O44: 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮.

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y/n l/n
The day felt hazy, an infinite grey sky reaching across the world. Dark clouds spotted about, persistent rain gently falling from above. However, the rain wasn't as gloomy as it seemed. Droplets coated flower petals in the front garden. Streaks fell down the window, each droplet racing each other. Rain pounded on the roof, creating a comforting sound for everyone inside the Saiki residence; everyone, meaning only Kusuo and y/n. The Saiki parents had found themselves visiting family friends, most likely drinking wine throughout the night.

y/n found no other weather as perfect as this. As night was falling, nothing felt better than to snuggle in warmth, slowly finding her way to slumber. Saiki could agree, but the voices of everyone had restrained him from enjoying just as much. The two teens laid together on the couch, by then basically lying on top of each other. A large, heavy, navy blanket sat itself upon the teens, covering them in warmth. On the TV played a random detective mystery show, though both y/n and Saiki weren't really paying attention.

"Hm... Kusuo..." She muttered out, looking up to him, the blanket covering the bottom half of her face. 'Yeah?' He responded, glancing down. Her eyes were drooping down, a dazed look in her eyes. Her answer was nothing but a muffled, slur of words. Chuckling, he lifted a hand to pet the top of her head. Brushing some stray hairs back, he spoke out, 'You okay there? What are you trying to say?'. "Kusuo, I'm really craving..." y/n would keep pausing her sentences, blinking slowly, clearly trying to stay awake. 'Craving...?' - "A milkshake..." This answer made the boy sigh aloud. 'What flavour?' He asked, lifting himself off the couch. "You have milkshakes at home?" She asked confusedly, trying to lift herself up as well.

'No, you can stay here. I'll be back within a moment. What flavour?' He asked again, tucking her back into the couch. Nodding gently, too tired to process anything, she finally answered, "[favourite/flavour].". He had disappeared immediately, y/n assuming he had teleported else where. And she was correct.

Strolling through the aisle, Saiki searched through the fridges, trying to find a nice f/f milkshake for the girl. Seeing him in slight distress, a worker had come up to him, asking, "Need any help sir?", to which he nodded instantly. 'I need a f/f milkshake.' He placed emphasis on his need, sounding quite desperate. "Oh- well, there are many different popular brands. I can suggest-" Cutting the poor worker off, Saiki stated, 'I'll take them all. Please.'. The employee sweat-dropped, feeling regret in working such a place. 'God, some customers are weird...' They thought to themselves, now pulling out various milkshakes out from the fridges.

As soon as the psychic was done, he had teleported back, holding two bags worth of the sweet drink. Hearing his sudden appearance from the thud on the ground, y/n peeked her eyes open, slowly rising from the couch. "Kusuo?" She questioned, eyes focusing on the two plastic bags in each hand. "Did you get other snacks, what's all this?". In silence, Saiki dropped the bags onto the table in front of them, the tops of the drinks peeking through the bag. "Kuu... Don't tell me it's all-" Rushing to open the bags, all that was revealed were f/f milkshakes.

'Is this what you wanted? I wanted to get home back to you as quickly as possible, so I thought it was smartest to buy all brands.' He answered, voice sounding worried, just wanting to impress the other. Trying to hold back a snicker, y/n held out her arms for him, waning a hug. "You're actually a dork. You didn't need to waste this much money on f/f milkshakes." She finally let out laughter, feeling him sink into her arms. "But thank you." She hummed, giving him a tight squeeze. 'It wasn't my money anyways. I used Dad's credit card.' He admitted, sitting down beside her at the table. Freezing up, y/n sighed, "Remind me to pay your dad back again..." She muttered, solemnly sipping on the drink

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | saiki k ( ✔️ )Where stories live. Discover now