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Y/N POV: "Hngh...?" I grunted as I slowly opened my eyes, seeing nothing but darkness, what...is going on? 

"Where's Y/N!?" I heard Shuichi call out for me, my entire body ached under what I could only assume was the rubble of the school on top of me, I wanted to continue laying down, never to move again...but, it doesn't feel like a matter if I want to move...I have to move, I...need to let him know that I'm okay! I leaned backwards with the limited space I was given and begun to kick at the rubble above me, some of the dust spilling into my eyes, much to my irritation. Slowly but surely enough, I saw the light through the cracks, and with my newfound energy, I swung at it till I made an opening big enough for me to slip through, the voices of everyone got a quieter as they ventured further away to look for me, I kept kicking at the rubble over me and sure enough...I found myself breathing in the fictional air above the rubble. 

I coughed and wheezed as I tried to regain my composure, tilting my head off to the side, trying to search for the others, I couldn't see very well due to the fallen debris in my eyes however I saw...someone, a figure in the distance with blue hair and black attire...continuing to search for me, in an instant I was back on my feet, trying not to trip over the rubble as I ran towards him, faster and faster, the pain I was feeling in my limbs before not coming to mind, I don't care about anything else...I just wanted this moment with him, the killing game never would've allowed such a thing...but since that horrid killing game was over...there should be no reason to hold back, right? Once I got close enough I scooped the slightly shorter male into my arms, him facing towards me. "G-Guess who! Though...I guess you won't really have to guess, huh?" I said, Shuichi struggled for a few seconds, however, calmed down after a bit when he looked at me. "Y-Y/N?" Shuichi mumbled, sounding relieved. "I thought that you..." Shuichi didn't let himself finish before gently putting his hands on my shoulders, I couldn't tell whether he was just trying to steady himself or trying to reassure himself that I was actually alive. "Heh...do I even weigh anything to you?" Shuichi asked me. "I could carry you to hell and back if I had to." I responded. "Hehehe! Are you the same person that I met all that time ago? I can barely recognize you!" I yelled happily, I looked up at Shuichi...and it was only then that I realized just how close we were. 

"Oh...um." I muttered. "I guess...I forgot how nice it was to be close to someone like this." Shuichi chuckled. "I kind of regret not doing this sooner, since you've been so kind to me and all." I muttered. I didn't bother to look where the others were...I don't care what happens now, not even the kind of hell that I would maybe have to endure after this, all of my attention was focused on Shuichi. "You're...the reason we're alive and I don't think I'll be able to thank you enough, this all...isn't how I imagined it to be, I don't want to shove my feelings onto you like this...especially since all the hell we had to endure, I didn't want to tell you anything...in case I died since it would've been cruel to do so...a-and...! I know that we may just be fictional characters...I really don't know how to tell you something like this...b-but..." I muttered, my face beginning to heat up and my lips beginning to quiver, whilst my face was beginning to grow hot...and my entire body felt cold to the touch, however...my left cheek slowly began to feel hot too.. I looked at Shuichi for a second, awestruck. "D-Did you just..." It felt like my entire face was on fire, was I dreaming? Did he...really just do that? Shuichi looked back at me tenderly, his face a little pink. "I get what you mean, I'm unsure of my feelings as well, but...I don't want to worry about that right now, I would be lying if I said that this is all not coming as a surprise...but It's a good surprise, do you think you get it?" Shuichi asked me, leaning into me again. "Sh-Shuichi..." I muttered, not knowing what else to say...but it was probably for the best. "We should probably look for the others though...they must be getting worried." Shuichi reminded me. "O-Oh! Right...you're right!" I yelled as I put Shuichi down. 

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