O45.5: 𝙆𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧 𝘾𝙖𝙩

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saiki kusuo
'Crap, they both left. Without a body, going after him would be useless. y/n better get clothes back onto my body.' He felt defeated. On the other hand, there was a screeching Toritsuka and a y/n, much like a demon. "PLEASE I'M SORRY!" Toritsuka cried out, cold air hitting every part of his body. "NOT SORRY ENOUGH!" y/n was still running after the other, the two going around every corner and down unknown hallways.

'I still need a plan. First, I need a body. If I were to borrow the nearest unconscious body, I'd quickly teleport-' Kusuo became distracted by the martial artist, who was punching around everywhere, occasionally grunting out a 'HA!'. "I feel like the strongest person in the world right now!" He yelled out happily, turning to do a kick, right in Kusuo's direction "Watch out!— He dodged it." He now stood in disbelief and awe.  Kusuo immediately had his plan. 'Was that really the kick of the world's strongest?' He asked, 'Wasn't much of a kick at all.' Kusuo was now smirking, seeing the affect it had on the other.

"Why, you..." Going in for a punch, instead, Kusuo was the one to punch, his hand right through the head. '"Strongest in the world", did you say? For someone who's not even the strongest in this room, that's some talk." With some manipulative speech, the martial artist began rapidly punching in Kusuo's direction. 'You better come quick before he burns out.' Kusuo spoke to the girl, who had been chasing down a terrified Toritsuka. 'Not until he puts these back on!'.

To Kuusuke, he was not able to see Kusuo's spirit, meaning Toritsuka's body looked strange; punching around aimlessly. Chasing him down in the right direction, Toritsuka and y/n found themselves back in the room. 'Toritsuka, watch out!' Kuusuke watched as the boy got hit by his own body, everything working out to plan. Just not yet, as Toritsuka was still conscious. "If if notice even a second later, I'd be unconscious. But thanks to that one moment..." Pulling out the left hairpiece, Toritsuka crushed it to pieces. "If I break this, then I leave the rest-" Done with his antics, y/n hit him at the back of his neck, this unexpected move finally leaving him unconscious.

"Man, I guess that didn't work, either." Kuusuke huffed, standing from his seat. "I supposed it can't be helped. I'll get the other one myself." Kusuo finally found his spirit back in his own body, though left with a few bruises. "Hurry! Put these on!" y/n couldn't help but to have a furious red all over her cheeks. This wasn't the standard position to be in, nor exactly the most desired as of that moment.

"It seems you held yourself back for your friend, Kusuo." And for who else would it be, but Kuusuke entering himself. Part of a wall opening to reveal an entrance, also revealed his brother, standing in a robotic suit. "I'm your opponent from here on out. Long time no see. You still look nice y/n." His compliment threw off his younger brother, an angered frown appearing on his face. 'Who are you?' Kusuo asked, confusing the others. "You can't tell? I guess I have no choice then. See-" Pressing a button to lift the protective cover over his face, Kusuo found the chance to unleash a power to attack. 'Red eye!' Shadows came from the boy, immediately attacking at Kuusuke.

'Crap!' He grunted, covering himself with his arms. 'Phew, that was close.' Unfortunately for Kusuo, Kuusuke was left unscathed. 'I have countless hands to play, if I don't care about killing you.' Kusuo's aura immediately changed into a dark on, scaring y/n herself. "Let's not get out of hand here." She tried helping Kusuo up, gripping onto his arms. "True. Without the limiter, you could kill me with a flick of your hand." Kuusuke nodded. "Then wouldn't you want him to have the limiter? Your plan seems flawed." y/n muttered, petting the space on his head where the hair piece used to be.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now