Trial 4 four

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Y/N POV: Kokichi starred at me blankly for a few seconds, I took a deep breath in and out as I looked away, I shouldn't allow him to gain control over my emotions, I felt a sharp pain run through my chest yet again, my heart thumping uncomfortably fast, perhaps I went a little overboard, I don't even think I should be standing. "Cowardly? Me...? You got some nerve saying that, Y/N. You'll become an accomplice and assist in murders in a blink of an eye, but now you're going to act like a good person defending Gonta?" Kokichi asked me. "...A-And I suppose you wouldn't have done the same thing? By the looks of it I don't think you would've passed an opportunity to make the killing game more entertaining even if it m-meant becoming an accomplice. And I will have y-you know that I did hesitate, don't talk to me as if I'm some heartless being." I told Kokichi, my voice shaking a little. Kokichi didn't answer me but instead, he turned back at Gonta, a similar angry expression spreading across his face. "Gonta, argue back already! Just make an excuse or...whatever!" Kokichi yelled at him, as much as I wanted to yell at Kokichi to just stop talking the pain in my chest would've only become more unbearable. "Stop it!!! That's enough!" Kaito yelled at Kokichi. "...Hm? Stop what? You mean...stop the game? Hey, do you even know what you're saying?" Kokichi asked him. "Yeah, I know... What about it? I don't want to survive if it means I have to stoop to your level." Kaito admitted, glaring harshly at him. 

"Ooh, that's a low blow right there... Then just die in a hole for all I care! We wanna live, so stop getting in our way!" Kokichi yelled at Kaito. "Quit it. If you don't shut your mouth, then I'll shut it for you...permanently." Maki threatened. "Maki, please! Calm down!" Kiibo yelled, sweat dropping. "Sorry... It Gonta's fault everyone so upset... But...Gonta telling truth! Gonta really not culprit! Cuz Gonta not know anything! Really!" Gonta admitted. "Cut it out already! That's all you've been saying this whole time!" Kokichi pointed out. "You're the one that needs to cut it out!" Tsumugi argued with him. Despite the fact my head feels all light...I think we're getting to the end of the trial, I...don't think I can help very much in this state, everything...hurts. "Did...Gonta get into an accident in the Virtual World...?" Shuichi questioned. "...Accident?" Gonta sweat dropped. "I...think he's talking about...the avatar user error." I mumbled out just loud enough for everyone to hear. "An avatar user error?" Kiibo said. "Ever since Gonta logged out, he's been saying 'I don't know, I don't understand'..." Shuichi pointed out. "That's because Gonta doesn't understand the Virtual World, right?" Tsumugi questioned. "That's what I thought at first. But I think it's because of the error." Shuichi admitted. "Wh-Whatchu mean?" Gonta asked him. "I believe it's possible that Gonta doesn't remember what happened in the Virtual World." Shuichi said. "Huh?" Gonta mumbled. "He doesn't...remember?" Kaito questioned. "You started saying 'I don't know anything' after leaving the Virtual World... I think that's the result of some kind of memory error." Shuichi admitted. "Ooh, that's why he doesn't remember anything that happened in the Virtual world... Not even killing Miu." Kokichi said, grinning. "What!?" Gonta yelled in disbelief. "That's ridiculous! Quit screwing around!" Kaito yelled. "Yeah! Absolutely ridiculous!" Tsumugi yelled in agreement. "What do you mean he doesn't remember!? He's just confused!" Kaito yelled however he didn't have the face of someone who was confident. "Gonta told us he was bad with computers, remember?" Tsumugi questioned. "M-Memory or no memory... Gonta...never hurt anyone!" Gonta yelled.

"Gonta's definitely not the culprit!"

"Gonta not culprit!"

"No way Gonta's the culprit!"

With everyone yelling over the top of each other I was surprised at the fact that I hadn't passed out, every single one of my five senses felt stronger than they were originally however weaker at the same time, I think this is just general fatigue, if I want to destroy Monokuma even in this state I'm going to need to get whatever poison this is out of my system some way or another, even if it doesn't heal me it'll probably slow down the process, I don't know exactly what I drank, but... It was most definitely something strong. Just...control your breathing, slow down the process, survive to...punch Kokichi again for making fun of Gonta. 

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