Investigation 4

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A/N: Aight so, just a reminder that when the class trials start is when updates are probably going to be once a week to twice a week if I have time, yes I know it's hard to hear but yes, I do have a life outside of fanfic writing, I have math tutoring and I draw in my spare time. So if you see a decline in posts no need to worry. I am most likely writing this fanfic, doing math, trying to keep up with physical health, or just at school trying not to get suspended. 

Y/N POV: I walked around aimlessly in the library for a single thought to entire my head, I needed something to occupy my time for a little while before I...investigate Rantaro's body, I shivered at the thought of looking at the dead corpse of one of my peers again, but no matter how hard I tried my brain couldn't stop thinking about it. I don't know who came first, second or third in the library. I can't think about the most possible suspect because I don't have any alibies. At some point, I need to search the body whether I like it or not and I simply cannot change that. I walked around the library for a little while longer before passing the rear door. I noticed that a while ago.

I walked up to the door on a train of thought. The door was obviously a sliding door, there is a chance that Rantaro entered the library through this door, but until we all get the photos from Monokuma I guess all we can really do is wait, unfortunately. I sweat dropped as I stopped walking dead in my tracks. I guess it's time to do...that now. I cringed at the thought of investigating the body and all of its glory, I don't have a weak stomach all that much I just...don't like the thought of blood. I've seen enough of that in my life. I walked step by step closer to Rantaro's body mentally preparing myself for what was going to enter my vision. I slowly opened my eyes to see the back of Rantaro's head pooling with blood as he lay on the floor motionless. 

I took a deep breath and pulled out my handkerchief from my pocket to put it over my mouth in my attempt to muffle out any gagging that I could risk. Rantaro was a nice guy, for the most part, a little creepy but nothing that I couldn't handle. I wish I could've helped him escape or at least I could've assisted him in his plan to escape the killing game with everyone. But I suppose there's nothing I can do about that now, I can't help him now. 

Over my muffled mumbling I noticed something odd, the placement of Rantaro's body was rather slightly different from what I was expecting to see. If Rantaro was truly the one that moved the bookcase thus making him the mastermind or at least a suspect he would've just walked all the way here when the bookcase opened. He would've moved away from the bookcase rather than walked to the door. Why would he do that? There is no blood anywhere else in the library indicating that he was moved so, why? 

I suddenly coughed as I choked on my spit. My body is just not working with me today, is it? My sudden coughing removed me from my thoughts for a little while. After clearing my throat I was able to clear my mind from any distractions that could come my way. I need to investigate his body, I may have not known all too much about Rantaro and his life before this killing game I still think he deserves a fair class trial. With that said my eyes darted towards the shot put ball on the floor that had Rantaro's blood on it, the shot put ball came from the warehouse on the 1st floor. 

I looked around Rantaro's body for anything that could also be the murder weapon or any signs that the shotput ball just could be the frame of the bigger picture, but I found nothing of the sort. So I guess the shot put ball is indeed the murder weapon then, shot put balls are heavy though, someone must have to be fairly strong to just lift this up and hit someone over the head with it, but I guess an average person could do this also with not much trouble.

I guess I have to search the body also then. I pressed the handkerchief closer to my nose and mouth as I crouched down to Rantaro and moved a bit of his hair to take a better look at the wound, the wound was deep enough to cause blunt force trauma no doubt. I slightly patted down his pockets and near his torso to search for any items that could help this case. I gasped slightly when I felt my hand come into contact with a few things, in a hurry I pulled it out to find his room key and his Monopad. 

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