O42: 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙀𝙮𝙚𝙨

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y/n l/n
The days felt like they had been dragging on for so long. She started to feel weaker. Could've been a cold; as they call it? Impossible. y/n wouldn't be as reckless as do get a sickness like that. But then she thought back, the 'oh-so-powerful psychic Saiki' could get one, so why couldn't she?

School was done and over, feeling like a chore. 'Assignments are stressing me out. Can I even feel stress? Am I even supposed to?' y/n grumbled mentally, looking like a ball of anger right beside a straight-faced Saiki. 'Assignments stress everyone. Regardless if you're an Angel or not.' He responded, quite bewildered at her change of nature. 'You're right.' She nodded, pursing her lips together. 'It's whatever though. I can get through them all in no time. Just like you! Cheating, and all.' Turning over to face him, she gave him a sly wink. 'Please do not make me sound like a bad person.' He deadpanned. 'I do not cheat, I'm just naturally smart, as a psychic should be.' His response was returned with a scoff. 'Whatever you say~' She hummed, reaching over to hold his arm.

"Ah, sometimes I wish I could just let everything go and just hang out with you." y/n admitted, out loud. "Even if we're doing nothing. I'd rather be with you than do labour." She snickered, keeping her eyes on the ground as they continued their journey home. Suppressing his bursting heart, Saiki nodded back. 'I agree. But what's with this sudden sappiness? Did something wrong go in your head?' He sarcastically asked. "Shut up! I know you feel the same." She gently slapped his arm, pretending to be angry, but that didn't last for long.

Shaking her head with a laugh, she explained herself. "I'm not sure. I guess I want to show my appreciation more often. Whether this comes from what is, quote, 'the real me', I do enjoy being around you. I'm don't know if you've noticed, but things have been changing, and I'm not sure what to do about it. But if worse comes to worse, I'll let you know every single day, how much you mean to me." Words coming from the heart, something Saiki wasn't expecting midday on a Thursday. He kept silent for a moment, unsure of how to respond. Over the days, weeks, months, and many chapters, Saiki found himself warming up to the angel, something he did not mind at all. If anything, he loved it. He loved the idea of opening up to someone, especially if that someone was y/n.

'I hate every time you bring up things changing. About you getting sick, all that. I want to help you, I really do. But is there really nothing I can do?' With furrowed brows, he looked solemnly at the other. "Nope! Fate is fate. There's nothing you can do about it." Unexpectedly, she shook her head with a smile this time. "It sucks to know, but what will happen, will happen. And all we can do, is let fate do it's work." As happy and light as her voice was, y/n hated fate. Every single last bit of whatever 'fate' was. Fate, which pulled the future of y/n and her friends, apart.

Lifting his other hand up, he placed it upon y/n's two hands, located at his arm. Giving it a gentle squeeze, he spoke out, in the quietest voice he could possibly mutter up, "Thank you.". Immediately whipping her head to the other side, y/n choked out a, "Who said you could be sappy back? Shut up and let's go home." To which, Saiki laughed right at her. 'Sure. Let's go.'.

Reaching to his house, they decided to spend the right of the night 'studying'; which they really didn't need as other-beings. Their 'studying' consisted of eating coffee jellies, watching poorly made movies and making fun of it, writing a line of homework, and a long nap. A very, very long nap. Lasting from 7pm to 11pm, where y/n found herself awake, in Saiki's bed, and arms.

Squinting, her eyes peeked open slowly. Groaning quietly, she turned to see a peaceful Saiki, right by her face. Not wanting to disturb his own rest, she slithered out from his arms, looking around to find the time. From his bedside table she read '11:37'. 'Crap.' She yawned, rubbing her dry eyes. 'I should go back to sleep...' She told herself, getting prepared to lay down. That was until she found Saiki also awake, purple eyes wide open. 'It's dark. Assuming it's not morning yet?' He joked, lifting himself up as well.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now