O29: 𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝘽𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠!

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saiki kusuo
Summer break was right around the corner. That meant a whole month without the nuisances; #1 Nendou, #2 Kaidou, #3 Hairo, #4 Teruhashi, #5 Toritsuka, #6 Chiyo, #7 Mera, #8 Aren, #9 Aiura and #10 Saiko. The only person he wanted to spend time with was the angel, y/n. As if it wasn't obvious enough.

Alone at his desk, he was dreaming about how wonderful the break would've been without them. He was cut of his day dreaming though, when Aren and Kaidou popped up from behind. "Hey Saiki! Got a minute?" Kaidou asked, Saiki's head turning to face them. 'Hm? Nuisance No. 2 and No. 8' He told himself. 'Well, today I'm in a good mood to at least listen to them. "Would you like to go get a motorcycle license with us during summer break?" They both held their fists up with determined smiles. "Let's ll get one together!" Aren chanted.

'Listening time is over. Get lost.' Saiki turned back, facing the front. To start with, Saiki wasn't really interested in getting a vehicle that was slower than his own walking pace. Additionally, he lost all his money to coffee jellos and ramen with Nendou.  'Okay, I'll use that as an excuse.' He nodded to himself. "I see. That's too bad." - "Yeah, I have to admit, it is pretty expensive..." Both students let out disappointed sighs before leaving the boy alone. 'Good, my precious break is still on.'.

Only a second later, and Mera was by his table. "Saiki, got a minute?" She asked. 'Nuisance No. 7 this time?' He turned. "Would you like to work with me during summer break? It's a bit far but..." - 'I'm not interested.' He was quick to state. "If they don't have enough participants, they'll cancel it! It'll just be one week. Could you do it, please?" Mera held her hands together, begging to him now. 'Don't be silly.'.

"You'll take shady pills given by shady researchers, at a shady lab and then sleep. That's all!" She 'assured' with a grin. 'Yeah, shady is right. Does she mean clinical testing? That's bad news.' He pushed his cheek down onto his propped up hand, eyes closed as he thought. "Believe it or not, the hourly wage is 920 yen!" She told, trying to convince the other. 'If they start checking my body they'll start researching me instead.' He furrowed both brows together. 'It's far, I'll use that as an excuse to decline.' Then, with a gloomy aura around her, Mera walked away.

'I'm going to make my summer breaks schedule completely and utterly blank. Unless y/n wants to do something.' He nodded, walking down the other way of the hall. He stood by a window, gazing out of it. "Ah, Saiki! Good timing!" A familiar, heroic voice called out. 'Oh, it's nuisance No. 3.'.

"Do you wanna participate in our club's summer break training?" He offered. 'I have nothing to do with your club.' Saiki only huffed, shaking his head. "Two members cancelled the trip. We don't wanna waste the trip money so..." Hairo explained. 'Why would I choose to tire myself out when I'm on break?' Saiki grimaced. "I was also thinking of asking y/n, do you have any idea where she is?" Saiki's head lifted at the mention of her name. 'She wouldn't join something like that... Right?' He asked himself.

'Come to think of it, I am already in a club... I'll just lie and tell him my club has training camp too.' He shrugged, finding a way to reject the boy. "I see. Then I guess it can't be helped." Hairo sweat dropped, now waving him off. 'Good grief.' He watched him leave.

Saiki just couldn't grab a break, with a lavender-headed Toritsuka running his way. "Saiki!" He yelled out. 'I don't have to listen to him.' As Toritsuka caught up, Saiki quickly left, walking away. "Let's- Hey! Let's have an Occult Club training camp!" He suggested, tumbling behind. 'What's the Occult Club?' Saiki simply walked ahead, trying his best to ignore him.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now