O37.⁷⁵: 𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙚

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saiki kusuo
The Butterfly effect.

The reason why even though the meet-up of Saiki's parents was changed ever-so slightly, had snowballed completely into the mess it was now. 'No. It shouldn't have changed this much.' But, it did. 'What in the world brought this world into this post-apocalyptic setting?' Dumbfounded faces, y/n was ready to give up. "Whatever you've done Saiki... You're paying for this..." y/n muttered under her breath, looking for the door to the exit. Even going to the past wouldn't work as they would only be able to go exactly twenty years before now.

That meant they can't go back to the same spot they were in the past. 'There must be a way back to fix things though.' Saiki thought, before being interrupted by the angel. "C'mon, maybe someone out there can help us." y/n ushered, waving him to come out.

'I wonder if Mum and Dad are alive?' Saiki wondered rhetorically, hand on hip as he looked around. "Oh man, I can't believe it!" A too-familiar voice had called out. 'This is Toritsuka's voice!' The two exclaimed. "What are you doing here?" He asked, sounding happy as if they hadn't met up in a while. Turning around was... Not Toritsuka. He sported a mohawk, the rest of his head completely bald and shiny. His outfit was extremely tech-like, and not the usual; like armour.

"It's me! Toritsuka!" He repeated with a toothy grin. 'I don't remember Toritsuka looking like this.' Saiki stated harshly. 'Well... This is the future, right?' y/n tried justifying. "It's a new look, guys! It's a new era, after all. I have to ride this big wave!" He smirked, and although he had charm, the mohawk was off-putting.

'Whatever. I'll just ask him for info.' Saiki ignored. They sat down by some rubble, in a circle. "You lost your memories?!" Toritsuka exclaimed, sitting back. "Ooh, so you don't remember promising to do whatever I say?" Toritsuka hummed towards Saiki, who immediately glared back, 'I definitely did no such thing. Stop with the stupid jokes and explain the situation.'.

"Okay, I'll explain what happened after World War III." y/n almost choked on her spit. "World War III?!" - 'Start before that...' - "What? You don't remember that either?" The situation was just as confusing to Toritsuka. 'It happened?!' Saiki furrowed his brows, staring at the other psychic with complete and utter loss. "Yeah, two years ago.".

"Hang on a second." Tapping away on what appeared to be a watch, a digital screen then soon appeared. 'What's this high-tech device?' - "Huh? It's a K-Watch." - "This isn't the future, right?" - "Here's an article about World War III." On the screen was an article; an article covered by porn ads. 'Close the porn windows first, okay?' Saiki glared in disgust. 

"They say the war started all because of a single inventor." Toritsuka explained briefly. 'I see. I'll have to go back and erase that.' Saiki took a mental note. Until another screen popped up, displaying an angered blonde, with the words 'Important Person' at the top. "That inventor was Dr. Kuusuke." The other two fell into another round of shock. 'It was family!'.

"This watch was invented by Dr. Kuusuke too..." Toritsuka continued on, mindlessly. 'He wouldn't go as far as to start a war... Right?' y/n chuckled nervously, slowly looking over at the brother of the inventor. Suddenly, memories of the blonde filled their minds; "The world is filled with idiots...", "I want to be the god of the new world...", "Hasn't the population increased too much?". 'No. He would. He totally would.' Saiki shook his head.

'Good grief. My parents butterfly effect has gone off the rails.' Saiki stood up, ready to find his way to his brother. "Where are you going?" Toritsuka asked, the other two standing after him. 'I'm going to chat with that inventor.' He simply stated. "Don't do something stupid, like usual." y/n yawned, already following after. "What? That's impossible." Toritsuka laughed, as if he was joking. 'Why?' Saiki turned around on his heel. "Uhm, well, this is kinda hard to say..." - "Spill it already." - "You're dead. And you're not even supposed to be here." He pointed to Saiki, before y/n.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now