O22.5: 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙡 𝙎𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨

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saiki kusuo
The plane finally took off after a few painful moments. y/n managed to catch the seat behind Saiki, but he forced Aiura to move and swap with him. 'Move.' - 'You could at least say please.' - 'Move.' - 'Don't be so rude Kusuo!'. It took a bit of mental yelling, but Aiura swapped. 'Gee, I don't think he's my soulmate anymore y/n. He's definitely yours.' She rolled her eyes, shoving herself into the window spot. 'Shut up.' She kicked the back of Aiura's seat. 'You both are so mean to me~!' She cried out.

'Why did you even insist on sitting next to me so bad? The flights only two hours, I'm sure you can survive without me for that long.' y/n chuckled. Ignoring her, Saiki used her shoulder as a pillow once more, wanting to take a nap. Everyone around them were chattering about. "Sensei, let's play UNO together later!" A student challenged. "I'm pretty hard to beat." He had a smug grin on his face.

"Oh! We're flying guys! How do we open the window?" Nendou leaned over, trying to pull the window off with his hands. Everyone was in high spirits again, until a student in the seat in front was about to throw up in a bucket. "Kaidou, are you okay?" Teruhashi asked, who sat in the row across. "Yeah..." He croaked out. "Why don't you ask for motion sickness pills?" Teruhashi suggested. "Well, I did get some earlier, but they didn't help. I thought I bought some that I know work on me, but it seems like I left them in my room." He explained, head slouching down to the bucket. "But it's okay. It's only two and a half hours. I'll manage." He assured. 'Seeing Teruhashi's smile made me feel better.'.

"Hm? Are you okay runt?" Seeing Nendou's face appear so suddenly made Kaidou feel sick again. "Hey! Why are you puking after looking at my face, you jerk!" Saiki went out of his seat, going to the bathroom. y/n was tired, and missed the warmth that used to be beside her. 'Geez... It makes me feel sick too, seriously.' Saiki sighed, entering into the bathroom to hide.

In the same time, at the Kaidou residence, Kaidou's mother was inspecting his room. She crouched down to look under the bed, her motive was to see if he had any hidden dirty magazines. "Good, I don't see any here. He's at the age of puberty, so I was afraid he'd hidden some dirty magazines, but it looks like I was worried for nothing." She smiled to herself. Saiki then appeared into the room, 'Sorry for the intrusion.'. He quickly picked up the packet of medicine off the table, before leaving back to the plane. "Hm? What's this?" His mother questioned, finding a black book with 'Flame; The Ten Commandments of Darkness' written on it.

"I found it!" Back on the plane, Kaidou felt much better after taking his medicine. "I didn't expect them to be in the pocket of my other clothes! Ahh! I feel much better now!" He grinned. "That's great!" Teruhashi acknowledged. "Hmph. So you get motion sickness, huh runt?" Nendou teased, standing by his seat. "It's just your face that makes me sick!" Kaidou countered back. 'I bet you'd feel more sick if you knew what's going on in your room right now.' Saiki leaned back onto y/n, relaxing against her figure. 'Good job Kuu-chan.' She hummed. 'Good grief... I'm exhausted. I made two round trips teleporting. In addition I played with a typhoon...' Saiki closed his eyes. 'Take a nap then Kuu-chan.' y/n laid her head on top of his.

Just as everything seemed to go to plan, Takahashi a rows behind started screaming in pain. "Sir?! Are you okay?!" A flight hostess exclaimed. 'Good grief, what now.' Saiki's eyes snapped back open, eyeing at Takahashi. "One of the passengers suddenly started suffering." The hostess informed. 'Oh, it's just Takahashi. Okay then, good night.' Saiki shrugged it off, rubbing his head deeper into y/n's neck. "Doctor! Is there a doctor on board?!" The woman frantically asked.

"There isn't! What are we gonna do?!" - "If we act now, we can land at Fukuoka airport!" Saiki was back up. 'That won't be good! We've come this far. We'll get to Okinawa at any cost! y/n can't you heal him?' Saiki turned to her. 'Not unless I touch him. If I do, it'll be too suspicious!' They we're running out of options. 'Crap...'

"Hey! Hang in there!" Takahashi's friend tried to comfort him. "I-I can't take this! Let me off the plane!" He wrapped his hands around his stomach, curling into a ball. 'Turn back!' Using his powers, Saiki turned back time for one day.  "I-I can't! This pain... Must be something serious- Hm?" His shrieking stopped when the pain suddenly left. "The pain is gone!" He gasped. "Don't scare us like that!" His friend let out a breath of relief. Saiki didn't cure him, no. He only used his restoration ability to make Takahashi's body return to a day prior. This meant he would feel the same exact pain the next day.

'I used my power again. This time I'll nap for sure.' Saiki felt aggravated, sitting back down. 'Here, have my blanket too.' Once he was down, she draped the blanket across both of them. Thankfully it just managed to cover both students. He fell into a temporary slumber, a little discomforted by the position he had to sit in. Of course, as a psychic, not everything could run smoothly. In his dream, there was a voice announcing something, "A terrible accident has occurred! A plane with students on a school trip onboard had to make an emergency water landing. The flight in question is Flight ASO-815." There was a vivid image of the plane on water with students swimming out of it, in his head. This woke him up with a snap. Looking around, he also found y/n who was staring down at her pocket watch.

'You're awake... Do you know what's gonna happen?' On a plane, for an emergency to occur was the worst thing possible. 'Yes.' He answered with a strong nod. 'This is ridiculous... This plane will crash.' - 'W-What?!' y/n choked on her spit, throwing herself off her seat. 'Maybe I could use my restoration ability... No, this plane may have already had this problem yesterday. At any rate, we need to find the problem first.' Taking her hand, he pulled her out of their seats.

At the very front, the two flight captains were flying the plane. "We're landing soon, huh?" The younger grinned.  "Yeah- Hm? Th-This is bad!" One of the dials started spinning in a sporadic manner, moving faster by the second. "Captain! The needle on that gauge is spinning like crazy!" He panicked. "What?! What's going on?! Try pulling that lever over there or something!" It was clear by now the two were untrained and doing actions based off panic and fear. They pulled levers, clicked green and yellow buttons, and even started smacking some of the controls. "It's not working! We're losing altitude!" - "Th-This is bad... If we don't do anything, the plane will crash!" The students noticed this, as the plane started tilting from left to right, a creaking sound being heard. Everyone was screaming, it wasn't just turbulence.

"Captain! We're gaining altitude again!" The younger reported. "What?! I guess banging stuff is worth a try!" He laughed back, impressed with himself. "N-No the problem isn't fixed yet though..." The real heroes were outside the plane, holding it up with as much power as they could. "You alright there Kusuo?!" y/n yelled out, grunting as she lifted the right wing to bring back balance. 'Good grief, doing this is a lot quicker than finding the cause, although it is a bit heavy.' Saiki was located underneath the plane, holding it at the center. y/n couldn't help the same as her wings would've been in the way, so as secretly as she could, she lifted each wing whenever needed. 'This is actually a lot more freeing than it should be.' y/n chuckled, stretching out her wings as big as it could be. 'Well you and I have different views on this situation.'

"I don't know what's going on, but we're flying okay!" - "Alright then, let's land while we can!". Once the plane hit the ground, Saiki and have never felt any happier. Enduring high altitudes and strong winds for almost an hour was not pleasant. "We're here!" y/n could hear Nendou cheer. The two needed help getting off the plane. "Hm? You don't look too well pal, cheer up!" Nendou nudged. Saiki was using Kaidou for support, and y/n with Mikoto. "Thank you Miko... I'll buy you ice cream for this..." She groaned out, her words incoherent. "So planes give you motion sickness too huh?" Kaidou laughed.

'Just how many more troubles do I have to deal with?'


a/n this chapter is dedicated @ my friends who found this,
y'all r so sexy uhaha 😳😍🥳😋
stop calling me that name and pls don't use honourifics pls I hate it here 😔😔

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now