O52: 𝙋𝙨𝙮𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙘

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saiki kusuo
After many peculiar instances, the three psychics had come to a conclusion; to just drop it. Without Saiki's powers, every theory lead to dead ends. Even Kuusuke couldn't prove everything either. Maybe, as time would go on, things would settle themselves, and the weird feeling lingering in Saiki's stomach would vanish. Hopefully, the voice in the back of his head screaming at him to notice multiple signs, would silence itself and let Saiki rest. No powers. This was supposed to mean peace for him, but of course not.

'Telling them about everything without having powers at all is going to be weird.' Saiki thought to himself, walking up to a vacant classroom he asked everyone to meet him in. Funnily, Teruhashi fell into a daze as Saiki had invited her to meet in the classroom. She was hoping to hear him finally say 'Oh!', after a long year of silence and judgmental stares.

In the class room, everyone circled around, waiting for the pinkette. Everyone was curious, not knowing what to expect out of Saiki. "He said he had something to tell us." Kaidou shrugged. "I wonder what it is." Hairo muttered, hands on his hips. "Whatever it is, I'm hoping he's inviting us for ramen." Nendou picked his nose. "F-Food?" Mera immediately began drooling, drifting off into a dazed state.

Outside, unknowingly, was the ex-psychic himself. It was too unusual, not being able to hear their thoughts. As he stood outside the classroom, leaning on the window, he carefully thought about his future speech. 'Good grief. I'm afraid to tell them.' He admitted to himself, crossing his arms. 'But I have to tell them everything that happened due to my power.' The incident with Kuusuke and his competition, the plane ride to Okinawa, and even Chiyo's death mark incident.

Speaking of which, why does Saiki suddenly black out when he tries to remember the event? Suddenly pockets of scenes disappear from his mind, and he can't even remember half of what happened. He remembered saving the falling girl; well, at least, he thinks he did. Though surely something else happened. Right?

'There's a lot I have to apologise for.' Saiki sighed, now taking a step forward towards the class. Feeling confident, all that was taken away as soon as he had found something horrifying crawling on the wall. A large, furry cockroach. Stumbling back in shock, he wasn't the only thing that screamed. Shattered glass had appeared behind him; the one Saiki had been leaning on. Staring at the glass flying to the floor, his eyes stared through the emptiness in disbelief. 'Are you serious?'.


Walking home, Saiki had a million thoughts sprinting through his mind. The next one as loud as the next. 'No. It just broke on its own. Maybe it was a ball. No! There wasn't even a ball around. It was probably just fragile. Yeah. Fragile.' He reasoned, eyes glaring down on the concrete as he walked about. He hadn't even been aware of where he was walking, with his thoughts louder than his actions.

Incidentally, he made it in front of a convenience store instead. An odd place to be really. Looking up at the glowing sign, the sign standing out against the night that was coming, he decided to enter in. Maybe a coffee jelly would help him calm down. Ten coffee jellies.

As he entered, his eyes glanced around the store, in look for what he was wanting. His feet moved on their own, gliding him across the different aisles of chips, baked goods, and drinks. He paid no attention to his whereabouts, his mind only on his coffee jelly. Until he suddenly stopped. Like his body had moved on it's own. Head turning slowly to his right, his eyes locked onto a particular item. A f/f milkshake. 'What?' He had never tried it before, so why was he so curious to try it now?

Snatching the item quickly, he hurriedly made his way off to get his coffee jelly and pay. Home was waiting for him. But now also this random food item that was calling out for him. How peculiar the world works.


Home was another funny place to be. But when isn't it? With chaotic parents and a super genius brother, the Saiki family had nothing but chaos come their way. And occasionally, fun. Kusuo had actually found himself walking in on his parents and brother watching a sad documentary about a dog having a disease, and overcoming it. The room filled with tears that night.

Kusuo requested to talk to his brother outside. He had to mention the odd moment earlier that day. As much as he wanted to admit it, the broken glass was no coincidence. He was told his powers would be gone completely, and forever. So why wasn't it working?

"What? You might be getting your psychic abilities back?" Kuusuke asked with a massive grin on his face. "Why do you look so happy?" Kusuo glared. "I can't be sure, but I've been experiencing something odd." Kusuo confessed. "You no longer have telepathy, so you can speak normally?" Kuusuke pointed out merrily. "You used to wear a canceller, so you couldn't hear me anyways.".

Unexpectedly, Kusuo slammed his hand against the wall, where Kuusuke was standing against. A hand print now on the wall, and dust particles flying, Kusuo was furious. "Explain to me! You said I would never be able to use psychic abilities, right?" Even without powers, Kusuo's glare was deathly. Sweatdropping, Kuusuke answered, "Yeah, I said so. You shouldn't be able to use your psychic abilities... if you are a normal person.".

Kuusuke had explained thoughtfully. Kusuo didn't have his powers, so technically, he wasn't a psychic anymore. But he definitely wasn't a normal person. No normal person would create a handprint into a concrete wall like that. Kuusuke theorised that his brain and physical body had adapted to his previous psychic abilities. So formally speaking, he had evolved into a stronger being, in order to control his inborn psychic abilities.

Perhaps this moment's destruction was temporary. All Kusuo needed was a bit of rest and the unknown powers would settle down and Saiki could finally live his normal life. Just like how he always prayed for. No interruptions, no lingering voices, nothing to do with constantly helping out his helpless father, loud friends and strangers that would appear in his life. Leaving it for tonight, Kusuo decided to believe his brother. So he went off to bed.

But of course what would Saiki Kusuo be without the 'disastrous life' in the title. Just as he comfortable slipped his way into bed, eyes glancing around the room without his green lenses, Saiki found his way somewhere else.  That somewhere being an extremely random mountain top.

The air was much cooler, only the moon and the soft city to light the area. Where he was, was much further from the town, the view being an overlook of it. He didn't know where he was, nor why he had suddenly appeared at such a place. But for some reason, he felt comfort. Teleporting randomly was one thing, but teleporting when you weren't supposed to, that should've been much more worrisome. But it wasn't. Stepping towards the edge, he allowed himself to sit on the earthy ground. He took a moment to take everything in; the scenery, the starry skies, the cool temperature, the warm feeling.

It was like it appeared there, rather, as Saiki pulled out a familiar object from his pyjama pocket. It was the infamous pocket watch, with the missing '12' and the flower and wing engravings. His hand searched around for anything else that might've suddenly appeared, but it was just the watch. 'Maybe I should've used my powers to get rid of this.' He furrowed his brows, popping open the watch. He found it to be 1am.

Cursing, he quickly stood up. For whatever reason he was there, he knew it was no mere coincidence. The mountain top was beautiful and comforting, a place he could see himself visiting more often in the future. But that wasn't the least of his problems at the moment.

How the hell was he supposed to get home?

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now