, let's go." Shuichi agreed. We both left the Exisal hangar together, the walk to the Shrine of Judgement was anything but pleasant, there wasn't silence and yet there wasn't much sound either which made me dig my nails into my hands a little. "Are you nervous?" Shuichi asked me. "T-To be completely honest...I am, I know I would tell you who I suspected later on but I don't think I can right now, I can feel something bugging me, something that I can't just brush off." I admitted. "I'm here if you need to talk, take your time." Shuichi told me. "I...don't think K-K-Ko-!" I felt my voice stop yet again, but this time it hurt to even try to speak, my words refused to come out, it almost felt like I was choking however air was still in my lungs so I couldn't just cough to make it stop. "K-K-K-Kok-! No-! M-Mast-!" I stammered, however when a sharp pain went through my throat it instantly made me give up, I felt worse this time round, why is this happening? Am I uncomfortable? "I-I'm sorry. I...can't say it, I thought I moved to pass this! I want to be useful! I...need to be useful for you, after all the trouble I caused I just kinda feel like I need to be." I huffed, as I rubbed my neck, trying to calm the pain that stung my throat ever so violently. 

"Hey, you don't need to force yourself to speak if it brings you some sort of discomfort, as long as you do your best I don't expect anything else, you're my friend, not just my partner for investigating." Shuichi told me. "I...know that already, I'm just a little frustrated is all." I sighed. "Maybe what you want to say will come to you during the trial, I'm sure that no matter what I'm sure you'll still find a way to be helpful." Shuichi told me. "...I'll make sure that I'm the first person to say it then, once the time is right." I smiled at Shuichi. I was still a little scared however I seemed to feel a little more at ease whenever Shuichi would speak to me, I guess I've been missing this in some way, Shuichi is easy to talk to, a little overly logical at times however that is never a bad thing. Shuichi and I made our way to the Shrine of Judgement rather quickly, the pain in my throat dying down. "This isn't everyone...right?" Tsumugi questioned. "...Kaito and Kokichi aren't here." Shuichi pointed out. "...I bet Kokichi is already there. As the mastermind of the killing game, he's waiting for us to arrive." Maki concluded. "W-We...don't know that yet. There's still a chance Kaito is alive." I said, my voice a little quiet for my liking. "...Cut it out. Do you want to die?" Maki asked me, my heart sank in such a way that I was unsure whether or not it was from fear or sadness, but when I looked up to meet Maki's cold eyes, similar cold eyes that was what I was greeted with whenever I came home back then, it made me question everything, I didn't know a look could do so much damage to my very being. "I-I... I'm sorry." I apologized, I wanted to forget everything in an instant when I uttered those words. 'I'm sorry.' Hadn't I already moved passed that? I don't want to revert back to how I was before, I'm...supposed to be different, stronger, and better than I was before... I don't want to be how I was before again. "But...maybe if-" I tried to speak however a similar pain from before ran through my throat, silencing me. 

"This is a battle between hope and despair. If I show any weakness like you are...then I know I'll lose to despair. 8 of us will participate, and one of us will die after this class trial... Then only seven will be left." Maki said. I didn't really know what to say to that, what could I say anyway? "Th-That's right... We're...the only ones left..." Himiko mumbled sadly. "But we can't lose to despair. Even if we have no future, we need to win. That is...the whole point of this class trial. I will defeat Kokichi, no matter what I have to sacrifice." Maki said, we were all silent, not really knowing what to say...however within that sadness came a voice. "That is an awful way to think." I told Maki, my eyes not betraying my face. "What did you say?" Maki asked me. "..." as sudden as my lips opened they closed within an instant, it was from anything but fear however, I couldn't care less what Maki thought about my remark however she has to understand that sacrificing everything to obtain a goal is something a Remnant would do, killing anyone or anything to please this 'Junko Enoshima' doing whatever they could to cause mayhem for themselves and others. There was a time when I was willing to sacrifice everyone here just to secure my own survival, but now that I think about it now I don't think it would've been very morally right of me to do so, it was unlike me to think like that. Maki doesn't seem like the type of person to just kill all of us off just to get rid of Kokichi, but what if Kokichi isn't alive? It all would've been for nothing, what a sad thought it all is. 

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