Student council

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Y/N POV: I sat on my bed in my room for a little while in thought, it was only when I heard my doorbell ring is when I got up to answer it. Once I opened my door, expecting to see Kaito I was surprised to see Maki standing there. "O-Oh, hello, Maki." I greeted the girl. "Kaito's resting. He says he's not feeling well...and that we should train without him." Maki explained. "Hm, so it's just going to be you, Shuichi and I then." I said. "It's pretty thoughtless of him to bug me to train with you guys, then flake out..." Maki pointed out. "I-I get that, though he cannot help it if he's not feeling well-" But before I could finish talking Maki already beat me to it. "Why are you making excuses for him?" Maki asked me. "A-Ah, sorry. You're right." I apologized. "Let's just get this over with. I didn't come here to make small talk with you, Shuichi is waiting in the courtyard." Maki said, I walked with Maki to the courtyard to meet up with Shuichi and that's how we ended up training together, I found myself doing pushups with the duo. It was rather quiet until Maki spoke up. "Hey..." Maki said. "What is it?" Shuichi asked. "Why are you two training...? I don't think a detective and a librarian need to do this." Maki said. "...Probably not, but... Overthinking things and worrying about what I need to do... When I'm with Kaito, I feel like...all of that stuff just fades away." Shuichi admitted. "K-Kaito truly is something." I agreed. "Do you two...look up to that idiot?" Maki asked the both of us. "Ah, I don't know if I'd call it looking up to him... It's just I've never been around someone so relaxed...and impulsive. I think that's exactly what I've been missing all this time..." Shuichi admitted. 

"You're not wrong Shuichi, it's weird to look at someone who doesn't have a worry in the world when you yourself aren't used to it." I said. "I never realized how gross it is to hear men talk about being manly." Maki sighed. Almost instantly after she said that she sprang up from her position. I'm still too slow too catch up to Maki completely, I'm only a few pushups away from beating her, though...I don't know why I have the sudden urge to improve and do better, having a friend has truly done wonders, but maybe it's these little training sessions that have helped me a little. "100... I'm done." Maki said as she brushed off her hands. I stood up a little after Maki. "You're really usual." I pointed out. "I used to be forced to do push-ups until I passed out. 100 push-ups is nothing." Maki admitted. Well, that would make sense, I only did push-ups until my arms gave out or became limp. "What?" Shuichi sweat dropped. "About Kaito... I sort of understand what you two mean. But I'm a bit jealous of how carefree he is...even if he is useless. I was taught to only value the essentials... I was forced to abandon anything nonessential so they could mold me as they saw fit... After everything they did to me...I sometimes wonder what I am anymore. I didn't ask to become this way. It just...happened to me... After what I've been I still even human? Even Kiibo acts more human than me. But...I had no choice but to- Why am I talking to you guys about this? You can't help me." Maki said. 

"Ah, but...I'm kind of the same way. I never once wanted to be a detective. I actually thought it wasn't too great a job. Uncovering people's secrets for money? It's the worst. But now, I feel completely different. If it's going to help my friends, I'll do it. And it's Kaede and Kaito that have helped me see things that way." Shuichi explained. "I...didn't ask to hear your story." Maki said as her face remained unfazed as she turned and walked away. "A-Ah, see you tomorrow, Maki!" I yelled after the girl. Maki didn't reply as she continued to walk away. "Alright then..." Shuichi mumbled. "U-Um, would you like me to walk you to your dorm room? It's usually unsafe during nighttime." I said to Shuichi who nodded as we walked to the dormitories. 


"Welcome back, Maki. You finally came. Y'know, Maki, it's not okay to walk around at nighttime." Angie said, being accompanied by all of the student council members. "Why? I'm not violating any school regulations, am I?" Maki asked. "Nyahaha, Monokuma's regulations don't matter. But Kirumi's crime happened during nighttime, right?" Angie pointed out. "If no one was allowed to walk around at nighttime, that case wouldn't have happened." Tsumugi said. "That's why the student council is trying to limit all nighttime activity." Kiibo concluded. "'Limit'... So, basically, you want to take our freedom away, is that is?" Maki questioned. "Nyahaha! You're so odd, Maki. What's more important-freedom or a person's life?" Angie asked Maki who gave her a sharp glare. "Umm, we need to remove all worry and doubt, so everyone can live a peaceful life here. Cuz that's what Atua says. That's what Atua says. Atua says..." Angie trailed off. "People are afraid of you, Maki, so we'd prefer it if you were more careful." Tenko said. "It's for the peace of the academy..." Himiko said.

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