O24.5: 𝘾𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚 𝙏𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙨

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saiki kusuo
So finally, the final day had arrived. Saiki and his group roamed around the city, finding souvenirs to purchase. As him and the two other boys made their way around, they spoke and argued over several things; Nendou snoring way too loudly, and Kaidou speaking in his sleep. They ultimately forgot that Saiki was the one who had to deal with both of it. To him, the trip felt as if it lasted 2 weeks.

The boys simply wanted to buy some items and head back, but there was something he needed to do before leaving. On their way to Okinawa, on the plane, he read in a magazine about the 'Coffee Red Bean Anmitsu'. They only served 5 per day, and it was crucial for him to buy some. He wanted to take y/n out to eat it with him, but she was dragged away by Aiura once again.

Though, in order to get to the treat, he had to get rid of the others. If he would be with the group, surely they'd get in the way. Some parts would be much easier than others fortunately. "Huh? Where are the girls?" Kaidou questioned, scanning the area. "Oh yeah. I don't see them." Nendou shrugged. Saiki had an ally in their group.

"Geez, Mera, the guys already left." In another store, Mera was chomping down on as many samples as she could. "Let's go already!" - "Don't go into every single shop that offers samples, geez..." The other two complained. "Ahh! We're gonna lose the guys like this!" Chiyo sweat-dropped, looking in the direction that they left in. "Chiyo, go ahead. I'll stay with Mera!" - "Huh?" - "I don't think Kaidou's gone that far yet." Teruhashi nudged.

Startled, Chiyo completely turned red. "Wha... What?! Why?! Kaidou...?!" She spluttered out, waving her hands around. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought that might be the case." Teruhashi laughed, as Chiyo kept coughing out nonsense.

Now, Saiki's only problem were the two other idiots in his group. "Does bitter melon taste good?" Came from Nendou. "Hey? Does it? Hey. Does it?" - "Shut up! You had it when we ate at the hotel." Kaidou pushed him away. Saiki had to lose them one way or another.

Back at the girls, the manager attempted to pull Mera away from the samples, but it was no use. And losing the two boys were much easier than expected. Nendou argued with a store manager about a free shirt; since he didn't understand the concept of sales and discounts. Kaidou got roped into buying mass amounts of (actually) cheap jewelry, sold for much cheaper than the price 'originally' was. Saiki felt himself get a headache from their stupidity, but was thankful. 'Good grief, where's y/n when you need her.'

'Okay! I was able to lose them all!' Saiki was now out of the place, making his way to the desert store. Feeling proud, he tried walking as fast as he could. 'At this rate, I should be able to get to the shop around opening time.' He told himself. Though, of course, nothing could go his way.

There was an intense scream coming from not too far. It was Takahashi holding his stomach in pain. "What's wrong?!" - "M-My stomach!" - "Hey, what's the matter?" His friends watched as he crouched to the floor. Saiki had thought he went home early due to his stomach ache, until he remembered the day before. Since the pain started at the first plane ride, he turned back time, meaning on the second day at the aquarium his pain would come back. Not thinking, Saiki turned back time so that the pain would come back, today. 'We're about to go home, no need to intervene further.' He reasoned to himself, about to disappear behind the corner.

"Hey Saiki! Get a teacher!" His friends called out, noticing him. He grumbled in responde, ready to just turn back him once more. 'Good grief... What a pain.'. Then, they appeared right by him. "We'll take care of him, so go get a teacher!" They smiled with determination. "We're counting on you Saiki!" They could still hear the groans of pain from behind them. 'You guys aren't helping!' Just before he could scold them even more, the groans had stopped.

They all turned to see Takahashi in y/n's arms. "Are you alright?" She asked, one arm behind his back, and another hand on his stomach. "O-Oh! Yes y/n!" Takahashi squealed, feeling comfort in her arms. 'What are you doing here?!' Behind his green lenses, his eyes widened. 'The pocket watch told me to come, thank god I came in time.' She grinned up to him. "Well, if you're feeling better now, I should go." She nodded, helping the green-head stand up. "Th-Thank you y/n!" All three bowed.

Jogging up to Saiki, they both left, hearing whispers from behind, "Her smile must've made you feel better!" - "Yes! Her presence made it all go away!" - "Man, I'm so jealous she touched you!". 'Good grief, thank you for helping at least...' He paused, 'Why can't you hold me like that?' Saiki sighed, going back on his trip to the store. 'Another time, another time, and how many times have you said 'good grief' already?' y/n snickered, skipping beside him. 'Never mind that, where are you headed to Kuu-chan?' She asked swinging her bags full of goods beside her. 'I'm going to buy the 'Coffee Red Bean Anmitsu'. Come with me...?' His offer was more of a hopeful beg. 'Of course. I wouldn't ever want to miss a date with you!' She winked jokingly. 'Shut up.'

"There you are!" A male, around a little older than them, stepped in front. 'The pervy brother's here.' Saiki rolled his eyes. 'Who?' y/n jumped, at the sight of him. "Where's Kokomi?" He was breathing heavily, dark bags under his eyes. 'So he really came all the way to Okinawa?' - "Is that seriously Teruhashi's brother?'. He started laughing, looking up at the sky. "Your brother ditched his recording for JUMPoli to see you, Kokomi!" He cackled. clearly starting to lose his mind.

"Now, where's Kokomi?" He asked aggressively. Pointing behind him, the brother rushed off to hug her figure from behind. What he saw to be Teruhashi, was really just another student. "Kokomi! How I missed you!" - "HUH?!" How Saiki was thankful for hypnosis.

Finally, after so long, the pair made it to the shop. 'There it is. That's the shop.' Saiki motioned. 'Thank god! I'm starving!' y/n rushed over, quickly sliding open the door. "Oh, hey pal, buddy!" Unexpectedly, his whole group were sitting at a table not too far. "Hi! We're sitting here!" Chiyo waved them over. "y/n! Lovely to see you!" Mera smiled, though she was really only thinking of the food to come. "I'm surprised that you found us!" Kaidou grinned, bringing an extra chair over for y/n. Teruhashi was the least happily, with her brow twitching, 'Did he really come here, with her?!'

Saiki was annoyed, but ignored them. Holding up the magazine to the waiter, he pointed at his wanted desert. "Oh, the Coffee Red Bean Anmitsu? I'm sorry, but we sold them all to those customers over there." The waiter pointed over to the table to friends, with the deserts now at their table.

Saiki felt defeated, staring over at them with blank eyes, 'So this is the end, huh?'. "Awh, sorry Kusuo." y/n patted his back. But, standing up from his seat, Nendou called over, "Hey pal, buddy! Come sit here, you guys can share some of mine!" He offered, "Pops, give me a dish and a spoon!".

All sitting at the table, one by one everyone else scooped a part of theirs into the cup. Even Mera offered some. By the end, his amount was just as big as the others. "Now, let's chow down! This'll be the last memory we make on our school trip!" Nendou beamed. Saiki simply sat in shock, before feeling a cold sensation at his lips. "Open up Kuu-chan, I'm sure you're happy that you have them, right?" y/n smiled, holding a spoon by his lips. Quickly eating the spoonful, he grabbed the spoon to feed her back.

'This isn't too bad.'

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now